import news_cnn_model
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import shutil
import tensorflow as tf from sklearn import metrics learn = tf.contrib.learn REMOVE_PREVIOUS_MODEL = True MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR = '../model/'
DATA_SET_FILE = '../data/labeled_news.csv'
VARS_FILE = '../model/vars'
VOCAB_PROCESSOR_SAVE_FILE = '../model/vocab_procesor_save_file'
N_CLASSES = # Training parms
STEPS = def main(unused_argv):
# Remove old model
os.mkdir(MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR) # Prepare training and testing data
df = pd.read_csv(DATA_SET_FILE, header=None)
train_df = df[:]
test_df = df.drop(train_df.index) # x - news title, y - class
x_train = train_df[]
y_train = train_df[]
x_test = test_df[]
y_test = test_df[] # Process vocabulary
vocab_processor = learn.preprocessing.VocabularyProcessor(MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH)
x_train = np.array(list(vocab_processor.fit_transform(x_train)))
x_test = np.array(list(vocab_processor.transform(x_test))) n_words = len(vocab_processor.vocabulary_)
print('Total words: %d' % n_words) # Saving n_words and vocab_processor:
with open(VARS_FILE, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(n_words, f) # Build model
classifier = learn.Estimator(
model_fn=news_cnn_model.generate_cnn_model(N_CLASSES, n_words),
model_dir=MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR) # Train and predict, y_train, steps=STEPS) # Evaluate model
y_predicted = [
p['class'] for p in classifier.predict(x_test, as_iterable=True)
] score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_predicted)
print('Accuracy: {0:f}'.format(score)) if __name__ == '__main__':

import tensorflow as tf

POOLING_STRIDE = LEARNING_RATE = 0.05 def generate_cnn_model(n_classes, n_words):
"""2 layer ConvNet to predict from sequence of words to a class."""
def cnn_model(features, target):
# Convert indexes of words into embeddings.
# This creates embeddings matrix of [n_words, EMBEDDING_SIZE] and then
# maps word indexes of the sequence into [batch_size, sequence_length,
# EMBEDDING_SIZE]. target = tf.one_hot(target, n_classes, , )
word_vectors = tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence(
features, vocab_size=n_words, embed_dim=EMBEDDING_SIZE, scope='words')
word_vectors = tf.expand_dims(word_vectors, )
with tf.variable_scope('CNN_layer1'):
# Apply Convolution filtering on input sequence.
conv1 = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(
word_vectors, N_FILTERS, FILTER_SHAPE1, padding='VALID')
# Add a RELU for non linearity.
conv1 = tf.nn.relu(conv1)
# Max pooling across output of Convolution+Relu.
pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(
ksize=[, POOLING_WINDOW, , ],
strides=[, POOLING_STRIDE, , ],
# Transpose matrix so that n_filters from convolution becomes width.
pool1 = tf.transpose(pool1, [, , , ])
with tf.variable_scope('CNN_layer2'):
# Second level of convolution filtering.
conv2 = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(
pool1, N_FILTERS, FILTER_SHAPE2, padding='VALID')
# Max across each filter to get useful features for classification.
pool2 = tf.squeeze(tf.reduce_max(conv2, ), squeeze_dims=[]) # Apply regular WX + B and classification.
