

  • monkeyrunner
  • chimpchat
  • ddmlib

1. 究竟是哪个禽兽动了我的截图?

首先我们先看takeSnapshot的入口函数是在MonkeyDevice这个class里面的(因为所有的代码都是反编译的,所以代码排版方便可能有点别扭). MonkeyDevice.class takeSnapshot():

/*     */   @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc="Gets the device's screen buffer, yielding a screen capture of the entire display.", returns="A MonkeyImage object (a bitmap wrapper)")
/* */ public MonkeyImage takeSnapshot()
/* */ {
/* 92 */ IChimpImage image = this.impl.takeSnapshot();
/* 93 */ return new MonkeyImage(image);
/* */ }


  • 调用MonkeyDevice的成员变量impl的takeSnapshot()函数(往下我们会看impl是怎么传进来的)去获得截图并赋予给IChimpImage的变量
  • 把截图转换成MonkeyImage并返回给用户
public MonkeyDevice(IChimpDevice impl)
/* */ {
/* 75 */ this.impl = impl;
/* */ }


public abstract interface IChimpDevice
public abstract ChimpManager getManager(); public abstract void dispose(); public abstract HierarchyViewer getHierarchyViewer(); public abstract IChimpImage takeSnapshot(); public abstract void reboot(@Nullable String paramString); public abstract Collection<String> getPropertyList(); public abstract String getProperty(String paramString); public abstract String getSystemProperty(String paramString); public abstract void touch(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, TouchPressType paramTouchPressType); public abstract void press(String paramString, TouchPressType paramTouchPressType); public abstract void press(PhysicalButton paramPhysicalButton, TouchPressType paramTouchPressType); public abstract void drag(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, int paramInt4, int paramInt5, long paramLong); public abstract void type(String paramString); public abstract String shell(String paramString); public abstract String shell(String paramString, int paramInt); public abstract boolean installPackage(String paramString); public abstract boolean removePackage(String paramString); public abstract void startActivity(@Nullable String paramString1, @Nullable String paramString2, @Nullable String paramString3, @Nullable String paramString4, Collection<String> paramCollection, Map<String, Object> paramMap, @Nullable String paramString5, int paramInt); public abstract void broadcastIntent(@Nullable String paramString1, @Nullable String paramString2, @Nullable String paramString3, @Nullable String paramString4, Collection<String> paramCollection, Map<String, Object> paramMap, @Nullable String paramString5, int paramInt); public abstract Map<String, Object> instrument(String paramString, Map<String, Object> paramMap); public abstract void wake(); public abstract Collection<String> getViewIdList(); public abstract IChimpView getView(ISelector paramISelector); public abstract IChimpView getRootView(); public abstract Collection<IChimpView> getViews(IMultiSelector paramIMultiSelector);


/*     */   @MonkeyRunnerExported(doc="Waits for the workstation to connect to the device.", args={"timeout", "deviceId"}, argDocs={"The timeout in seconds to wait. The default is to wait indefinitely.", "A regular expression that specifies the device name. See the documentation for 'adb' in the Developer Guide to learn more about device names."}, returns="A ChimpDevice object representing the connected device.")
/* */ public static MonkeyDevice waitForConnection(PyObject[] args, String[] kws)
/* */ {
/* 64 */ ArgParser ap = JythonUtils.createArgParser(args, kws);
/* 65 */ Preconditions.checkNotNull(ap);
/* */ long timeoutMs;
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 69 */ double timeoutInSecs = JythonUtils.getFloat(ap, 0);
/* 70 */ timeoutMs = (timeoutInSecs * 1000.0D);
/* */ } catch (PyException e) {
/* 72 */ timeoutMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 75 */ IChimpDevice device = chimpchat.waitForConnection(timeoutMs, ap.getString(1, ".*"));
/* */
/* 77 */ MonkeyDevice chimpDevice = new MonkeyDevice(device);
/* 78 */ return chimpDevice;
/* */ }


