
NS2 教學手冊 ( NS2 Learning Guide)


My works  中文影音教學區  Q&A for my works  My Book  My Talks  Forum  Basic  ns2-installation  Tcl/Tk/Otcl  Debug  Trace Processing  awk/gawk  Gnuplot  perl  latex  Traffic Pattern  Topology Generator  Transport Layer  QoS  Multimeida Transmission  SIP  Queue Management and Scheduler  wired—Routing  Multicast  Wireless  wireless—UMTS  wireless—routing  wireless—visualization tool  wireless—multi-rate  wireless—multi-channel  wireless—802.11e  wireless-cross-layer  wireless—Bluetooth  wireless—UWB  wireless—ZigBee  wireless—Mobile Network  wireless—mobility model wireless- VANET wireless—Sensor Network wireless—energy model  wireless—wimax  Satellite Network  Optical WDM network  Security  Peer-to-Peer  ATM



NS2仿真實驗—多媒體和無線網路通信柯志亨,程榮祥,鄧德雋,電子工業出版社,ISBN: 978-7-121-08360-0 (簡體中文版) 光碟軟件下載(台灣)  另一個載點(大陸一) 另一個載點(大陸二) (讀者的一些心得:簡中)


1.       New NS2 BOOK (http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/book/978-0-387-71759-3)

2.       ns-2.34, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=149743

3.       An Adaptive Cross-layer Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA (If you use my NS2 book, you can directly run the simulation.)


[My works]

l   Installation。 (windows + cygwin + ns-2.27) English Video (cygwin + myNS2)。 (找不到ns的解決辦法)

l   TCL Introduction。中文

l   Tool Introudction。(Use awk to analyze the trace file to get throughput, delay, jitter, and loss rate. Then use gnuplot to plot the data.) 中文 English

l   Add or Modify NS2 module。中文

l   Multimedia Communication。

1.       English(par1:Traffic Trace)

2.       English(part2:Enhanced Evalvid)

3.       English(part3:H.264)

4.       English(part4: An example of multimedia transmission over a wireless network) (co-operated with Cheng-Han Lin)

5.       English(part5:MDC)

6.       English 6 (H.263/H.264/MPEG4) 。

7.       Video transmission over wireless error channels

8.       myEvalvid-NT

9.       How to adaptively adjust FEC to improve the delivered video qaulity over erroneous wireless channels? (co-operated with Cheng-Han Lin)

10.    myEvalvid-RTP (co-operated with Yu Chia-Yu)

l   TCP parameters Description。中文 (Provided by my lab member: Rung-Shiang Cheng) 。

l   How to generate Poisson traffic ? 中文

l   How to measure the throughput, packet drop rate, and end-to-end delay for UDP-based application over wireless networks ?English (Source: Joe Naoum-Sawaya) 。

l   Examples for CBR traffic transmission over DCF-based and EDCF-based wireless networks

l   How to vary the wireless error rate during simulation?

l   How to set the communication radius in wireless nodes?

l   Making NS2 simulate an 802.11b link

l   Hidden Terminal Problem

l   Performance Evaluation of DSDV, AODV, and DSR

l   How to run the wireless1.tcl under ~ns\ns-tutorial\examples folder?

l   An example to measure the throughput of TCP-based application over wire-cum-wireless environment

l   How to set the different operation modes (DCF or EDCF) for different mobile nodes? (2006/06/23)  (refer to the ppt files)

l   How to set the different transmission speeds to different mobile nodes? (2006/06/23)

l   How to dynamically set the link bandwidth during simulation? (2006/06/23)

l   How to get the information in different layer? (For example, routing layer wants to get some information from MAC layer.) (2006/06/23)

l   長庚大學的wimax + ns-2.29 (Install cygwin first and then download this file. Decompress it. After that, run “./configure; make clean; make depend; make)

l   How to get the system throughput without parsing the trace file? (For UDP-based application)

l   MyNS2---new version (based on 2.31, supports Evalvid_RAv1.02TraNSv1.0ns2voipns2measureOverhaul of IEEE 802.11 modeling and simulation in NS-2. You can find some 802.11a or 802.11p examples in this version, I will provide some examples in the near future.)

