git stash 当本地代码不想提交覆盖,又忙于其他分支,可以先储存起来。

git stash命令的作用就是将目前还不想提交的但是已经修改的内容进行保存至堆栈中,后续可以在某个分支上恢复出堆栈中的内容。这也就是说,stash中的内容不仅仅可以恢复到原先开发的分支,也可以恢复到其他任意指定的分支上。git stash作用的范围包括工作区和暂存区中的内容,也就是说没有提交的内容都会保存至堆栈中。

git stash


$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on Practice: 2f70846 Complete practice
view and network

git stash list


$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on Practice: 2f70846 Complete practice view and network
stash@{1}: WIP on Practice: 2f70846 Complete practice view and network
stash@{2}: WIP on Practice: 2f70846 Complete practice view and network
stash@{3}: WIP on Practice: 2f70846 Complete practice view and network
stash@{4}: WIP on Practice: 812e77b Add collectionView and AnswerView
stash@{5}: WIP on Practice: 53bb0c1 add tableView of questions and refactor the code of scrollView

git stash pop [stash_id]


$ git stash pop stash@{}
Auto-merging WePeiYang/Shared/Network/SolaSessionManager.swift
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in WePeiYang/Shared/Network/SolaSessionManager.swift
Auto-merging WePeiYang/Practice/Practice/QuestionTableView/OptionsCell.swift
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in WePeiYang/Practice/Practice/QuestionTableView/OptionsCell.swift
Auto-merging WePeiYang/Practice/Practice/Exercise/Model/ExerciseNetwork.swift
Auto-merging WePeiYang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in WePeiYang.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
这时候右击工程文件,单击“显示包内容”,打开“project.pbxproj”文件,然后command + f 搜索 “stashed”。把冲突部分删掉就可以重新打开啦

git stash drop [stash_id]

git stash clear




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