CSV全称是Comma-Separated Values(逗号分隔值)。作为一种数据传输与存储的格式,它显然没有xml,json强大,只能进行一些二维数组的数据处理,但它在项目还是经常会用到.


1 开头是不留空,以行为单位。

2 可含或不含列名,含列名则居文件第一行。

3 一行数据不跨行,无空行。

4 以半角逗号(即,)作分隔符,列为空也要表达其存在。

5 列内容如存在半角逗号(即,)换行符\r(10)\n(13)则用半角引号(即"")将该字段值包含起来。

6 列内容如存在半角引号(即")则应替换成半角双引号("")转义,并用半角引号(即"")将该字段值包含起来。

7 文件读写时引号,逗号操作规则互逆。

8 内码格式不限,可为 ASCII、Unicode 或者其他。

9 数据结束外,有\r\n作为结束标记



namespace CSV
/// <summary>
/// CSVUtil 用来处理CSV格式的文件内容成一二维数组。
/// </summary>
public class CSVUtil
private string content;
public CSVUtil()
{ }
public CSVUtil(string _content)
content = _content;
public CSVUtil(string _content, bool _hasHeader)
content = _content;
hasHeader = _hasHeader;
} private bool hasHeader = true;
public bool HasHeader
get { return hasHeader; }
set { hasHeader = value; }
} private string[] headr;
public string[] Header
get { return headr; }
} private string[][] data;
public string[][] Data
get { return data; }
} /// <summary> /// 分割 CVS 文件内容为一个二维数组。 /// </summary> /// <param name="src">CVS 文件内容字符串</param> /// <returns>二维数组。String[line count][column count]</returns> public void Parse()
{ // 如果输入为空,返回 0 长度字符串数组 if (content == null || content.Length == 0) return;
string st = "";
List<List<string>> lines = new List<List<string>>(); // 行集合。其元素为行
List<string> cells = new List<string>(); // 单元格集合。其元素为一个单元格
bool beginWithQuote = false;
int maxColumns = 0;
// 遍历字符串的字符
for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)
char ch = content[i];
#region CR 或者 LF
//A record separator may consist of a line feed (ASCII/LF=0x0A),
//or a carriage return and line feed pair (ASCII/CRLF=0x0D 0x0A).
// 这里我不明白CR为什么不作为separator呢,在Mac OS上好像是用CR的吧。
// 这里我“容错”一下,CRLF、LFCR、CR、LF都作为separator if (ch == '\r')
#region CR
if (beginWithQuote)
st += ch;
if (i + 1 < content.Length && content[i + 1] == '\n')
{ // 如果紧接的是LF,那么直接把LF吃掉
} //line = new String[cells.Count];
//System.Array.Copy (cells.ToArray(typeof(String)), line, line.Length);
//lines.Add(line); // 把上一行放到行集合中去 cells.Add(st);
st = "";
beginWithQuote = false;
maxColumns = (cells.Count > maxColumns ? cells.Count : maxColumns);
st = "";
cells = new List<string>();
#endregion CR
} else if (ch == '\n')
#region LF
if (beginWithQuote)
st += ch;
if (i + 1 < content.Length && content[i + 1] == '\r')
{ // 如果紧接的是LF,那么直接把LF吃掉
//line = new String[cells.Count];
//System.Array.Copy (cells.ToArray(typeof(String)), line, line.Length);
//lines.Add(line); // 把上一行放到行集合中去 cells.Add(st);
st = "";
beginWithQuote = false;
maxColumns = (cells.Count > maxColumns ? cells.Count : maxColumns);
st = "";
cells = new List<string>(); }
#endregion LF
} #endregion CR 或者 LF
else if (ch == '\"')
{ // 双引号
#region 双引号 if (beginWithQuote)
if (i >= content.Length)
st = "";
beginWithQuote = false;
ch = content[i];
if (ch == '\"')
st += ch;
else if (ch == ',')
st = "";
beginWithQuote = false;
throw new Exception("Single double-quote char mustnt exist in filed " + (cells.Count + 1) + " while it is begined with quote\nchar at:" + i);
} else if (st.Length == 0)
beginWithQuote = true;
} else
throw new Exception("Quote cannot exist in a filed which doesnt begin with quote!\nfield:" + (cells.Count + 1));
#endregion 双引号
} else if (ch == ',')
#region 逗号
if (beginWithQuote)
st += ch;
st = "";
beginWithQuote = false;
#endregion 逗号
} else
#region 其它字符
st += ch;
#endregion 其它字符
} } if (st.Length != 0)
if (beginWithQuote)
throw new Exception("last field is begin with but not end with double quote");
maxColumns = (cells.Count > maxColumns ? cells.Count : maxColumns);
int dataRowCount = hasHeader ? lines.Count - 1 : lines.Count;
data = new string[dataRowCount][];
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
cells = (List<string>)lines[i];
if (hasHeader == true && i == 0)
headr = new string[maxColumns];
for (int j = 0; j < maxColumns; j++)
headr[j] = cells[j];
int dataIndex = hasHeader ? i - 1 : i;
data[dataIndex] = new string[maxColumns];
for (int j = 0; j < maxColumns; j++)
data[dataIndex][j] = cells[j];
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw new Exception(ex.Message + "\nfield:" + (i + 1));
//System.Array.Copy(lines.ToArray(typeof(String[])), ret, ret.Length);
return; } public static string FormatField(object obj)
string result = string.Empty;
if (obj != null)
string old = obj.ToString(); if (old.IndexOf('\"') > -1 || old.IndexOf(',') > -1 || old.IndexOf('\n') > -1 || old.IndexOf('\r') > -1)
result = "\"" + old.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"";
result = old;
return result;
} public static string FormatList<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, List<string> outputPropertys)
StringBuilder sbResult = new StringBuilder();
Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> methods = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>();
object val = null;
foreach (string propertyName in outputPropertys)
PropertyInfo p = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
methods.Add(propertyName, p.GetGetMethod());
sbResult.Append(propertyName + ",");
sbResult.Remove(sbResult.Length - 1, 1);
foreach (T item in source)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MethodInfo> method in methods)
val = method.Value.Invoke(item, null);
sbResult.Append(FormatField(val) + ",");
sbResult.Remove(sbResult.Length - 1, 1);
return sbResult.ToString();


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