l   Wireless Simulation in NS2 without ARP (edited by 方維維)

l   Wireless Static Routing With NOAH (NO Ad-Hoc Routing Agent) (edited by 方維維)

l   Cloning a New IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol in NS2  (English, edited by Yang Yu-Sheng) Local Copy

l   Evaluation of video stream quality over IEEE 802.11e EDCF (New)

l   An Adaptive Cross-layer Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA (New)

l   Blocking Problem

l   Capture Effect in CSMA/CA-based Wireless Local Area Network

l   EIFS Problem

l   Unfairness Problems in wireless networks: three pair scenario  uplink and downlink scenario


l   cygwin的安裝 (柯志亨講解)

l   myNS2的安裝 (柯志亨講解)

l   匯圖軟體 origin 中文教學影片 (余佳育講解)

l   Latex製作中文教學影片 相關軟體與檔案 (高谷蘭講解)

[尚未整理(unclassified)---Currently, this part is written in Chinese]

l   介紹TCP Global Synchronization問題

l   wireless。 (這個部份我只是參考Jin Ding的投影片。)

l   介紹如何量測UDP packet的One Way Delay (OWD)、IP Delay Variance (IPDV),和Packet Loss數量。(新增ns2核心模組來做量測的)

l   介紹如何使用Traffic Trace,把實際網路的封包流量灌到NS2內

l   建立Agent範例-Echo。 (作者:張瀹鐏,原本網址http://ns2.mis.must.edu.tw/ns2/BuildEcho.doc) (How to Add a New Protocol in NS2)

l   wireless-ping

l   亂數產生器(Random Number Generator)

l   Confidence Interval

l   Simulation vs. Emulation

l   Inferring Queue Sizes in Access Networks by Active Measurement

l   Error Model

l   一個FTP的範例,限制TCP Source傳送封包到Receiver的數量

l   筆者自己寫了一個myred.ccmyred.h,有興趣的人可以參考看看。

l   一個簡單的802.11b ad-hoc無線網路實驗

l   如何在NS2中安裝wireless error model ( uniform distribution and Gilbert-Elliot Model)

l   nsBench介紹。(如果不太想寫tcl script,應該好好試一下這個軟體)

l   My ns-allinone-2.28 (已安裝:TKN 802.11e module, NOAH routing protocol, uniform and GE wireless error model, my video evaluation, MFlood, CSFQ, tcldebug, Poisson Traffic;並解決Scheduler: Event UID not valid的問題, Evalvid-RA, NIST的IEEE 802.16 module。若是下載後,進入ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28後,./configure ; make clean ; make的過程有問題,請使用我在installation篇所附的cygwin安裝軟體) (最新更新日期: 2006/03/06)

l   The source codes for Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2

l   追蹤ns-2.28中的802.11程式碼

l   如何使用GDB去debug NS (由中國大陸的season所提供)

l   由中國大陸的season所提供的一些關於NS2的資料 (簡體中文)

l   2006/05/28 Season的ns2 tutorial 相關資料 (簡體中文)  GDB使用文件

l   How to run the source routing simulations ? (for wired network) (繁體中文)

l   一個mobile ip的範例

[網友問題解答(Q&A for my works)---Currently, this part is written in Chinese]

l   如何安裝wf2q+

l   關於Tool Introduction中範例程式更進一步說明

l   Q&A。(中文)

l   Q&A。(English)

l   How can you set the communication radius in wireless nodes? (source: 程榮祥)

[My Book]

l   My book, “Computer Network Experiments---Using NS2”, is now available for Taiwan readers on http://www.xbook.com.tw/book/book.php?keyword=EN550# or http://ec2.pchome.com.tw/case/000250/00025059.htm.

l   More descriptions about my book can be found at  (成大開課時,學生所做的投影片)

l   第二本書 FAQ (NEW)

[My Talks]

l   2004/11/03 在郭文光老師的課堂上,做了一個小小的演講。(投影片: 1. 簡介 2. Toward realistic MPEG4 video transmission simulations)

l   因鄭瑞光老師和陳金蓮老師邀請,所以在2005/11/26日在台科大電子系做關於NS2的演講 。(投影片)

l   因陳文宇老師的邀請,所以在2005/11/28號在成大電信管理研究所做關於NS2的演講 。

l   2006/07/10-07/11:樹德科大, 07/21-07/22:台科大, 07/19-07/20:中山大學 (投影片), 8/14:台北教育大學

[關於NS與網絡模擬一書---Currently, this part is written in Chinese]

l   書的簡介與筆者評論

l   如何使得MFLOOD可以在ns-2.27的環境下運作

l   使用我所提供的ns2來執行mflood的模擬範例。

l   (new) ”ns與網絡模擬” (2007/04出版)

l   (new) “移動IP技術與NS-2” (2006/10出版)


l   百思論壇 (中國大陸NS2討論區,China)

l   Gmane(IETF)

l   NS2 Maillist

l   Ns2 FAQ for dummies

l   NS2 common questions by Jim

l   wired-wireless simulation segmentation fault with more than 32 nodes ( from nsnam discussion board)

