起初,我的思路是,先取得Layout的items数量, 然后通过索引来移除每一个items,代码如下:

    QHBoxLayout * hly = new QHBoxLayout;

    for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
QPushButton * btn = new QPushButton;
} int hlyCount = hly->count();
qDebug()<<"hlyCount =="<<hlyCount; for(int i = ; i < hlyCount; i++)
QLayoutItem * item = hly->itemAt(i);
qDebug()<<"remove item "<<i;
} hlyCount = hly->count();
qDebug()<<"hlyCount =="<<hlyCount;


::: Starting E:\Qt_projcet\play\build-play-Desktop_Qt_5_12_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\play.exe...
hlyCount ==
remove item
remove item
remove item
remove item
remove item
hlyCount ==
::: E:/Qt_projcet/play/build-play-Desktop_Qt_5_12_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/debug/play.exe exited with code


-If there is no such item, the function must return
-如果子项不存在,返回零 -Items are numbered consecutively from
-item的排序从零开始 -If an item is deleted, other items will be renumbered.


    QHBoxLayout * hly = new QHBoxLayout;

    for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
QPushButton * btn = new QPushButton;
} int hlyCount = hly->count();
qDebug()<<"hlyCount =="<<hlyCount; for(int i = hlyCount - ; i >= ; i--) //###改动:items编号,从大到小遍历
QLayoutItem * item = hly->itemAt(i);
if (item != nullptr) //###改动:判断子项是否存在
qDebug()<<"remove item "<<i;
} hlyCount = hly->count();
qDebug()<<"hlyCount =="<<hlyCount;


::: Starting E:\Qt_projcet\play\build-play-Desktop_Qt_5_12_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\play.exe...
hlyCount ==
remove item
remove item
remove item
remove item
remove item
hlyCount ==
::: E:/Qt_projcet/play/build-play-Desktop_Qt_5_12_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/debug/play.exe exited with code



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