Meeting time:   2016.May.24 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.Action Item Review

The team registered a BP for any future work related to convergence.

Murano does work ok with heat-convergence enabled, all the apps are deployed/deleted just fine.

However heat folks warned us from enabling it by default on our CI

as the feature is not yet stable on the heat side

therefore we decided to get back to it

at n-1 and then n-2 milestones and see if it's ready and enable it then.


2.Newton CPL volunteers


Murano Omar Shykhkerimov oshykhkerimov

Release management:

Murano Kirill Zaitsev kzaitsev_

Infra & QA:

Murano Victor Ryzhenkin freerunner

cross-project specs:

Murano Nikolay Starodubtsev Nikolay_St


Murano Tetiana Lashchova tlashchova


3.Review bugs to backport to stable/mitaka




  1. 关于delegate(代理)总结
  2. checkbox勾选判断
  3. 分享Kali Linux 2016.2第45周镜像
  4. Selenium简单介绍
  5. PHP内存消耗
  6. Oracle RAC 服务器端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
  7. Ext入门学习系列(三)复杂自定义窗体
  8. MVC——母版与分部
  9. python基础教程第5章——条件循环和其他语句
  10. PowerPoint2003/2007幻灯片常用快捷键大全
  11. openlayers 加载瓦片详解 一
  12. WinForm界面布局
  13. leetcode — palindrome-partitioning-ii
  14. hdu5236 Article
  15. s5-2 Cpu调度算法
  16. msys2 命令行添加镜像地址
  17. [Lua] 尾调用消除(tail-call elimination)
  18. ExecutorService的submit方法的坑
  19. 为什么机器能够学习——PAC Learnability
  20. vim 打开中文乱码


  1. 多线程学习-基础(十二)生产者消费者模型:wait(),sleep(),notify()实现
  2. [译]我们应该在HTML文档中何处放script标签
  3. leetcode Word Search 待解决?
  4. ASP.NET MVC之"重定向/页面跳转"(关键词RedirectToAction,Redirect)
  5. SQL:bat批处理多个.sql文件
  6. nginx架构与基础概念
  7. Atcoder CF 2017 TR I
  8. Linux的重要子目录
  9. 转载《centos6安装nginx最详细步骤》
  10. Spark大数据处理 之 RDD粗粒度转换的威力