logits = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(pool2, n_classes, activation_fn=None)
loss = tf.contrib.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, target) train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss(
learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) return ({
'class': tf.argmax(logits, ),
'prob': tf.nn.softmax(logits)
}, loss, train_op) return cnn_model

,Trump: Netanyahu should 'hold back' on settlements,"President Donald Trump told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday that the US is going to push for a peace deal with the Palestinians and asked Israel ""to hold back"" on settlement construction.",cnn
,"Trump: UN treats Israel 'very, very unfairly' - CNN Video",President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold a joint press conference at the White House.,cnn
,Where Trump and Netanyahu stand on key issues,"""Tomorrow's world will be different -- and it is very near."" Those were the words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he dismissed last month's Mideast peace conference in Paris as ""useless,"" instead focusing on the inauguration of US President Donald Trump just days later.",cnn
,Trump: West Bank settlements 'don't help' the peace process,"President Donald Trump told Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, that he is ""not somebody that believes that going forward with ... settlements is a good thing for peace,"" in an interview billed as his first with Israeli media since taking office.",cnn
,Trump watch: Live coverage,President Trump hosts world leaders. Michael Flynn has resigned. There will be high-stakes cabinet votes and more executive actions. We're covering Trump's fourth week in office here.,cnn
,Why Netanyahu must stand up to Israel's right,"Israel is at a crossroads: two states or not two states. Of course, the world does not expect a deal to be made tomorrow -- or even soon. But it does want to hear from Israel that there has been no paradigm shift, no retreat to the old dream of a Greater Israel by annexation, and no abandonment of the commitment to Palestinian statehood.",cnn
,Flynn called victim of political assassination - CNN Video,"Iowa Rep. Steve King says General Michael Flynn has been subject to ""political assassination.""",cnn
,Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign,"High-level advisers close to then-presidential nominee Donald Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence, multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN.",cnn
,Will this undocumented mom be there when her kids get home today?,"Like parents around the country, Jeanette Vizguerra kissed her kids last night and sent them to bed. But unlike many moms, she may not be there when they get home from school today.",cnn
,"In college, Trump aide Stephen Miller led controversial 'Terrorism Awareness Project' warning of 'Islamofascism'",White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller has garnered attention in recent weeks as one of the chief architects behind President Donald Trump's executive order temporarily banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.,cnn
,Andrew Puzder withdraws as a labor secretary nominee,"Andrew Puzder has withdrawn as President Donald Trump's choice for labor secretary, a dramatic decision caused by a GOP revolt that claimed the first Cabinet nominee of the new administration.",cnn
, reasons Andrew Puzder's nomination is a mess,"Here are all the reasons Andy Puzder, Trump's pick for Labor secretary, is having a no good, very bad time getting confirmed.",cnn
,Puzder's ex-wife defends Labor nominee against abuse allegations,The ex-wife of Labor Secretary nominee Andy Puzder is privately telling senators that she made a mistake decades ago in leveling domestic abuse charges against him and appearing in disguise on Oprah Winfrey's TV show to talk about her situation.,cnn
,Flynn's security clearance suspended 'pending review',"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn's security clearance has been suspended ""pending review,"" a Defense Intelligence Agency spokesman told CNN Wednesday.",cnn
,Pentagon might propose ground troops for Syria,"The Defense Department might propose that the US send conventional ground combat forces into northern Syria for the first time to speed up the fight against ISIS, CNN has learned.",cnn
,Republicans may bring earmarks back,"Earmarks, the simultaneously hated and beloved DC tool that lets lawmakers direct money to specific programs and projects, may be coming back.",cnn
,'A resurgence of white nationalism': Hate groups spiked in ,"The number of hate groups in America spiked in 2016, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.",cnn