/*     */   public IChimpDevice waitForConnection(long timeoutMs, String deviceId)
/* */ {
/* 91 */ return this.mBackend.waitForConnection(timeoutMs, deviceId);
/* */ }


/*     */   private ChimpChat(IChimpBackend backend)
/* */ {
/* 39 */ this.mBackend = backend;
/* */ }


/*     */   public static ChimpChat getInstance(Map<String, String> options)
/* */ {
/* 48 */ sAdbLocation = (String)options.get("adbLocation");
/* 49 */ sNoInitAdb = Boolean.valueOf((String)options.get("noInitAdb")).booleanValue();
/* */
/* 51 */ IChimpBackend backend = createBackendByName((String)options.get("backend"));
/* 52 */ if (backend == null) {
/* 53 */ return null;
/* */ }
/* 55 */ ChimpChat chimpchat = new ChimpChat(backend);
/* 56 */ return chimpchat;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */ public static ChimpChat getInstance()
/* */ {
/* 63 */ Map<String, String> options = new TreeMap();
/* 64 */ options.put("backend", "adb");
/* 65 */ return getInstance(options);
/* */ }


/*     */   private static IChimpBackend createBackendByName(String backendName)
/* */ {
/* 77 */ if ("adb".equals(backendName)) {
/* 78 */ return new AdbBackend(sAdbLocation, sNoInitAdb);
/* */ }
/* 80 */ return null;
/* */ }


/*     */   public IChimpDevice waitForConnection(long timeoutMs, String deviceIdRegex)
/* */ {
/* */ do {
/* 119 */ IDevice device = findAttachedDevice(deviceIdRegex);
/* */
/* 121 */ if ((device != null) && (device.getState() == IDevice.DeviceState.ONLINE)) {
/* 122 */ IChimpDevice chimpDevice = new AdbChimpDevice(device);
/* 123 */ this.devices.add(chimpDevice);
/* 124 */ return chimpDevice;
/* */ }
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 128 */ Thread.sleep(200L);
/* */ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
/* 130 */ LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error sleeping", e);
/* */ }
/* 132 */ timeoutMs -= 200L;
/* 133 */ } while (timeoutMs > 0L);
/* */
/* */
/* 136 */ return null;
/* */ }

方法首先通过findAttachedDevice方法获得目标设备(其实该方法里面所做的事情可以类比直接执行命令"adb devices",下文有更详细的描述), 如果该设备存在且是ONLINE状态(关于各总状态的描述请查看上一篇文章《adb概览及协议参考》)的话就去实例化一个AdbChimpDevice设备对象并返回。

IChimpImage image = this.impl.takeSnapshot();

2. 大猩猩是如何通过AdbChimpDevice进行怒吼传递信息的

/*     */   public IChimpImage takeSnapshot()
/* */ {
/* */ try {
/* 209 */ return new AdbChimpImage(this.device.getScreenshot());
/* */ } catch (TimeoutException e) {
/* 211 */ LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to take snapshot", e);
/* 212 */ return null;
/* */ } catch (AdbCommandRejectedException e) {
/* 214 */ LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to take snapshot", e);
/* 215 */ return null;
/* */ } catch (IOException e) {
/* 217 */ LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to take snapshot", e); }
/* 218 */ return null;
/* */ }


/*     */   public AdbChimpDevice(IDevice device)
/* */ {
/* 70 */ this.device = device;
/* 71 */ this.manager = createManager("", 12345);
/* */
/* 73 */ Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.manager);
/* */ }


/*     */   public IChimpDevice waitForConnection(long timeoutMs, String deviceIdRegex)
/* */ {
/* */ do {
/* 119 */ IDevice device = findAttachedDevice(deviceIdRegex);
/* */
/* 121 */ if ((device != null) && (device.getState() == IDevice.DeviceState.ONLINE)) {
/* 122 */ IChimpDevice chimpDevice = new AdbChimpDevice(device);
/* 123 */ this.devices.add(chimpDevice);
/* 124 */ return chimpDevice;
/* */ }
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 128 */ Thread.sleep(200L);
/* */ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
/* 130 */ LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error sleeping", e);
/* */ }
/* 132 */ timeoutMs -= 200L;
/* 133 */ } while (timeoutMs > 0L);
/* */
/* */
/* 136 */ return null;
/* */ }


