1. install kafkacat


apt-get install kafkacat


install deepenency

yum install librdkafka-devel

download source from github

build source on centos

./configure <usual-configure-options>
sudo make install

2. watch the target topic data

lenmom@M1701:~/workspace/software/confluent-community-5.1.-2.11$ bin/kafka-console-consumer  --bootstrap-server localhost: --from-beginning --topic connect-offsets    --property print.key=true
["jdbc_source_inventory_customers",{"query":"query"}] {"incrementing":}

there is only one record in kafka topic connect-offsets.

3. dump the record from topic

lenmom@M1701:~/workspace/software/confluent-community-5.1.-2.11$ kafkacat -b localhost: -t connect-offsets  -C -K# -o-
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset
% Reached end of topic connect-offsets [] at offset

the value:


is what we want!

4. use the value get in step 3 as template to and send to the topic again

lenmom@M1701:~/workspace/software/confluent-community-5.1.-2.11$ echo '["jdbc_source_inventory_customers",{"query":"query"}]#{"incrementing":1}' | \
> kafkacat -b localhost: -t connect-offsets -P -Z -K#

here, we modify the incrementing value from 1005 to 1.

for timestamp+increment

echo '["jdbc_source_inventory_orders",{"query":"query"}]#{"timestamp_nanos":0,"incrementing":0,"timestamp":0}' | \
kafkacat -b localhost: -t connect-offsets -P -Z -K#

5. watch the topic again

lenmom@M1701:~/workspace/software/confluent-community-5.1.-2.11$ bin/kafka-console-consumer  --bootstrap-server localhost: --from-beginning --topic connect-offsets    --property print.key=true
["jdbc_source_inventory_customers",{"query":"query"}] {"incrementing":}
["jdbc_source_inventory_customers",{"query":"query"}] {"incrementing":}

we can see, there are two values with the same key in the topic now.




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