,Tapper calls out Trump on conspiracy theories - CNN Video,"CNN's Jake Tapper discusses how President Donald Trump handled the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and how Trump's comments claiming the media was creating ""conspiracy theories"" were false.",cnn
,The irony of Trump whining about leaks,"There is some poetic justice in seeing the man who was made President because of leaks potentially hobbled by ones that may legitimately reveal wrongdoing, writes Paul Begala.",cnn
,Inside Andrew Puzder's failed nomination,"In the end, Andrew Puzder had too much baggage -- both personal and professional -- to be confirmed as President Donald Trump's Cabinet.",cnn
,Clinton adviser: I never spoke to Russia - CNN Video,"As the fallout from Michael Flynn's resignation continues, former national security adviser to Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan, says no one from the Clinton campaign ever reached out to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.",cnn
,"Chaffetz, Goodlatte ask government watchdog to investigate leaks",Two top House Republicans asked the Inspector General on Wednesday to investigate leaks surrounding the ouster of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.,cnn
,Watch Trump ignore several questions on Russia - CNN Video,"CNN's Jim Acosta, Sara Murray and Joe Johns all received the cold shoulder when they attempted to ask President Donald Trump for comment on reported contacts between his senior advisers and suspected Russian operatives during his campaign.",cnn
,"DC preps for 'Day Without Immigrants,' but Hill takes little notice","Washington, DC, restaurants and schools are preparing for a ""Day Without Immigrants"" protest Thursday, but so far, policymakers who live in the nation's capital haven't taken much notice.",cnn
,Women's March organizers set date for general strike,"The organizers of the Women's March on Washington have set the date for their general strike, dubbed ""A Day Without A Woman,"" for March , which is International Women's Day.",cnn
,Boeing workers in South Carolina overwhelmingly reject union,Workers at Boeing's South Carolina plant go to polls to vote on whether to unionize.,cnn
,Trump backs off two-state Israeli-Palestinian framework,"President Donald Trump rejected the long-established US framework for Middle East peacemaking at a White House visit with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday as he announced his desire to reach ""the ultimate deal.""",cnn
,National Security Council vacuum sparks crisis fears,The vacant spot atop the National Security Council is triggering anxiety that the White House is ill-prepared to face a sudden foreign policy crisis amid fresh concern about politics at play in the Situation Room.,cnn
,Trump administration lags in filling key posts,"Trump's administration remains largely unfilled four weeks into his presidency, with just 34 of nearly 700 key Senate-confirmed positions having a candidate announced",cnn
,Cruz calls for John Bolton as security adviser - CNN Video,Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says he thinks former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton is a strong candidate for President Trump's national security adviser.,cnn
,Haass warns of 'real doubts' among allies over US reliability,"A leading foreign policy expert cautioned Friday that the Trump administration's departure from traditional US foreign policy positions has created ""real doubts"" among allies.",cnn
,Russian provocation: Bluster or genuine peril,"There's a Russian spy ship off the coast of Connecticut. Crammed with eavesdropping equipment, the Viktor Leonov's visit is the latest in a string of provocations.",cnn
, dead as storm rips through Southern California,"Heavy rains slammed Southern California on Friday, killing two people, downing power lines and leaving cars submerged on the streets.",cnn
,China grants Trump a trademark he's been seeking for a decade,China moves quickly to grant Trump a trademark he's been seeking for a decade.,cnn
,Suspect in Kim Jong Nam's death thought it was a prank,"A suspect in the death of the North Korean leader's half brother thought she was participating in a television show when she squirted liquid in his face, police said.",cnn
,Columbia accidentally accepts students,"Columbia University mistakenly emailed 277 master's program applicants that they were accepted, only to quickly rescind the offer, blaming it on ""human error.""",cnn
,Antarctic sea ice reaches record low,"There is currently less sea ice surrounding the Antarctic continent than at any point since reliable records began in 1979, taking away a key argument from climate change skeptics.",cnn
,Pence: US 'strongly supports NATO' - CNN Video,"Vice President Mike Pence assures allies that the United States will be ""unwavering"" in its commitment to NATO.",cnn
