一:简介:原文链接:jubat.us/en/  xuwenq.iteye.com/blog/1702746

Jubatus http://jubat.us/en/overview.html 是一个面向大数据数据流的分布式在线机器学习的开源框架,和storm有些类似,但是从介绍上来看,它提供了更多的功能。 
 Jubatus认为未来的数据分析平台应该同时向三个方向展开:处理更大的数据,深层次的分析和实时处理;而当前还没有一种能够处理不断生成的流式大数据的水平可扩展的分布式架构。Hadoop的mapreduce能够处理大数据,但不能做复杂的机器学习算法;Apache Mahout是基于Hadoop的机器学习平台,但不适用于在线处理数据流。 

  • 可扩展:支持可扩展的机器学习处理。在普通硬件集群上处理数据速度高达100000条/秒
  • 实时计算:实时分析数据和更新模型
  • 深层次的数据分析:支持各种分析计算:分类,回归,统计,推荐等

Jubatus还是一个很年轻的项目,当前最新的发布版本是0.3.2(c++), 但暂时还没有看到有商业使用的例子;如果有基于流数据的机器学习方面的需求,还是关注一下的。


the coming era of extremely large databases, computer science will face new challenges in real Big Data applications such as nation-wide M2M sensor network analysis, online advertising optimization for millions of consumers, and real-time security monitoring
on the raw Internet traffic. In such applications, it is impractical or useless to apply ordinary approaches for data analysis on small datasets by storing all data into databases, analyzing the data on the databases as a batch-processing, and only visualizing
the summarized output. In fact, the future of data analytics platform should expand to three directions at the same time, handling even bigger data, applying deep analytics, and processing in real-time. However, there has been no such analytics platform for
massive data streams of continuously generated Big Data with a distributed scale-out architecture. For example, Hadoop is not equipped with sophisticated machine learning algorithms since most of the algorithms do not fit its MapReduce paradigm. Though Apache
Mahout is also a Hadoop-based machine learning platform, online processing of data streams is still out of the scope.
的Map/Reduce框架,因此 Hadoop 不能做复杂的机器学习算法。尽管Apache Mahout 也是一个基于Hadoop的机器学习平台,但在线处理数据流仍然超出了他的能力范围。
is the first open source platform for online distributed machine learning on the data streams of Big Data. We use a loose model sharing architecture for efficient training and sharing of machine learning models, by defining
three fundamental operations; Update, Mix, and Analyze, in a similar way with the Map and Reduce operations in Hadoop. The point is how to reduce the size of model and the number of the Mix operations while keeping high accuracy, since Mix-ing large models
for many times causes high networking cost and high latency in the distributed environment. Then our development team includes competent researchers who combine the latest advances in online machine learning, distributed computing, and randomized algorithms
to provide efficient machine learning features for Jubatus. Currently, Jubatus supports basic tasks including classification, regression, and recommendation. A demo system for tweet categorization on fast Twitter data streams is available.

并且共享机器学习模型,这三种方式做事:更新、混合、分析,这是一种和Hadoop中的Map 、Reduce操作类似的方式。关键点是如何在保持高精准度的同时来减小模型的大小和混合操作的数量,因为多次混合大模型将导致在分布式环境下的高网络消耗和高潜伏期。我们的开发团队中有这样的研究者:他们结合了在在线机器学习、分布式计算和随机算法中的最新的优点以提供Jubatus高效的机器学习特点。目前,Jubatus支持基本的任务,包括分类、回归和推荐。一个在Twitter的数据上的信息分类演示系统已经可用了。


Jubatus is a distributed processing framework and streaming machine learning library. Jubatus includes these functionalities:

  • Online Machine Learning Library: Classification, Regression, Recommendation (Nearest Neighbor Search), Graph Mining, Anomaly Detection, Clustering
  • Feature Vector Converter (fv_converter): Data Preprocess and Feature Extraction
  • Framework for Distributed Online Machine Learning with Fault Tolerance

Table of Contents



  1. javascript 学习之自定义滚动条加滚轮事件
  2. Android Studio线下版和线上版都使用正式签名脚本(保证keysore签名文件和项目在同级目录),不用再因为繁琐的发正式版而烦恼
  3. 接口测试中三种传参请求(Map、request、Integer)解析
  4. PHP高效率写法及原因
  5. SpringMVC学习--数据回显
  6. [iOS UI进阶 - 3.0] 触摸事件的基本处理
  7. [GIF] GIF Loop Coder - Animating with Arrays
  8. ARCGIS获取图层下的要素信息及要素类转换为要素
  9. LINUX单网卡绑定多个IP
  10. Elasticsearch 5.0 磁盘空间节省策略的认识
  11. MvcPager
  12. node.js系列(实例):原生node.js实现接收前台post请求提交数据
  13. 企业级应用TOMCAT
  14. linux中mv命令使用详解
  15. redis集群结构图
  16. 网络流——最大流Dinic算法
  17. Gitlab Issue Tracker and Wiki(二)
  18. 学习笔记之gethostbyname函数
  19. 命名空间p方式的属性注入
  20. GlusterFS部署


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