1. 求一元二次方程ax² + bx + c = 0的解  a,b,c为任意整数。(10分)
    2. 编写一个口令输入程序,让用户不停输入口令,直到输对为止,假设口令为456。(8分)
    3. 输出1000-9999之间能对3整除的回文数。(8分)
    4. (10分)


    5. 读入一个正整数 n(小于100),计算其各位数字之和,用汉语拼音写出和的每一位数字。
      ​  输入:
                yi san  /*(13)*/
      汉语拼音如下:(0:ling , 1:yi , 2:er , 3:san , 4:si , 5:wu ,
      6:liu , 7:qi , 8:ba , 9:jiu)。(14分)
    6. 定义一个函数swap在swap函数的功能是将a 和 b的值进行交换,在主函数中先输出交换前的值,再输出交换后的值(用指针做)。(6分)
    7. 输入十个整数,在函数fun()中将其排序为由小到大,在主函数中输出排序后的结果。
    8. 编写一个函数fun()输出得到的字符串的长度和字符串的倒序(不能用String.h里的函数)。
    9. 有一分数序列:2/1,3/2,5/3,8/5,13/8,21/13...求出这个数列的前20项之和(结果保留两位小数)。(12分)
    10. #include<stdlib.h>
      using namespace std; int main()
      int a, b, c;
      double decide, x1, x2, m, n;
      cout << "求一元二次方程的解" << endl << "请输入系数a,b,c(用空格隔开)"<<endl;
      cin >> a >> b >> c;
      decide = (double)b * (double)b - * (double)a * (double)c;
      if (decide < )
      printf("当前方程无解 \n");
      else if (decide < )
      m = -b / ( * a);
      n = sqrt(decide) / ( * (double)a);
      x1 = m + n;
      cout << "当前一元二次方程有两个相同的解" << x1;
      else if(decide >)
      m = -b / ( * a);
      n = sqrt(decide) / ( * (double)a);
      x1 = m + n;
      x2 = m - n;
      printf("一元二次方程的解是:\nx1=%.2f\nx2=%.2f\n", x1, x2);
      return ;
      using namespace std; int main()
      int b;
      cout << "请输入口令\n";
      while ()
      cin >> b;
      if (b == )
      cout << "输入错误,请再来一次\n";
      system("color 02");
      cout << "输入正确";
      using namespace std; int main()
      cout << "这个程序将输出000-9999之间能对3整除的回文数";
      int a, i = ;
      if(a/==a/% && a/%==a/% && a%==)
      cout << i;
      printf("%5d\n", a);
      using namespace std; float chufa(int n)
      float sum ;
      sum = 1.0;
      int m=;
      for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
      m = m + i;
      sum = sum / m;
      return sum;
      } int main()
      int m,s=;
      float summary=;
      cin >> m;
      for (s; s <= m; s++)
      summary = chufa(s)+summary;
      cout << summary;
      return ;
      using namespace std; /*定义一个结构体变量(包括年,月,日),计算该日在本年中是第几天(规定一月一日为第一天)。(10分)*/
      struct book
      int year=;
      int month;
      int day;
      int main()
      struct book a;
      int n;
      cout << "请输入月和日" << endl;
      cin >> a.month >> a.day;
      if (a.month < || a.month>)
      cout << "月份输入错误\n";
      if (a.day < || a.day>)
      cout << "日子输入错误\n";
      if (a.month > && a.month < && a.day> && a.day < )
      n = a.day + * a.month;
      cout << "这是一年中的第" << n << "天" << endl;
      cout << "数据输入有误,请再次输入";
      return ;
      using namespace std; int main(void)
      int s,a,b,c,m,n,sum;
      const char r[][] = { "ling","yi","er","san","si","wu","liu","qi","ba","jiu" };
      cout << "请输入一个小于100的正整数"<<endl;
      cin >> s;
      if (s > && s < )
      b = s % ;
      sum = a + b;
      m = sum / ;
      n = sum % ;
      cout << r[m] <<" "<<r[n];
      cout << "请输入正确的数字";
      } return ;
      using namespace std; void swap_s(int * pa, int* pb)
      int t = *pa;
      * pa = *pb;
      * pb = t;
      } int main()
      int a , b ;
      int a1, b1;
      cout << "此程序将a 和 b的值进行交换,<<endl<<先输出交换前的值,再输出交换后的值"<<endl;
      cout << "请输入a b(用空格隔开)"<<endl;
      cin >> a >> b;
      a1 = a;
      b1 = b;
      swap_s(&a, &b);
      cout << a1 << " " << b1 << endl;
      cout << a <<" "<< b<<endl;
      return ;
      using namespace std; void fun()
      int a[];
      cout << "请输入10个整数(用空格隔开)" << endl;
      for (int u = ; u <= ; u++)
      cin >> a[u];
      int i, j;
      int temp;
      cout << "从小到大排序"<<endl;
      int n = ;
      for (i = ; i < n;i++)
      for (j = n - ; j > i; j--)//第一次循环是针对于a[9]的排序,以此类推
      if (a[j - ] < a[j])
      temp = a[j - ];
      a[j - ] = a[j];
      a[j] = temp;
      for (int w = ; w >= ; w--)
      cout << a[w]<<endl;
      } int main(void)
      return ;
      using namespace std; //void fun(char *a)
      void fun(char a[])
      int m, i;
      for (m = ; m < ; m++)
      if (a[m] == '\0')
      cout << "字符串的长度为:" << m + << endl;
      for (i = m - ; i >= ; i--)
      cout << a[i];
      } int main()
      char a[];
      cout << "请输入字符串"<<endl;
      cin >> a;
      return ;
      using namespace std;
      int main()
      { int i, m = , n = , t;
      double s = 0.0;
      for (i = ; i <= ; i++)
      s = s + (m * 1.0 / n);
      t = m+n;
      n = m; m = t;
      printf("前20项之和为:%.2lf", s);
      return ;


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