,Pence: U.S. will hold Russia accountable,"Seeking to assuage European fears about refreshed Washington-Moscow ties, Vice President Mike Pence told leaders here Saturday that the United States would hold Russia accountable for its actions even as it works to locate new areas for cooperation.",cnn
,McCain: People are 'giving up on the West' - CNN Video,"CNN's Fareed Zakaria says Sen. John McCain's speech at a security conference was ""directly about Donald Trump.""",cnn
,Murder suspect thought she was in TV prank - CNN Video,A suspect in the murder of Kim Jong Nam is accused of spraying him in the face with a potentially lethal substance from a perfume bottle. The woman told police she thought it was a harmless prank. CNN's Brian Todd reports.,cnn
,There's one thing going right for Trump: The economy,Plenty of reporters say his White House is in 'chaos.' But there's one big thing going right for him right now: The U.S. economy.,cnn
,Car celebrity Richard Hammond talks about launching the DriveTribe startup,"DriveTribe, the content startup aimed at motoring enthusiasts, was launched last year by former Top Gear presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James..",techcrunch
,"Weekly Roundup: CRISPR-Cas9 patent case concludes, Mark Zuckerberg’s 5,000 word letter to global community","This week, the CRISPR-Cas9 patent case came to a close, an encrypted messaging app went open source and Facebook announced some big changes to its video..",techcrunch
,Theranos might be on life support,"It probably comes as no surprise: Theranos, the blood testing technology company once worth billions, is struggling to survive. With no revenue, no money set..",techcrunch
,Snap takes aim at Facebook in roadshow video,Snap is about to embark on its investor roadshow as it prepares to go public at the beginning of March. And a new video gives a glimpse at how they will be..,techcrunch
,TesLab is the companion app Tesla owners have been waiting for,"Tesla actually makes a lot of data available to vehicle owners via APIs and other endpoints, but it's not always easy to find and make use of that info. Enter..",techcrunch
,McCain: Dictators 'get started by suppressing free press',"Sen. John McCain slammed President Donald Trump's attacks on the media this week by noting dictators ""get started by suppressing free press.""",cnn
,Why Trump wants you to hate the media,"While trust in the media overall is low, audiences do have significant levels of trust in the media outlets Trump is attacking, Frida Ghitis writes",cnn
,DeVos given U.S. Marshals Service protection,"Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is receiving protection from the United States Marshals Service, a spokeswoman for the group told CNN Saturday.",cnn
,"Omar Abdel-Rahman, 1993 World Trade Center bombing orchestrator, dies","Omar Abdel-Rahman, an Egyptian-born cleric serving a life sentence for plotting the 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center and other terror attacks in New York, has died, a prison spokesman said. He was 78.",cnn
,"Norma McCorvey, Roe v. Wade figure, dies","Norma McCorvey, known as ""Jane Roe,"" the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court case that established a constitutional right to abortion, has died, a priest close to her family said.",cnn
,Pentagon officials: Russian actions a 'test of the new administration',Some Pentagon officials believe Russia is testing President Donald Trump with aggressive moves across the globe.,cnn
,Ozobot raises $ million for toys that teach kids coding basics off-screen,"There are many toys on the market today that promise to teach kids programming skills, and a good percentage require the use of a connected tablet or..",techcrunch
,"Looking for a boost, Trump goes back to what he loves: Campaign rallies","After a month of arduous and, at times, turbulent governing, President Donald Trump is ready for what he really loves: Campaigning.",cnn
,Tillerson presides over abrupt shakeup at State Department,Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has reassigned a majority of the staff meant to work most closely with the top US diplomat in what career officials at the State Department fear is the start of a major reorganization.,cnn
,Roe v Wade: Woman in US abortion legal test case dies,"Norma McCorvey was the focus of the ""Roe v Wade"" case but later called her role ""a mistake"".",bbc-news
,Dutch populist Geert Wilders calls some Moroccans 'scum',"Geert Wilders heads polls ahead of the 15 March election, but his lead is narrowing.",bbc-news
,"About 1,800 'vulnerable' day-old chicks dumped in field","The day-old chicks were abandoned in a field, sparking an investigation by the RSPCA.",bbc-news
,Vauxhall deal: PM set to meet Peugeot boss,The PM agrees to meet the boss of France's PSA Group to discuss a planned UK takeover of Vauxhall.,bbc-news
