标签一: if else


<#if x == 1>
  x is
<#if x == 1>
  x is
  x is not
<#if x == 1>
  x is
<#elseif x == >
  x is
<#elseif x == >
  x is
<#if x == 1>
  x is
<#elseif x == >
  x is
<#elseif x == >
  x is
<#elseif x == >
  x is
  x is not nor nor nor


<#if x == 1>
  x is
  <#if y == 1>
  and y is too
  but y is not
  x is not
  <#if y < 0>
  and y is less than

2 switch,case,default,break指令

<#switch being.size>
  <#case "small">
  This will be processed if it is small
  <#case "medium">
  This will be processed if it is medium
  <#case "large">
  This will be processed if it is large
  This will be processed if it is neither

3 list,break 指令


<#assign seq = ["winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn"]>
<#list seq as x>
  ${x_index + }. ${x}<#if x_has_next>,</#if>

4 include指令

<#assign me = "Juila Smith">
<h1>Some test</h1>
<#include "/common/copyright.ftl">

5 compress指令

<#assign x = " moo \n\n ">
(<#compress> ${moo}
test only
I said, test only



test only
I said, test only)


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