/*     */ public abstract interface IDevice extends IShellEnabledDevice
/* */ {
/* */ public static final String PROP_BUILD_VERSION = "ro.build.version.release";
/* */ public static final String PROP_BUILD_API_LEVEL = "ro.build.version.sdk";
/* */ public static final String PROP_BUILD_CODENAME = "ro.build.version.codename";
/* */ public static final String PROP_DEVICE_MODEL = "ro.product.model";
/* */ public static final String PROP_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER = "ro.product.manufacturer";
/* */ public static final String PROP_DEVICE_CPU_ABI = "ro.product.cpu.abi";
/* */ public static final String PROP_DEVICE_CPU_ABI2 = "ro.product.cpu.abi2";
/* */ public static final String PROP_BUILD_CHARACTERISTICS = "ro.build.characteristics";
/* */ public static final String PROP_DEBUGGABLE = "ro.debuggable";
/* */ public static final String FIRST_EMULATOR_SN = "emulator-5554";
/* */ public static final int CHANGE_STATE = 1;
/* */ public static final int CHANGE_CLIENT_LIST = 2;
/* */ public static final int CHANGE_BUILD_INFO = 4;
/* */ @Deprecated
/* */ public static final String PROP_BUILD_VERSION_NUMBER = "ro.build.version.sdk";
/* */ public static final String MNT_EXTERNAL_STORAGE = "EXTERNAL_STORAGE";
/* */ public static final String MNT_ROOT = "ANDROID_ROOT";
/* */ public static final String MNT_DATA = "ANDROID_DATA";
/* */
/* */ @NonNull
/* */ public abstract String getSerialNumber();
/* */
/* */ @Nullable
/* */ public abstract String getAvdName();
/* */
/* */ public abstract DeviceState getState();
/* */
/* */ public abstract java.util.Map<String, String> getProperties();
/* */
/* */ public abstract int getPropertyCount();
/* */
/* */ public abstract String getProperty(String paramString);
/* */
/* */ public abstract boolean arePropertiesSet();
/* */
/* */ public abstract String getPropertySync(String paramString) throws TimeoutException, AdbCommandRejectedException, ShellCommandUnresponsiveException, IOException;
/* */
/* */ public abstract String getPropertyCacheOrSync(String paramString) throws TimeoutException, AdbCommandRejectedException, ShellCommandUnresponsiveException, IOException;
/* */
/* */ public abstract boolean supportsFeature(@NonNull Feature paramFeature);
/* */
/* */ public static enum Feature
/* */ {
/* 54 */ PROCSTATS;
/* */
/* */ private Feature() {}
/* */ }
/* */
/* 59 */ public static enum HardwareFeature { WATCH("watch");
/* */
/* */ private final String mCharacteristic;
/* */
/* */ private HardwareFeature(String characteristic) {
/* 64 */ this.mCharacteristic = characteristic;
/* */ }


/*     */   private IDevice findAttachedDevice(String deviceIdRegex)
/* */ {
/* 101 */ Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(deviceIdRegex);
/* 102 */ for (IDevice device : this.bridge.getDevices()) {
/* 103 */ String serialNumber = device.getSerialNumber();
/* 104 */ if (pattern.matcher(serialNumber).matches()) {
/* 105 */ return device;
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* 108 */ return null;
/* */ }

简单明了,一个循环所有列出来的(好比"adb devices -l"命令)所有设备,找到想要的那个。这里的AdbChimDevice里面的this.bridge成员变量其实代表的就是一个通过socket连接到adb服务器的一个adb客户端,这就是为什么我之前说chimpchat的AdbBackend事实上就是adb的一个wrapper。

/*      */   public IDevice[] getDevices()
/* */ {
/* 484 */ synchronized (sLock) {
/* 485 */ if (this.mDeviceMonitor != null) {
/* 486 */ return this.mDeviceMonitor.getDevices();
/* */ }
/* */ }


