You are never wrong to do the right thing.


I think the translation may be not precise enough, there is at least one thing that is omitted in the translation, maybe it wants to tell us it is always better later than never.

So as long as I am a human being, I am not perfect, I am able to say there are still some grow pains and mistakes I would suffer in my life.

I don't intend to do nothing in order to avoid making mistakes.

Because I think any action, even proved to be effectless or negative, may be better than no action, especailly if I have been stuck into an unhappy situation for a long time.

If it is a mistake, at least I have the chance to learn something, to know which way is unfeasible, then I may find out the right way.

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.


From Bob Hope.

It is natural, people will be willing to help you if you can prove that you are worth being saved.

Otherwise, they would think you are deserved the punishments or miserable situation, maybe you can get their sympathy by saying: Oh, what a pity.

If you want to be respected, you have to be self-respected first.

If you want to get help from others, you must show you are worh their helps.

God helps those who can help themselves, don't rely on those hopes that are outside of yourself.


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