#!/usr/bin/env bash

#all hosts should to  sync time, all hosts should no password login echo other

synchosts_array=("xufeng-1" "xufeng-2")

#currnt time in this host

currentDay=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`

currentTime=`date "+%H:%M:%S"`

echo "current day in this host is "

echo $currentDay

echo "current time in this host is "

echo $currentTime

#loop host to set time

for hostname in ${synchosts_array[*]}


    echo $hostname

    ssh -t $hostname bash -c "'date -s '$currentDay' &&hwclock --systohc'"

    ssh -t $hostname bash -c "'date -s '$currentTime' &&hwclock --systohc'"



crontab -u root -e

*/ * * * * /opt/software/rootbin/synctime.sh >> /opt/software/rootbin/synctime.log



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