,Barcelona protest to support migrants draws thousands,Protesters accuse the government of reneging on its promise to allow more migrants into Spain.,bbc-news
,Wednesbury man who 'died' times praises hospital staff,Ray Woodhall said he suffered so many cardiac arrests a nurse apologised for having to beat his chest so much.,bbc-news
,Burnley - Lincoln City,Lincoln become the first non-league side in years to reach the FA Cup quarter-finals with a dramatic last-minute win over Burnley.,bbc-news
,Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn tells Tony Blair to respect the result,The Labour leader opposes Tony's Blair's call for a movement to challenge the Brexit decision.,bbc-news
,Bill Gates: Pathogen could kill 30m in a year,"Microsoft's founder warns a virus, possibly created by terrorists, could have a catastrophic effect.",bbc-news
,New York bomb plot mastermind Omar Abdel Rahman dies in prison,"Omar Abdel Rahman - who was serving a life sentence in the US - dies in prison, his family says.",bbc-news
,FA Cup: Lincoln City win is 'football miracle' on dramatic fifth-round day,"Non-league side Lincoln achieve a 'football miracle' by reaching the FA Cup quarter-finals, while Millwall knock out Leicester.",bbc-sport
,"Mo Farah wins 5,000m and Laura Muir breaks record at British Grand Prix","Mo Farah takes victory in the 5,000m at the Birmingham Grand Prix to win the final indoor race of his career.",bbc-sport
,FA Cup: Shaun Cummings scores late winner for Millwall against Leicester,Late drama as Shaun Cummings puts -man Millwall ahead in the last minute against Leicester City in their FA Cup fifth-round tie.,bbc-sport
,Warrington - Brisbane - text & radio,Live text coverage plus BBC Radio live sports extra and Radio Merseyside commentary of Warrington Wolves v Brisbane Broncos.,bbc-sport
,Welsh Open : Judd Trump to face Stuart Bingham in final,Judd Trump will face Stuart Bingham in the Welsh Open final after the Englishmen enjoy comfortable wins in the last four.,bbc-sport
,"Birmingham Indoor Grand Prix: Laura Muir breaks Dame Kelly Holmes' 1,000m record","Laura Muir breaks Dame Kelly Holmes' British record to win the women's 1,000m at the Birmingham Indoor Grand Prix.",bbc-sport
,Celtic - Motherwell,Celtic restore a -point advantage at the top of the Scottish Premiership with victory over Motherwell.,bbc-sport
,Johanna Konta withdraws from Dubai with a foot injury,British number one Johanna Konta withdraws from the Dubai Duty Free Championships with a foot injury.,bbc-sport
,FA Cup: Sean Raggett heads Lincoln ahead against Burnley,Sean Raggett heads Lincoln City ahead in the 89th minute against Burnley in the FA Cup fifth round at Turf Moor.,bbc-sport
,"Russia Watches U.S. Reassure Allies, and It's Disappointed","Shortly after Vice President Mike Pence pledged to “hold Russia to account” while looking for common ground in a speech to European allies, a hawkish Russian legislator reached out to shake his hand as he passed through a crowded hotel corridor.",bloomberg
,What You Should Spend Your Bonus On,Treat yourself … or others.,bloomberg
,SpaceX Halts Rocket Launch Seconds Before Planned Liftoff,"Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. halted the launch of its second rocket in as many months on Saturday, about 10 seconds before its scheduled liftoff.",bloomberg
,"Revamped Immigration Plan More Precise, Concise, Kelly Says","President Donald Trump’s revised executive order on immigration will be “more streamlined” than its predecessor, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said, as the administration seeks a way to avoid the ensnaring of lawful U.S. entrants that led to parts of the original edict being blocked by federal courts.",bloomberg
,Kraft Heinz Takeover Bid Shakes Up Big Food and Its Slow Growth,Competitors relieved that Kraft Heinz Co. snubbed them for Unilever may want to skip the celebration.,bloomberg
,McCain Says Free Press Is Key to Democracy in Response to Trump,"A free and at times adversarial press is essential “if you want to preserve democracy,” Republican Senator John McCain said in response to President Donald Trump’s description of the media as the enemy of the American people.",bloomberg
,"U.S. Policy on North Korea `Not Working,' Chinese Official Says","The U.S. policy of maintaining sanctions and military pressure on North Korea while refusing to talk to the country isn’t working and will only make matters worse, a Chinese official said Saturday, venting Beijing’s impatience with the stalemate over its isolated neighbor.",bloomberg
,"Superbugs, Climate Chaos Have Bill Gates and the UN Worried","Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates joined the United Nations to warn world leaders about a new series of threats shaping up as megatrends, led by global warming, superbugs and artificial intelligence.",bloomberg
