def visibility_graph(series):
g = nx.Graph() # convert list of magnitudes into list of tuples that hold the index
tseries = []
n = 0
for magnitude in series:
tseries.append((n, magnitude))
n += 1 '''add nodes'''
for i in range(len(tseries)):
(ta, ya) = tseries[i]
g.add_node(ta, mag=ya) '''add edges'''
for a, b in combinations(tseries, 2):
(ta, ya) = a
(tb, yb) = b
connect = True
if tb - ta > 1:
(tc, yc) = max(tseries[ta + 1:tb]) #我的算法
if (yc > yb + (ya - yb) * ((tb - tc) / (tb - ta))):
connect = False # medium = tseries[ta+1 :tb] #别人的算法
# for tc, yc in medium:
# if yc > yb + (ya - yb) * ((tb - tc) / (tb - ta)):
# connect = False if connect:
g.add_edge(ta, tb) return g

在第22行中,由于tseires 变成了嵌入元组, 所以max(tseries[ta + 1:tb]) 会取下标最大的值, 而非最大的第二个元素.

[(0, 0.19024852355156963),
(1, 0.6660417262541884),
(2, 0.395523497583831),
(3, 0.19024852355156963)]


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