


SELECT a.*,b.* from (SELECT a.id as opener_id,a.name,sum(c.money) as bonus_money,c.year,c.month from sh_opener a
LEFT JOIN sh_opener_bonus b on a.id = b.opener_id
LEFT JOIN sh_incentive c on b.incentive_id = c.id
where a.agent_id = and a.status = and c.year = and c.month =
GROUP BY a.id,c.year,c.month) a
LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.id as payment_id,a.opener_id,a.money as payment_money,a.trode_number from sh_opener_bonus_payment a
where a.year = and a.`month` = and a.agent_id = ) b
on a.opener_id = b.opener_id;



$useYear = date('Y',strtotime('last month'));
$useMonth = date('m',strtotime('last month'));
$this->assign('useMonth',$useMonth); // 获取上一月人员的奖金金额
// 子查询1
$whereSub1['a.agent_id'] = $this->agent_id;
$whereSub1['a.status'] = ;
$whereSub1['c.year'] = $useYear;
$whereSub1['c.month'] = $useMonth;
$subQuery1 = M()->table('sh_opener a')->join('sh_opener_bonus b on a.id = b.opener_id')->join('sh_incentive c on b.incentive_id = c.id')->where($whereSub1)->group('a.id,c.year,c.month')->field('a.id,a.name,sum(c.money) as bonus_money,c.year,c.month')->select(false); // 子查询2
$whereSub2['a.agent_id'] = $this->agent_id;
$whereSub2['a.year'] = $useYear;
$whereSub2['a.month'] = $useMonth;
$subQuery2 = M()->table('sh_opener_bonus_payment a')->where($whereSub2)->field('a.id as payment_id,a.opener_id,a.money as payment_money,a.trode_number')->select(false); $list = M()->table($subQuery1.' a')->join($subQuery2.' b on a.id = b.opener_id')->select();



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