/*      */   private DeviceMonitor mDeviceMonitor;


/*     */   Device[] getDevices()
/* */ {
/* 131 */ synchronized (this.mDevices) {
/* 132 */ return (Device[])this.mDevices.toArray(new Device[this.mDevices.size()]);
/* */ }
/* */ }


/*  60 */   private final ArrayList<Device> mDevices = new ArrayList();

最终mDevices实际上是Device类型的一个列表,那么找到Device这个类就达到我们的目标了,就知道本章节开始的“return new AdbChimpImage(this.device.getScreenshot());”中的那个device究竟是什么device,也就是说知道去哪里去查找getScreenshot这个方法是在什么地方实现的了。

最终定位到com.android.ddmlib.Device这个类。 通过这个章节的分析可以看出来在chimpchat里面的AdbChimpDevice其实不是最终负责去获得截图的类,它只是作为一个信息重新包装的再分发的中转站而已。ddmlib才是最终处理我们的截图的库。

3. ddmlib库如何通过请求adb服务器读取FrameBuffer设备进行截图

/*      */   public RawImage getScreenshot()
/* */ throws TimeoutException, AdbCommandRejectedException, IOException
/* */ {
/* 558 */ return AdbHelper.getFrameBuffer(AndroidDebugBridge.getSocketAddress(), this);
/* */ }

里面只有一行代码,通过调用工具类AdbHelper的getFramebBuffer方法来获得截图,其实这里单看名字getFrameBuffer就应该猜到MonkeyRunner究竟是怎么截图的了,不就是读取目标机器的FrameBuffer 设备的缓存嘛,至于FrameBuffer设备的详细解析请大家自行google了,这里你只需要知道它是一个可以映射到用户空间的代表显卡内容的一个设备,获得它就相当于获得当前的屏幕截图就足够了。

/*     */   static RawImage getFrameBuffer(InetSocketAddress adbSockAddr, Device device)
/* */ throws TimeoutException, AdbCommandRejectedException, IOException
/* */ {
/* 272 */ RawImage imageParams = new RawImage();
/* 273 */ byte[] request = formAdbRequest("framebuffer:");
/* 274 */ byte[] nudge = { 0 };
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* 279 */ SocketChannel adbChan = null;
/* */ try {
/* 281 */ adbChan = SocketChannel.open(adbSockAddr);
/* 282 */ adbChan.configureBlocking(false);
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* 286 */ setDevice(adbChan, device);
/* */
/* 288 */ write(adbChan, request);
/* */
/* 290 */ AdbResponse resp = readAdbResponse(adbChan, false);
/* 291 */ if (!resp.okay) {
/* 292 */ throw new AdbCommandRejectedException(resp.message);
/* */ }
/* */
/* */
/* 296 */ byte[] reply = new byte[4];
/* 297 */ read(adbChan, reply);
/* */
/* 299 */ ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(reply);
/* 300 */ buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
/* */
/* 302 */ int version = buf.getInt();
/* */
/* */
/* 305 */ int headerSize = RawImage.getHeaderSize(version);
/* */
/* */
/* 308 */ reply = new byte[headerSize * 4];
/* 309 */ read(adbChan, reply);
/* */
/* 311 */ buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(reply);
/* 312 */ buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
/* */
/* */
/* 315 */ if (!imageParams.readHeader(version, buf)) {
/* 316 */ Log.e("Screenshot", "Unsupported protocol: " + version);
/* 317 */ return null;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 320 */ Log.d("ddms", "image params: bpp=" + imageParams.bpp + ", size=" + imageParams.size + ", width=" + imageParams.width + ", height=" + imageParams.height);
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* 324 */ write(adbChan, nudge);
/* */
/* 326 */ reply = new byte[imageParams.size];
/* 327 */ read(adbChan, reply);
/* */
/* 329 */ imageParams.data = reply;
/* */ } finally {
/* 331 */ if (adbChan != null) {
/* 332 */ adbChan.close();
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */
/* 336 */ return imageParams;
/* */ }


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