Unit 13 Technology




Model 1

The ice cream making process has five key stages. In the first stage, sugar, cream and milk are mixed together in a 3,000 gallon vat to make the basic ice cream mix, In stage two, this mix is pasteurised, or heated to 70 degrees centigrade for 20 seconds, to kill any bacteria. After that, flavour such as chocolate, vanilla or strawberry is added and mixed using steel blades. In the fourth stage, the mix is frozen in a tube to -10 degrees centigrade and at the same time it is whipped by blades to prevent ice crystals forming. Finally, the ice cream is packed into boxes and stored in freezers.



Model 2

The cheese making process has five key stages. In the first stage, warm milk is cooled to 4~C in a refrigerated vat. In Stage Two, this cooled milk is pasteurised, or heated to 63 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes, to kill any bacteria. After that, the milk is cooled to 30~C and pumped into a cheese vat, where a starter is added to ripen the milk. After 30 to 60 minutes, a coagulant such as rennet is added to separate the milk into the whey, which rises to the top, and the curds, which remain at the bottom of the vat. This part of the process takes about 30 minutes. Finally, the curds are cut into grains and sent off to be made into different types of cheeses.



Complete this table. Notice that the adjective form is often the same as the past participle for of the word.

Base form verb

Past participle
























Essential Grammar



Someone mixes the ice cream. (Who mixes the ice cream? We don't know and it isn't important.)

The ice cream is mixed.

Someone whips the ice cream.

The ice cream is whipped.

Look at the sentences below.

Decide if the verb should be active or passive. Identify the subject and object of each sentence. If the sentence should be passive, change the verb to passive form, and take care with word order.

a. The process of making a cake has several stages.

b. In the first stage, someone whips butter and sugar together until they are soft and creamy.

c. Then they add eggs to the mixture.

d. After that, they mix in flour and baking powder and maybe they add some flavour such as chocolate or raisins.

e. In the third stage, they prepare the tin for baking the cake, and they pour the cake mix into the tin.

f. They put the tin into the oven.

g. The oven bakes the cake for 30 minutes to one hour.

h. Finally, someone leaves it to cool and then they eat it. Yum!


Fill in the gaps in this paragraph. You already know a lot of information about this topic/ Use your dictionary to find the words that you need to complete this process.

Also, use the vocabulary you have learned, and passives when appropriate.

Making Chinese Dumplings (Jiaozi)

The __________ of making Chinese dumplings has several stages. ___________, flour and water__________ together to make a dough, and this is ____________ for several minutes. Then, the dough _________ into balls and is rolled out to make circles.

In the next stage, the filling ____________ . Vegetables and meat ______________ and spices____________ to make a tasty _____________. The dough circles _____________ with the______________ and then they are __________ with a little water. Finally, they are

___________in a pot of water and then _____________. They are very delicious!


Look at these pairs of sentences. Join them together using 'to'. The action sentence

always goes before the purpose sentence.


The cream is whipped. Air is introduced into the mixture.

(action) (purpose)

The cream is whipped to introduce air into the mixture.

a. The flour and water are kneaded for a few minutes. The dough is smooth and shiny.

b. The ice-cream is put into boxes. Then it is sold in shops.

c. The mixture is whipped with giant paddles. This prevents ice crystals from forming.

d. Chocolate is added to the mix. The mix tastes very good.

e. The mix is heated to 70~ C for twenty seconds. The mixture is pasteurised. The bacteria are killed.

f. Sugar and eggs are beaten together. This introduces air into the cake. It makes the eggs stiff and shiny.

g. The water is boiled for ten minutes. This kills the germs and bacteria that may be present.

h. The ice cream is stored in the freezer. This prevents it from melting and deteriorating.


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