
Processes and Runtime Control


This section describes the processes NGINX starts at run time and how to control them.


Master and Worker Processes


NGINX has one master process and one or more worker processes. If caching is enabled, the cache loader and cache manager processes
will also run.

Nginx 有一个主进程和至少一个工作进程。假设缓存开启,缓存载入器和缓存管理器进程也会执行。

The main purpose of the master process is to read and evaluate configuration files, as well as, maintaining worker processes.


The Worker processes do the actual processing of requests. NGINX relies on OS-dependent mechanisms to efficiently distribute requests among worker processes. The number of worker processes is defined in the nginx.conf file and may be fixed for
a given configuration or automatically adjusted to the number of available CPU cores (see worker_processes).


Controlling nginx


To reload your configuration, you can stop, or restart nginx, or send signals to the master process. A signal can be sent by running the NGINX executable with the -s parameter.


nginx -s signal

When us -s the signal parameter may be one of the following:

-s 后接的信号參数为下面当中一个:

  • stop — fast shutdown  高速关闭
  • quit — graceful shutdown  优雅关闭
  • reopen — reopening the log files  重新启动日志文件
  • reload — reloading the configuration file  重载入配置文件

A signal can also be sent directly to the master process with the use of the kill utility. The process ID of the master process is written, by default, to the nginx.pid file, which is located in the /usr/local/nginx/logs or /var/run directory.


You can read more about advanced signals like log file reopening and live binary upgrades in the Controlling NGINX documentation.

你能够在 Controlling NGINX documentation 里找到很多其它的可用信号,比如重新启动日志文件和执行时二进制升级。


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