
Connections to MySQL Community Server are not supported. Please contact MySQL to obtain a MySQL Enterprise or Commercial version.


step 1:

  1. download the JDBC driver JDBC Driver for MySQL (Connector/J) here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/.
  2. in the Platform select box, choose platform independent
  3. next, choose the tar or zip version appropriate for your platform. If you don't know which to pick, choose the zip version.
  4. next, on the screen titled "Begin Your Download - mysql-connector-java-5.1.35.zip", scroll to the bottom and choose the small link "No thanks, just start my download."
  5. finally, once the download completes, extract "mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar" and put it in the lib directory of your CF install. For me it is located at: cfusion\lib (your platform and coldfusion edition impacts the path for you.
  6. restart ColdFusion and validate your datasource in the ColdFusion Administrator.

step 2:

After you copy the JAR file to the /lib directory, you have to restart ColdFusion. Then you will be sure that the changes will take effect.

In the Administrator, give your new datasource a name. Select MySQL 5 from the list.

Press the Add button to create the datasource. You should then get the following user interface:

This contains the details of my database. Enter the details for yours. Press the Submit button.


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