Two years ago my husband bought me a bicycle.
Twenty of the thirty-five years I ran my own business.
In recent years, India has gone through some very big changes.
Campers enjoy the fresh air, the lakes and the forests which they find in these parks.
If you have any special problems, please do not hesitate to contact me at the dean's office.如果你有任何特殊问题,请立即来院长办公室联系我。
There are probably more than one thousand songs about baseball.
Here, the audience sit in a circle and the performance takes place in the center.
They enjoy a change from their busy lives in the city.
No.1 Senior High School is a member of the environmental group of the city.
They will talk continually to fill any pause in a conversation even if it lasts only for a moment.
The distance at which two people stand when having a conversation varies from culture to culture.
One kind of vacation that many Americans enjoy is camping.
I have three suggestions for you this week.
They camp in tents which they set up in their camp sites.
I'm 74 years old and I live in a retirement community with my wife, Kate.
Mostly the day will be cloudy and dry.
Tent campers enjoy a very simple life.
Now that I can afford it, I don't have the energy to really enjoy it.
The circus is another thing that parents may take their children to see.
So far no deaths have been reported in the accident.
Today I'm going to talk about a couple of books you can read during the holidays.
To my surprise, many of them expressed disappointment.
The National Basketball Association just released its full list of games for the coming season.
It is unlikely to have some showers.
They can also find many kinds of animals and plants in the parks.
I don't think you need my advice of what sort of shoes or clothes you have to wear.
It is thought there were no survivors.
For sports fans, August means different things.
Police have arrested his 35-year-old wife.
Topics which can be discussed freely within a culture are referred to as "small talk".我们将同一文化中可自由讨论的问题称为“闲聊”。
About 80 searchers set out on foot and on snowmobile and began a search.
I worked as an advisor for five years and then I retired.
If you have any special skills, it would be good for you to write those down on the paper as well.
She put her head out to see what was going on.
The radio station is playing Christmas music, and the stores are all very busy.
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be difficult.
One of my most interesting experiences was swimming in the Great Salt Lake.
A foreign student was studying in an English-speaking country.
The job requires you to travel a lot and sometimes work in the evenings and on weekends.
We need several people to help out setting up the lights.
Hello, everybody. Here's an announcement about our class.
If you want to register for maths or typing, go to the main office.
One of Alice's first jobs was to care for the old people.
No littering when you travel.出去旅行时不要乱扔垃圾。
And from this point on, you'll have free time to explore the city and grab some lunch.
The last thing I must mention here is that you are not allowed to smoke in the library anywhere at anytime.


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