
1、select * from tablex where name = "张*" order by age  默认升序

     select * from tablex where name contains ”张“ order by  age desc 降序

2   select name from tablex ,tabley where tablex.code=tabley.code
and class="计算机" and score<60;

3  select name ,class,score from tablex ,tabley where tablex.code=tabley.code

select name ,class,score from tablex  inner join  tabley   on  tablex.code=tabley.code

4 select name ,class,score from tablex lift join tabley on tablex.code=tabley.code

5  insert into tablex(code,name,age)values("97005","赵六",“20”)

6  update tablex set age =21 where code =97004

7  delete  * from tablex where code not in (select code form tabley where score is null )   # not  in 语句容易出bug


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