nxlog4go is very simple to use without any configuring, setting. For example:

package main import (
log "github.com/ccpaging/nxlog4go"
) func main() {
log.Fine("This should be omitted as default.")
log.Debug("The time is now: %s", time.Now().Format("15:04:05 MST 2006/01/02"))
log.Info("The time is now: %s", time.Now().Format("15:04:05 MST 2006/01/02"))
log.Warn("The time is now: %s", time.Now().Format("15:04:05 MST 2006/01/02"))
log.Critical("The time is now: %s", time.Now().Format("15:04:05 MST 2006/01/02"))

Compatibility with go log

The most programmer always use go log for testing. nxlog4go aimed the replacement of go log.

Log Function Level After
Crash, Crashf CRITICAL, panic panic
Exit, Exitf ERROR, exit exit
Stderr, Stderrf ERROR
Stdout, Stdoutf INFO

New log functions

Log Function Level Default
Finest(...) 0 Omit
Fine(...) 1 Omit
Debug(...) 2
Trace(...) 3
Info(...) 4
Warn(...) 5
Error(...) 6
Critical(...) 7

Set display level

For example:

log.Fine("This should be not omitted now.")

log.GetLogger() return the point of default Global Logger.

SetLevel(log.FINE) sets level to log.FINE.


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