Metting are all about discussions .

discussion expression


  • Let's get started
  • We need to discuss...
  • We need to talk about...
  • The first thing we need to discuss is ...
  • The first item on the agenda is...

Need to discussing solutions for problems

  • We have several alternatives:
  • We have two options:
  • We could either ___ or ___.

If you are leading the meeting,somethings you need to move the meeting forward. Because if you let people just talk and talk and talk, you may not get through everything that on you agenda. So to move people forward ,you can say:

  • Let's move on to item 2.
  • Let's move on to the next topic.
  • we need to move on.
  • The next item (of business) is ...
  • Shall/Should we move on?

If someone is moving the topic onto next item,and you still something to say, you can interrupt by say:

  • Before we move on, I think we should...
  • Not so fast. We haven't (yet)...

If you are not clear about what somebody is saying, you can say:

  • What do you mean by ___?
  • I don't quite follow you.
  • I didn't get what you meant by...
  • Could you clarify that?
  • Could you elaborate(详细说明) on that?

elaborate means could you give more details information about what you are talking about.

Giving your suggestions and your opinions on things ,you should say:

  • I think we should ...
  • I suggest...
  • Why don't we ...
  • How about...

When you agree with what sb else say:

  • (I think) that's a good idea.
  • You have a good point.
  • I agree.

You don't agree,you can say:

  • I disagree. I think ...
  • You have a good point ,but ...
  • That's not such a good idea.
  • I don't think that's a good idea.
  • That's just plain stupid! [愚蠢至极The idea is compelety out of head]

When you want ask opinions of your colleagues sit around the table ,you can ask:

  • What do you think,Alice?
  • What's your opinion on that,Alice?
  • Any thoughts on that?
  • Any ideas?
  • Do we all agree (on that)?
  • Does everyone agree?

At the end of the meeting ,you need to conclude ,so in the conclusion you  include everything that you talked about.

  • In summary,...
  • The conclusion is ...
  • So,we've decided to ...
  • We're going to ...(when)
  • That's all for tody.
  • The meeting is adjourned.



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