OpenCASCADE 麻花钻头造型实例分析

Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a simple twist drill bit modeling example in Tcl script. The blog will give a details of some key points, when you understand the key points, you can modeling the shape like that.

Key Words. OpenCASCADE, Twist Drill Bit Modeling, Tcl


OpenCASCADE的Draw Test Harness中提供了一个麻花钻头造型的实例,如下图所示:

Figure 1. A Simple Twist Drill Bit by OpenCASCADE


2.Modeling Tcl Script

通过Draw Test Harness的菜单Samples->View samples可以找到Drill例子,如下图所示:

Figure 2. Drill bit modeling sample


# Sample: creation of simple twist drill bit

#Category: Modeling

#Title: Drill


# drill parameters (some terms taken from

dset R  .    ;# outer radius

dset D  *R   ;# diameter

dset Rr 3.5   ;# chisel radius (outer radius minus body clearance)

dset b  .    ;# web thickness (approximate)

dset d  b/

dset H  .   ;# height of the spiral part

dset a  .*pi ;# total angle of spiral rotation

dset sigma  ;# point angle, in degrees

# Create section profile by sequence of Boolean operations

# on simple planar objects

puts "Creating the drill section profile..."

polyline rectangle1 d -R   R -R  -d R  -R R   d -R 

circle circle1       R

mkedge circle1 circle1

wire circle1 circle1

circle circle2       Rr

mkedge circle2 circle2

wire circle2 circle2

plane p0

mkface rectangle1 p0 rectangle1

mkface circle1 p0 circle1

mkface circle2 p0 circle2

bcommon sec rectangle1 circle1

# note use of 'fuse' instead of 'bfuse' -- we need to get single face

fuse sec sec circle2

# Construct flute profile so as to have cutting lip straight after sharpening.

# Here we need to take into account spiral shift of the flute edge

# along the point length -- the way to do that is to make spiral

# from the desired cutting lip edge and then intersect it by plane

polyline lip d -d/   d -R -R/tan(sigma/*pi/)

polyline sp      H

cylinder cc        -  

line ll   a 

trim ll ll  sqrt(a*a+H*H)

vertex v1  -R 

vertex v2  -R H

trotate v2       .*a/pi

mkedge ee ll cc v1 v2

wire gg ee

mksweep sp

setsweep -G gg  

addsweep lip

buildsweep spiral -S

mkface f0 p0 -R R -R R

bsection sflute spiral f0

# here we rely on that section curve is parameterized from 0 to 1 

# and directed as cutting lip edge;

# note that this can change if intersection algorithm is modified

explode sflute e

mkcurve cflute sflute_1

cvalue cflute . x0 y0 z0

cvalue cflute . x1 y1 z1

vertex vf0 x0 y0 z0 

vertex vf1 x1 y1 z1

# -- variant: replace curve by arc with start at x0,y0,z0 and end at x1,y1,z1,

# -- such that tanget at start point is along Y

#dset Rflute ((x1-x0)*(x1-x0)+(y1-y0)*(y1-y0))/(2*(x1-x0))

#circle aflute x0+Rflute y0 0  0 0 1  Rflute

#mkedge sflute_1 aflute vf0 vf1

# make rounding in the flute; use circle with radius Rr/2

circle cround x0+Rr/ y0     Rr/

vertex vf3 x0+Rr y0 

mkedge sflute_2 cround vf3 vf0

vertex vf2 R -R 

edge sflute_3 vf3 vf2

edge sflute_4 vf2 vf1

wire w2 sflute_1 sflute_2 sflute_3 sflute_4

mkface flute p0 w2

# cut flute from profile

bcut sec sec flute

trotate flute       .

bcut sec sec flute

donly sec

# sweep profile to get a drill body

puts "Sweeping the profile..."

mksweep sp

setsweep -G gg  

explode sec w

addsweep sec_1

buildsweep base -S

# sharpen the drill (see

puts "Sharpening..."

dset theta a*R/H*sin((-sigma/)*pi/)

plane ax1 d 1.9*D "H+1.9*D/tan(pi/180.*sigma/2.)"  - -

pcone sh1 ax1  *sin((sigma-)/*pi/.) 

trotate sh1       -theta*/pi

tcopy sh1 sh2

trotate sh2       

box sh -D/ -D/  D D 

bcommon qq sh1 sh2

bcut sharpener sh qq

bcut body base sharpener

# make a shank

puts "Making a shank..."

plane pl2   -   

pcylinder shank pl2  

pcone transit R  R

plane pl3   -   -0.5

pcone tail pl3 R  0.5

bfuse shank shank tail

bfuse shank shank transit

bfuse drill body shank

# check result

checkshape drill

# show result

puts "Displaying result..."

incmesh drill 0.01

vdisplay drill

vsetdispmode drill 

vrenderparams -msaa 


# show section and sweep path

ttranslate sec_1   H; trotate sec_1       a*/pi; incmesh gg 0.01; vdisplay gg sec_1


3.Twist Drill Bit Parameters


Figure 3. Drill Bit


变量名variable 说明 detail
R 外半径 outer radius
D 直径D
Rr Chisel Radius
b Web thickness(approximate)
H 螺旋部分的高度Height of the spiral height
a 螺旋角度Total angle of spiral rotation
sigma 钻尖角度Point angle in degrees.


