Firefox 33 has been released for Systems and Android on October 13, 2014 with various bug fixes and updates. Below is the list of few changes which is made in Firefox 33. Read more details about this release of Firefox.

What’s New in Firefox 33

  • OpenH264 support available.
  • Improved search experience through the location bar.
  • Slimmer and faster JavaScript strings.
  • Support for connecting to HTTP proxy over HTTPS.
  • New CSP (Content Security Policy) backend.
  • and various bug fixes…

This article will help you to install Firefox 33 on CentOS, RHEL Systems. This article will use Firefox 31 source code available for Linux systems, which doesn’t required any compilation etc. We need to just extract the archived file and start using it.

Step 1: Download Firefox Archive

Download the Firefox 33 source code as per your system platform using one of following set of commands.

For 32-Bit Systems

# cd /usr/local
# wget

For 64-Bit Systems

# cd /usr/local
# wget

Step 2: Extract Archive

Extract the downloaded archive file on your system using following command.

# tar xvjf firefox-33.0.tar.bz2

Step 3: Configure Firefox

To install firefox we don’t need to make any installation, We just need to create a softlink of firefox binary file to systems bin directory to make it accessible from anywhere in system.

# ln -s /usr/local/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Now start firefox using command line

 # firefox


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