【1】  Dealing with people is like digging for gold. When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don’t go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold.

【2】  What is your focus? Become a digger of gold. If you are looking for what is wrong with people or with things, you will find many.
【3】  Focus on the good,
not on the bad. Dig for the good in all people until you reach the gold in a
person. Don’t worry about the dirt.

【1】  与人打交道就像掘金。当你掘一盎司黄金时,你得搬开好几吨的泥土才能得勸一盎司黄金。但你掘金时,你不是去找泥土,你是去找黄金。
【2】  你的注意力集中在那里呢?你是一心想成为掘金者。如果你要挑人或事的毛病,那么你会发现很多。
【3】  要专注于好的方面,而不是坏的方面。要挖掘所有人身上的闪光点,直到找到一个人最有价值的优点。别去操心周围的泥土。


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