
public interface CustomerDAO {
    public void create(CustomerModel cm);
    public void update(CustomerModel cm);
    public void delete(CustomerModel cm);
    public CustomerModel getByUuid(int uuid);
    public List<CustomerModel> getByCondition(CustomerQueryModel cqm);


public class CustomerModel {
    private Integer uuid;
    private String customerId;
    private String pwd;
    private String showName;
    private String trueName;
    private String registerTime;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.exayong.architecture1.customermgr.dao.CustomerDAO">
    <insert id="create" parameterType="CM">
        insert into
    <update id="update" parameterType="CM">
        update tbl_customer set
        where uuid=#{uuid}

<delete id="delete" parameterType="Int">
        delete from tbl customer where uuid=#{uuid}


<select id="getByUuid" parameterType="Int" resultType="CM">
        select * from tbl_customer where uuid=#{_uuid}

    <select id="getByCondition" parameterType="CQM" resultType="CM">
        select * from tbl_customer
            <if test="uuid=null &amp;&amp; uuid >0">
                and uuid=#{_uuid}

            <if test="customerId=null">
                and customerId=#{customerId}

            <if test="showName=null">
                and showName=#{showName}



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