











void Refine(Mat& image)
int p[];
int top=, down=, right=, left=;
vector<Point> del;
int grayvalue = ;
int height = image.rows; //获取图像高度
int width = image.cols; //获取图像宽度
Mat *im = reinterpret_cast<Mat*>((void*)&image); //获取像素点信息
for (int i = ; i < height-; i++)
for (int j = ; j < width-; j++)
grayvalue = Get_gray(im, j, i); //获取指定点灰度值
if (grayvalue != ) //判断中心点是否为前景
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j + , i) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j + , i - ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j, i - ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j - , i - ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j - , i) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j - , i + ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j, i + ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j + , i + ) == ) ? : ;
if (i < height - )
down = (Get_gray(im, j, i + ) == ) ? : ;
down = ;
// 横向直线
if (p[] && (p[] || p[] || p[] || p[]) && !(p[] || p[]) && p[] == && down)
del.push_back(Point(j, i));
if (p[] && (p[] || p[] || p[] || p[]) && !( p[] || p[]) && p[] == )
del.push_back(Point(j, i));
} for (int i = ; i < height - ; i++)
grayvalue = Get_gray(im, , i);
if (grayvalue != )
if ( Get_gray(im, , i - ) && Get_gray(im, , i - ) && Get_gray(im, , i + )== && Get_gray(im, , i)==) //上2,上1,右上1,下1=0,右1=0
del.push_back(Point(, i));
if (Get_gray(im, , i - ) == && Get_gray(im, , i + ) && Get_gray(im, , i) == && Get_gray(im, , i+))//上1=0,下1,右下1,右1=0,下2
del.push_back(Point(, i));
if (grayvalue != )
if (Get_gray(im, width - , i - ) && Get_gray(im, width - , i - ) && Get_gray(im, width - , i + ) == && Get_gray(im, width - , i) == ) //上2,上1,左上1,下1=0,左1=0
del.push_back(Point(width - , i));
if (Get_gray(im, width - , i - ) == && Get_gray(im, width - , i + ) && Get_gray(im, width - , i) == && Get_gray(im, width - , i + ))//上1=0,下1,左下1,左1=0,下2
del.push_back(Point(width - , i));
for (int i = ; i < del.size();i++)
uchar* data = image.ptr<uchar>(del[i].y);
} //左右收缩
for (int i = ; i < height - ; i++)
for (int j = ; j < width - ; j++)
grayvalue = Get_gray(im, j, i); //获取指定点灰度值
if (grayvalue != ) //判断中心点是否为前景
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j + , i) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j + , i - ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j, i - ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j - , i - ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j - , i) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j - , i + ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j, i + ) == ) ? : ;
p[] = (Get_gray(im, j + , i + ) == ) ? : ;
if (j < width - )
right = (Get_gray(im, j + , i) == ) ? : ;
right = ; //竖直线
if (p[] && (p[] || p[] || p[] || p[]) && !(p[] || p[]) && p[] == && right)
del.push_back(Point(j, i));
if (p[] && (p[] || p[] || p[] || p[]) && !(p[] || p[]) && p[] == )
del.push_back(Point(j, i));
} }
} for (int j = ; j < width - ; j++)
grayvalue = Get_gray(im, j, );
if (grayvalue != )
if (Get_gray(im, j - , ) == && Get_gray(im, j + , ) && Get_gray(im, j + , ) && Get_gray(im, j, ) == && Get_gray(im, j+, )) //左1=0,右1,右2,下1=0,右下1
del.push_back(Point(j, ));
if (Get_gray(im, j - , ) && Get_gray(im, j+, )== && Get_gray(im, j, ) == && Get_gray(im, j-, ))//左1,右1=0,下1=0,左下1
del.push_back(Point(j, ));
for (int j = ; j < width - ; j++)
grayvalue = Get_gray(im, j, height-);
if (grayvalue != )
if (Get_gray(im, j - , height - ) == && Get_gray(im, j + , height - ) && Get_gray(im, j + , height - ) && Get_gray(im, j, height - ) == && Get_gray(im, j + , height - )) //左1=0,右1,右2,下1=0,右下1
del.push_back(Point(j, height - ));
if (Get_gray(im, j - , height - ) && Get_gray(im, j + , height - ) == && Get_gray(im, j, height - ) == && Get_gray(im, j - , height - ))//左1,右1=0,下1=0,左下1
del.push_back(Point(j, height - ));
} for (int i = ; i < del.size(); i++)
uchar* data = image.ptr<uchar>(del[i].y);
data[del[i].x] = ;


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