
Clock cycle

The speed of a computer processor, or CPU, is determined by the clock cycle, which is the amount of time between two pulses of an oscillator. Generally speaking, the higher number of pulses per second, the faster the computer processor will be able to process information. The clock speed is measured in Hz, typically either megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). For example, a 4GHz processor performs 4,000,000,000 clock cycles per second.
Computer processors can execute one or more instructions per clock cycle, depending on the type of processor. Early computer processors and slower processors can only execute one instruction per clock cycle, but faster, more advanced processors can execute multiple instructions per clock cycle, processing data more efficiently.

时钟周期 计算机处理器或CPU的速度由时钟周期确定,时钟周期是振荡器的两个脉冲之间的时间量。一般而言,每秒脉冲数越多,计算机处理器处理信息的速度就越快。时钟速度以Hz为单位测量,通常为兆赫兹(MHz)或千兆赫兹(GHz)。例如,4GHz处理器每秒执行4,000,000,000个时钟周期。 计算机处理器可以在每个时钟周期执行一个或多个指令,具体取决于处理器的类型。早期的计算机处理器和较慢的处理器每个时钟周期只能执行一条指令,但更快,更先进的处理器每个时钟周期可以执行多条指令,从而更有效地处理数据。

Machine cycle

The steps performed by the computer processor for each machine language instruction received. The machine cycle is a 4 process cycle that includes reading and interpreting the machine language, executing the code and then storing that code.

Four steps of Machine cycle

  1. Fetch - Retrieve an instruction from the memory.
  2. Decode - Translate the retrieved instruction into a series of computer commands.
  3. Execute - Execute the computer commands.
  4. Store - Send and write the results back in memory.

Instruction cycle

    • The sequence of operations that the cpu has to carry out while execution is called instruction cycle.
    • 1:- Read an Instruction
    • 2:- Decode the instruction
    • 3:- Find the address of operand
    • 4:- retrieve an operand
    • 5:- perform desired operation
    • 6:- find the address of destination
    • 7:- store the result into the destination




获取 - 从内存中检索指令。

解码 - 将检索到的指令转换为一系列计算机命令。

执行 - 执行计算机命令。

存储 - 将结果发送回内存。



1: - 阅读说明

2: - 解码指令

3: - 找到操作数的地址

4: - 检索操作数

5: - 执行所需的操作

6: - 找到目的地的地址

7: - 将结果存储到目的地



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