4.Create Drill Section Profile


# Create section profile by sequence of Boolean operations

# on simple planar objects

puts "Creating the drill section profile..."

polyline rectangle1 d -R   R -R  -d R  -R R   d -R 

circle circle1       R

mkedge circle1 circle1

wire circle1 circle1

circle circle2       Rr

mkedge circle2 circle2

wire circle2 circle2

plane p0

mkface rectangle1 p0 rectangle1

mkface circle1 p0 circle1

mkface circle2 p0 circle2

bcommon sec rectangle1 circle1

# note use of 'fuse' instead of 'bfuse' -- we need to get single face

fuse sec sec circle2


Figure 4 Profile construction curves


Figure 5 Common of Rectangle1 and Circle1


Figure 6. Fuse of Common part and Circle2


# Construct flute profile so as to have cutting lip straight after sharpening.

# Here we need to take into account spiral shift of the flute edge

# along the point length -- the way to do that is to make spiral

# from the desired cutting lip edge and then intersect it by plane

polyline lip d -d/   d -R -R/tan(sigma/*pi/)

polyline sp      H

cylinder cc        -  

line ll   a 

trim ll ll  sqrt(a*a+H*H)

vertex v1  -R 

vertex v2  -R H

trotate v2       .*a/pi

mkedge ee ll cc v1 v2

wire gg ee

mksweep sp

setsweep -G gg  

addsweep lip

buildsweep spiral -S

mkface f0 p0 -R R -R R

bsection sflute spiral f0


Figure 7. Flute of the drill bit


# here we rely on that section curve is parameterized from 0 to 1 

# and directed as cutting lip edge;

# note that this can change if intersection algorithm is modified

explode sflute e

mkcurve cflute sflute_1

cvalue cflute . x0 y0 z0

cvalue cflute . x1 y1 z1

vertex vf0 x0 y0 z0 

vertex vf1 x1 y1 z1

# -- variant: replace curve by arc with start at x0,y0,z0 and end at x1,y1,z1,

# -- such that tanget at start point is along Y

#dset Rflute ((x1-x0)*(x1-x0)+(y1-y0)*(y1-y0))/(2*(x1-x0))

#circle aflute x0+Rflute y0 0  0 0 1  Rflute

#mkedge sflute_1 aflute vf0 vf1

# make rounding in the flute; use circle with radius Rr/2

circle cround x0+Rr/ y0     Rr/

vertex vf3 x0+Rr y0 

mkedge sflute_2 cround vf3 vf0

vertex vf2 R -R 

edge sflute_3 vf3 vf2

edge sflute_4 vf2 vf1

wire w2 sflute_1 sflute_2 sflute_3 sflute_4

mkface flute p0 w2


Figure 8. Make flute section


# cut flute from profile

bcut sec sec flute

Figure 9. Make drill bit profile


trotate flute       .

bcut sec sec flute

Figure 10. Make drill bit profile


5.Sweeping the Profile


# sweep profile to get a drill body

puts "Sweeping the profile..."

mksweep sp

setsweep -G gg  

explode sec w

addsweep sec_1

buildsweep base -S


Figure 11. Sweep the profile



得到钻头的螺杆后需要生成钻头的钻尖,根据钻尖角point angle变量sigma来造型。

# sharpen the drill (see

puts "Sharpening..."

dset theta a*R/H*sin((-sigma/)*pi/)

plane ax1 d 1.9*D "H+1.9*D/tan(pi/180.*sigma/2.)"  - -

pcone sh1 ax1  *sin((sigma-)/*pi/.) 

trotate sh1       -theta*/pi

tcopy sh1 sh2

trotate sh2       

box sh -D/ -D/  D D 

bcommon qq sh1 sh2

bcut sharpener sh qq

bcut body base sharpener


Figure 12. Modeling point angle


Figure 13. Modeling point angle


Figure 14. Modeling point angle

7.Make Shank


# make a shank

puts "Making a shank..."

plane pl2   -   

pcylinder shank pl2  

pcone transit R  R

plane pl3   -   -0.5

pcone tail pl3 R  0.5

bfuse shank shank tail

bfuse shank shank transit

bfuse drill body shank


Figure 15. Modeling Shank




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