接着上一篇的疑问,我们说道,会执行 try_kill_peers 函数,它的函数定义在 ompi_mpi_abort.c 下:

// 这里注释也说到了,主要是杀死在同一个communicator的进程(不包括自己)
* Local helper function to build an array of all the procs in a
* communicator, excluding this process.
* Killing a just the indicated peers must be implemented for
* MPI_Abort() to work according to the standard language for
* a 'high-quality' implementation.
* It would be nifty if we could differentiate between the
* abort scenarios (but we don't, currently):
* - MPI_Abort()
* - Victim of MPI_Abort()
// 调用时传入了对应通信子
static void try_kill_peers(ompi_communicator_t *comm,
int errcode)
  // 1. 第一部分: 给 ompi_process_name_t 指针申请空间,得到进程个数
int nprocs;
ompi_process_name_t *procs; nprocs = ompi_comm_size(comm);
/* ompi_comm_remote_size() returns 0 if not an intercomm, so
this is safe */
nprocs += ompi_comm_remote_size(comm); procs = (ompi_process_name_t*) calloc(nprocs, sizeof(ompi_process_name_t));
if (NULL == procs) {
/* quick clean orte and get out */
ompi_rte_abort(errno, "Abort: unable to alloc memory to kill procs");
} // 2. 第二部分: 将进程放入数组中
/* put all the local group procs in the abort list */
int rank, i, count;
rank = ompi_comm_rank(comm); //这里可以获取到自己在该 communicator 中的 rank————疑问1
for (count = i = 0; i < ompi_comm_size(comm); ++i) {
if (rank == i) {
/* Don't include this process in the array */
} else {
assert(count <= nprocs);
procs[count++] =
*OMPI_CAST_RTE_NAME(&ompi_group_get_proc_ptr(comm->c_remote_group, i, true)->super.proc_name);
} // 3. 第三部分: 远程的 group 进程也放入数组中
/* if requested, kill off remote group procs too */
for (i = 0; i < ompi_comm_remote_size(comm); ++i) {
assert(count <= nprocs);
procs[count++] =
*OMPI_CAST_RTE_NAME(&ompi_group_get_proc_ptr(comm->c_remote_group, i, true)->super.proc_name);
} // 4. 第四部分: 杀死进程
if (nprocs > 0) {
ompi_rte_abort_peers(procs, nprocs, errcode);
} /* We could fall through here if ompi_rte_abort_peers() fails, or
if (nprocs == 0). Either way, tidy up and let the caller
handle it. */

 这个时候,就得去看看 ompi_rte_abort_peers(procs, nprocs, errcode) 函数的定义,

 它在 rte_orte.h 中其实是一个宏定义:

#define ompi_rte_abort_peers(a, b, c) orte_errmgr.abort_peers(a, b, c)

  orte_errmgr 是一个结构体对象,调用了abort_peers成员函数,最后在 errmgr.h 中找到了 orte_errmgr 对象:

* Module Structure
struct orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t {
/** Initialization Function */
orte_errmgr_base_module_init_fn_t init;
/** Finalization Function */
orte_errmgr_base_module_finalize_fn_t finalize; orte_errmgr_base_module_log_fn_t logfn;
orte_errmgr_base_module_abort_fn_t abort;
orte_errmgr_base_module_abort_peers_fn_t abort_peers;
typedef struct orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t;
typedef orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t orte_errmgr_base_module_t;
ORTE_DECLSPEC extern orte_errmgr_base_module_t orte_errmgr; //这是一个导出的extern全局变量

  再顺便附上该结构体中的函数的定义,也在 rte_orte.h  头文件中:

* Framework Interfaces
* Module initialization function.
* @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
* @retval ORTE_ERROR An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_init_fn_t)(void); /**
* Module finalization function.
* @retval ORTE_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully
* @retval ORTE_ERROR An unspecifed error occurred
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_finalize_fn_t)(void); /**
* This is not part of any module so it can be used at any time!
typedef void (*orte_errmgr_base_module_log_fn_t)(int error_code, char *filename, int line); /**
* Alert - self aborting
* This function is called when a process is aborting due to some internal error.
* It will finalize the process
* itself, and then exit - it takes no other actions. The intent here is to provide
* a last-ditch exit procedure that attempts to clean up a little.
typedef void (*orte_errmgr_base_module_abort_fn_t)(int error_code, char *fmt, ...)
__opal_attribute_format_funcptr__(__printf__, 2, 3); /**
* Alert - abort peers
* This function is called when a process wants to abort one or more peer processes.
* For example, MPI_Abort(comm) will use this function to terminate peers in the
* communicator group before aborting itself.
typedef int (*orte_errmgr_base_module_abort_peers_fn_t)(orte_process_name_t *procs,
orte_std_cntr_t num_procs,
int error_code);

这里呢,对 杀死进程 这一块的探索呢,就先到此了————这里已经知道,接下来的步骤就是遍历数组,杀死进程,
这里留下 疑问2: orte_errmgr 这个 orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t 对象是在哪里初始化的?它的函数在哪里赋值了?我猜是在初始化MPI_Init()的过程中

上一篇文章,还有一个 ompi_rte_abort 函数,在 rte.h 中的注释说明有提及:

 * (d) Error handling objects and operations
* 1. void ompi_rte_abort(int err_code, char *fmt, ...) - Abort the current
* process with the specified error code and message.
* 2. int ompi_rte_abort_peers(ompi_process_name_t *procs, size_t nprocs) -
* Abort the specified list of peers
* 3. OMPI_ERROR_LOG(rc) - print error message regarding the given return code

  也就是说,ompi_rte_abort 这个函数就是 abort 自身进程了。

那么,我们就把这2个函数的大概交代清楚了。   在 rte.h 这个头文件中,我们还找到了一个比较有价值的注释说明。这个将会留在下一篇文章中说明。


1.  ompi_comm_rank(comm)  这个函数

2.  orte_errmgr 这个 orte_errmgr_base_module_2_3_0_t 对象是在哪里初始化的?


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