dos2unix, unix2dos 用来实现 DOS <=> UNIX text file 转换
aptitude install sysutils
DOS 格式 0d 0a
UNIX 格式 0a

sed -i'' "s/\r//" file

cat file | col -b > newfile

cat file | tr -d "\r" > newfile

cat file | tr -d "\015" > newfile

sed -i'' "s/$/\r/" file

sed -i'' "s/$/\x0d/" file


以上适用 GNU sed, FreeBSD 下的 sed 不适用


dos2unix 命令

就是这样一个简单的命令折腾了我大半天.我在用mysql查询数据库,执行的批处理放在了一个文件里.如果我执行这个文件,那个存放查询结果的 文件名字总是在后面附加一个?号.而如果我一行一行敲入命令,执行就正常.而且比较了两个文件后没有差别.还有一个奇怪的事情就是总是出现一个类似 "quit"出现mysql语法错误的提示.这个奇怪的现象使我很困惑.后来在一位老大的帮助下想到了是不是由于文件格式的差别.因为我这个文件在 windows下编辑过,后来一试,果然很灵啊.

       dos2unix [options] [-c convmode] [-o file ...] [-n infile outfile ...]
       [-hkqV] [--help] [--keepdate] [--quiet] [--version]

       dos2unix, the program that converts plain
       text files in DOS/MAC format to UNIX format.

       The following options are available:

-h --help
              Print online help.

-k --keepdate
              Keep the date stamp of output file same as input file.

-q --quiet
              Quiet mode. Suppress all warning and messages.

-V --version
              Prints version information.

-c --convmode convmode
              Sets conversion mode. Where convmode is one of: ASCII, 7bit,
              ISO, Mac with ASCII being the default. Simulates dos2unix under
-o --oldfile file ...
              Old file mode. Convert the file and write output to it. The pro-
              gram default to run in this mode. Wildcard names may be used.

-n --newfile infile outfile ...
              New file mode. Convert the infile and write output to outfile.
              File names must be given in pairs and wildcard names should NOT
              be used or you WILL lost your files.

       Get input from stdin and write output to stdout.


Convert and replace a.txt. Convert and replace b.txt.

dos2unix a.txt b.txt

dos2unix -o a.txt b.txt

Convert and replace a.txt in ASCII conversion mode.
dos2unix a.txt -c iso b.txt

Convert and replace b.txt in ISO conversion mode.

dos2unix -c ascii a.txt -c iso b.txt

Convert c.txt from Mac to Unix ascii format.

dos2unix -c mac c.txt b.txt

Convert and replace a.txt while keeping original date stamp.

dos2unix -k a.txt

dos2unix -k -o a.txt

Convert a.txt and write to e.txt.

dos2unix -n a.txt e.txt

Convert a.txt and write to e.txt, keep date stamp of e.txt
same as

dos2unix -k -n a.txt e.txt

Convert and replace a.txt. Convert b.txt and write to e.txt.

dos2unix a.txt -n b.txt e.txt

dos2unix -o a.txt -n b.txt e.txt

Convert c.txt and write to e.txt. Convert and replace a.txt. Convert
       and replace b.txt. Convert d.txt and write to f.txt.

dos2unix -n c.txt e.txt -o a.txt b.txt -n d.txt f.txt


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