良好的自动化系统可以帮助Dev/Tester快速发现product/test code issue.


自动化测试executed by WTT by kickoff WTT workflow to run WTT job, which will call scripts we want to run the test.

我们有三套自动化测试 run daily & some other types to run on demand.

Daily automation:

  INT automation – including INT upgrade, INT automation test & INT E2E automation test

  Onebox automation – onebox automation test

  CAT automation – Content Acceptance Test

On demand automation:

  TiP – Test in Production

  Perf test – INT performance test

Automation not related with test:

  SME Auto-publish – publish new content in Main to SME daily

Build System Overview:

Test Framework Overview:

Test cases structure

v  Test projects:



Test cases:



v  Test cases structure

Introduction of Kaf engine

v  How kaf engine work

Kaf engine knows the current html/silverlight page in browser, it can get all the information or property of the controls in the page through load the control name/id.

So the most important is that we must define the structure of the target page. The structure including the page framework, layout element, some container controls and un-container controls. All the controls in the page we need define in our test source.

Usually, we define all the controls with a tree of which the root is the silverlight page.

v  Page definition

v  How to kick off

  1. On CMD window, navigate to Kaf bin folder (cd “C:\Program Files\KAF\bin”).
  2. Type: Latch.exe TestCaseDll [/matches: TestCaseNameRegex].

Example: Latch.exe "D:\Atlanta\Main.binaries.Debug\Tests\Microsoft.AttachedServices.Test.Features.Alert.Frontend.AlertFrontendTests.dll" /matches:MainPageTest_PermanentlinksVerification


  1. QT中将ASCII转换为对应数值的方法
  2. 【原创】Android selector选择器无效或无法正常显示的一点研究
  3. Asp.Net网页头部动态加载标题、描述、关键字、css和js文件的方法
  4. 餐厅系统app版
  5. Build 2016概览
  6. .net xml 增删改查基础复习及干货分享
  7. WebForm(ASP开发方式,IIS服务器、WebForm开发基础)
  8. HADOOP namenode HA
  9. Android异步下载网络图片
  10. 【学习笔记】【C语言】变量
  11. Hummer框架平台介绍
  12. [Objective-c 基础 - 2.1] 封装
  13. ProGuard详解
  14. socket抓取网页
  15. 【Spring 核心】高级装配
  16. [Maven] Missing artifact
  17. [转] iOS11.3 fastclick.js相关bug
  18. 1.4 The usage of plug-in
  19. 关于memset赋值问题
  20. Anaconda下安装OpenCV


  1. Leveldb源码解析之Bloom Filter
  2. 浅析HashMap和Hashtable的区别
  3. ARM地址重映射机制
  4. Ftp上传文件
  5. Javascript code for soft keyboard
  6. git remote branch操作
  7. Swing JTable 具体解释
  8. ssh远程连接
  9. Unity5.1 新的网络引擎UNET(九) UNET 官方推荐视频教程
  10. vue - webpack.base.conf.js