l   http://www.cse.msu.edu/~wangbo1/ns2/

l   A trick to do multi-state errormodel with one-state errormodel

l   WPAN NS2 Simulation Module FAQs


l   NS2 Official Website

l   NS by Example (強力推薦,一定要看)

l   NS Simulator Course for Beginners (強力推薦,一定要看)

l   NsNam

l   Online Tutorial for the NS2

l   NS2 Tutorial Workshop 2002

l   NS-2 Trace Formats(可以找到一些wireless trace formats,研究wireless的人一定要用到的)

l   NS-2 Manual

l   NsNam Site Search (有關於NS和NAM的搜尋引擎,若是想瞭解別人問過的問題或解答,請多多利用這個search)

l   Using ns and nam in Education

l   NS 中文手冊 (簡體中文)


l   How to install NS on Windows

l   ns-2.26安裝注意事項

l   ns-2.29_wireless_update_patch is a patch for the ns-2 network simulator, improving the original support for wireless simulations. (http://www.telematica.polito.it/fiore/)

l   A tutorial of installation notes of ns2 on GNU/Debian System

l   Install NS 2.29 under windows XP

l   Three patches for the installation of NS-2.26, NS-2.27, and NS-2.28 under gcc 4.1 (default in Fedora Core 5)

l   NS-2 Scripts - Friend Class Compiler Errors (tfrc.h) Error

l   Installing old NS2 version (ns-allinone-2.1b6a) on RedHat 8.0


l   http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Tcl/Recipe/68391 (Random Number Generator in Tcl)

l   http://users.belgacom.net/bruno.champagne/tcl.html

l   http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~raines/tkref.html

l   ftp://ftp.tns.lcs.mit.edu/pub/otcl/README.html


l   Debugging with GDB

l   NS编程与调试

l   How to debug NS2 in eclipse ?  (利用Eclipse編寫NS2程式)

[Trace Processing]

l   NS2 Visual Trace Analyzer: program

l   Jtrana: A Java-based NS2 Wireless Trace Analyze

l   ns2measure: an integrated framework for enabling effective data collection and statistical analysis with ns2


l   http://phi.sinica.edu.tw/aspac/reports/94/94011/ (in Chinese)

l   The GAWK Manual


l   http://phi.sinica.edu.tw/aspac/reports/94/94002/  (in Chinese)

l   http://www.duke.edu/~hpgavin/gnuplot.html

l   http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~donahoo/tools/gnuplot/

l   Gnuplot Central

l   Gnuplot


l   Perl Tutorial


l   LaTex教學

[Traffic Pattern]

l   Pareto On/Off Traffic Generator

l   ns-2.28-poisson.patch

l   HTTP/1.0 traffic generator for ns-2

l   Web Traffic Generation in NS-2 with PackMime-HTTP

l   NSWEB is an extension to ns-2 and provides support for persistent and pipelined HTTP connection as specified in HTTP/1.1

l   http://www-gris.det.uvigo.es/~miguel/massai/software/

l   A Perceptual Quality Model for Adaptive VoIP Applications (研究VOIP的人要看)

l   Traffic generation in NS

l   WETMO (WEb Traffic MOdule)

l   ns2voip: an extension to ns2 to carry out reliable performance evaluation studies with Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic

[Topology Generator]

·         The Network Simulator ns-2: Topology Generation

·         Georgia Tech Internetwork Topology Models

·         Inet Topology Generator

·         BRITE Topology Generator

·         nsBench (The goal of nsW project is to develop supporting tools that enable creating, analyzing and visualizing NS-2 simulation scripts and traces automatically)

·         NS2 Scenarios Generator (中文) (English) (強力推荐,真的不錯用)

[Transport Layer]

l   Enhancement to FullTcpAgent in ns2

l   BI TCP Implementation for NS2

l   BIC TCP — a TCP variant for High-speed Long Distance Networks

l   TCP Westwood: Handling Dynamic Large Leaky Pipes

l   TCP Westwood+, from Alfredo Grieco, is based on TCP Westwood.

