


Oracle R12 Inventory有两套接口表:

1.MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE (MTI) :主要用于第三方模块(产品)数据的导入,如Order Management, WIP。对应的Form为Transaction Open Interface。

2.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP(MMTT):Inventory,Purchasing,WIP,Move Order等相关模块的数据可以绕过MTI,直接写到MMTT中,最终Inventory Transaction Mannager会把这个临时表数据导入到库存事务表(MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS)中。

对应的Form为,Pending Transactions Form。

What's Inventory Transaction Manager?

Transaction Manager processes all the material and financial movements into, within and out of an organization

Example: PO receipt into an organization or, subinventory transfer from one physical location to another or, sales order issue to a customer

The main function of the inventory module is to track, manage and control the flow of material within, coming from and going out of an organization.

Transaction manager is the core component of the inventory module and is used to process all the transactions for material handling.

Table Flow

Basic Flow: MTI -> MMTT -> MMT

Table Values


Inv Manager Code Flow

Refer: INV_TXN_MANAGER_PUB.PROCESS_TRANSACTIONS:http://blog.csdn.net/pan_tian/article/details/8289958

INV Transaction Manager Related Files

INV Transaction Manager is the set of procedures(JAVA files and PLS files), which process the variable Inventory transactions like Misc Issue/Receipt, Inter-Org Transfer, and so on.

How to launch Inventory Interface Manager Manually

Material Transaction一般为定时运行,比如每隔五分钟运行一次。如果需要手工运行,可以参照下面的路径

路径: Inventory > Setup > Transactions > Interface Managers

How to schedule Inventory Interface Manager


How to restart Inventory Manager

1.) Login as System Administrator

2.) Concurrent > Manager > Administer

3.) Check/Re-start Inventory Manager,Inventory Remote Procedure Manager

Number of Processes(Workers) for Concurrent Manager


Inventory Transaction Scripts

Refer: Using script to submit INV Manager to process MTI/MMTT:http://blog.csdn.net/pan_tian/article/details/7711155


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