l   TCP-J aims at solving the several problems that TCP Westwood (TCP-W) has

l   TCP Performance Simulations Using Ns2 (document)

l   Rate Adaptation Protocol

l   Wireless DCCP in NS2 version 2.28

l   SNACK Extension in NS2.27 as Specified in SCPS-TP Specifications

l   Ad-Hoc TCP

l   TCP Emulation at Receivers (TEAR)

l   Simulations for Stateful TCP Congestion Control

l   TCP simulation lab example

l   Use ns to test the [MSMO97] TCP formula (sample script: tcp-throughput.tcl)

l   Reactive TCP

l   Cross-layer Interaction of TCP and Dynamic Routing in Multi-hop 802.11 Networks

l   Performance of competing high-speed TCP flows

l   HighSpeed TCP Simulation Reports

l   SACK-TS Implementation for NS2

l   TCP, Transmission Control Protocol 對於TCP/IP的封包格式有很詳細的介紹 (RFC Sourcebook)

l   Simulations for Router Mechanisms to Support End-to-end Congestion Control

l   A Framework for the Evaluation of Partition-Aware Protocols and Applications with ns-2

l   A quick tour around TCP (很不錯的教材)

l   A Performance vs. Trust Perspective in the Design of End-Point Congestion Control Protocols

l   TCP Low Priority

l   NS2 Simulation for Reliable Blast UDP (RBUDP)

l   NS-2 for wireless TCP (值得一看的投影片)

l   David’s NS-2 patches (A TCP Pacing implementation for NS2 simulation, TCP-Linux: a Linux TCP implementation for NS2, Speed up NS2 simulation)

l   Simulations for Equation-Based Congestion Control for Unicast Applications

l   Full-TCP Bug Fixes for ns-2

l   ns2 Full-TCP and Wireless (This is a hack to allow the use of Full-TCP in wireless simulations using DSDV routing.)

l   ORMCC code for ns2

l   Using Network Simulator 2 to simulate case scenarios using SCTP and TCP protocols with FTP and HTTP traffic.

l   Network Simulator (NS2) RTO Patch

l   A Linux implementation for NS2 (New)

l   ns-2 SCTP module

l   基于NS2的TCP评价工具 An NS2 TCP Evaluation Tool

l   TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC)


l   A Network Simulator- Differentiated Service Implementation (document)

l   Diffserv additions to ns-2

l   DiffServ Simulations Using the Network Simulator (Sergio Andreozzi)

l   QoS Simulation and Monitoring in a DiffServ network

l   MPLS modules (mns-ns-2.26.tar.gz)

l   http://tango.isti.cnr.it/software.html

l   RSVP-TE Patch for NS2 (MPLS Implementation for NS2)

l   RSVP simulatior for NS-2

l   RSVP patch

l   Egress Admission Control algorithm

l   DiffServ patch for supporting DSCP values higher than 40

[Multimeida Transmission]

l   Video Traces for Network Performance Evaluation

l   MPEG-4 and H.263 Video Traces for Network Performance Evalution

l   End Buffer Management and Congestion for Video

l   Evalvid-RA

l   Goddard Streaming Media System


l   http://www-x.antd.nist.gov/proj/iptel/

l   http://www.diiie.unisa.it/aree/telecomunicazioni/persone/collab/gdm/nsmod.htm

l   http://www.tti.unipa.it/~fasciana/materiale.htm

l   http://www.ncc.up.pt/~rprior/ns/ns-allinone-2.27-sip-v1_11.tar.gz

[Queue Management and Scheduler]

l   CSFQ

l   CIF-Q

l   Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) congestion avoidance, Virtual Queue (VQ) and Load-Based Marking (LBM)

l   Comparing RED and DropTail schemes at the switches

l   ACIRI's ns work include RIO for ns 2.1b6

l   M/M/1 queue simulation using NS2

l   Adaptive RED

l   Adaptive RIO

l   Blue and SFB

l   GREEN: A TCP Equation-Based Approach to Active Queue Management

l   Dynamic Class Based Thresholds (D-CBT)

l   MDRR: modules to simulate CISCO and Juniper's Modified Deficit Round Robin schedulers


l   Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP)

l   QoSR (QoS Routing) routing in ns-2 (QoSR)

l   the Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)

l   NVNS – NS with NixVector Routing

l   Learning NS Website (中文,有介紹Unicast Routing)

l   NS-BGP

l   BGP++

l   An implementation of the IS-IS Routing Protocol for ns-2.1b8a

l   Design, Analysis, and Simulation of a Distributed Multiple Criteria Network Routing Method

l   Cooperative Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Ad-hoc Networks (SWARM for NS2)


l   NORM (Nack-oriented reliable multicast) protocol implementation

l   PBM-Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

l   GenMCast – Generic Multicast Extension to NS2

l   PGM code contributed by Ryan Barnett can be downloaded from pgm-070101-2.1b8.tar.gz

l   Source specific multicast extension to NS2

l   BCAST Implementation for NS2 (includes Multicast Extensions for AODV)

l   PIM-SM Implementation for NS2


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