,"First Sons Donald Jr., Eric Preside at Trump Dubai Golf Opening","President Donald Trump’s adult sons, who now manage his sprawling business empire, were guests of honor at the launch of a new luxury golf course in Dubai, the first opening of a Trump-branded property since Inauguration Day.",bloomberg
,Samsung Heir Lee Arrives Shackled at Special Prosecutors Office,"South Korean police on Saturday led Jay Y. Lee, hands bound with rope, into a special prosecutors office after arresting the de facto head of the country’s largest industrial conglomerate in a corruption probe that includes allegations of bribery.",bloomberg
,Lavrov on U.S. Election Hacking Claims: ‘Give Us Some Facts’,"Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pushed back against accusations that Russian hackers meddled in last year’s U.S. presidential election, saying no one had put forward any proof and former President Barack Obama’s administration ignored repeated overtures to discuss cyber-security norms.",bloomberg
,"In Germany, the Male Breadwinner is Still King",Study finds that mothers are increasingly staying in part-time jobs instead of returning to full-time work,bloomberg
,Poland Hails Pence's Russia Stance and Seeks More U.S. Troops,"Poland needs more U.S. forces on its soil to bolster defenses against Russia and welcomes U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s assurance that the U.S. is committed to the NATO alliance, the country’s defense minister said.",bloomberg
,France's Le Pen Denies Allegations Her Aides Had Fake EU Jobs,"French far-right leader Marine Le Pen denied an allegation by the European Union’s fraud office that she gave her aides fake parliamentary jobs, after she became the second main contender in the nation’s presidential race to become embroiled in a funding controversy.",bloomberg
,Boris Johnson Was Called Out for Equating Brexit With ‘Liberation’,Boris Johnson delivered a Brexit-inspired English lesson to a roomful of diplomats in Germany.,bloomberg
,Russia: Eastern Ukraine ceasefire starts Monday,Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters on Saturday that a ceasefire will go into effect for Eastern Ukraine on Monday.,cnn
,FA Cup: Best fifth-round goals include Gestede volley & Oxford's cheeky free-kick,"Watch the best of the goals from Saturday's FA Cup action, including a Rudy Gestede volley for Middlesbrough and a cheeky free-kick from Oxford United's Chris Maguire.",bbc-sport
,Millwall - Leicester City,Ten-man Millwall secure a stunning upset with a last-minute winner to beat Premier League champions Leicester City and reach the quarter-finals of the FA Cup.,bbc-sport
,Donald Trump savages media at Florida rally,"The event, unusual for a sitting president, echoes those held during Mr Trump's successful campaign.",bbc-news
,Trump: 'I'm only worried he's gonna give me a kiss',The US president invited a supporter on to the stage at his rally in Florida.,bbc-news
,Michael Watson 'carjacking': Ex-boxer and friend injured,"Michael Watson, who was left partially disabled after a boxing match, needed hospital treatment.",bbc-news
,Briton Ryan Lock mourned by Kurdish community,"Kurdish mourners gather at Heathrow Airport to pay tribute to Briton Ryan Lock, who died fighting so-called Islamic State in Syria.",bbc-news
,Barcelona protest to support refugees draws thousands,Protesters accuse the government of reneging on its promise to allow more refugees into Spain.,bbc-news
,World Club Series: Warrington Wolves - Brisbane Broncos,"Warrington get the first win for an English club over Australian opponents since 2012, beating Brisbane in the World Club Series.",bbc-sport
,Michael Watson 'carjacking': Ex-boxer and friend injured - BBC News,"Michael Watson, who was left partially disabled after a boxing match, needed hospital treatment.",bbc-sport
,Claudio Ranieri: Leicester City manager calls for 'soldiers and gladiators',"Leicester City need ""soldiers and gladiators"" to save their season after their FA Cup exit, says manager Claudio Ranieri.",bbc-sport
,"Trump Rallies Supporters By Renewing Old Promises, Insults","Melbourne, Fla. (AP) -- Just four weeks into his administration, President Donald Trump appeared at a campaign rally that mirrored the months leading up to Election Day, complete with promises to repeal the health care law, insults for the news media and a playlist highlighted by the Rolling Stones.",bloomberg
,How Behavioral Economics Can Help You Retire Rich,Here’s how you can profit from its work.,bloomberg
,Hedge Funds Have Their Own Private Village in China,It’s an exclusive enclave for China’s aspiring masters of the universe.,bloomberg
,Trump gets what he wants in Florida: Campaign-level adulation,"President Donald Trump, after a month of arduous and, at times, turbulent governing, got what he came for Saturday during a dusk rally here: Campaign-level adulation.",cnn
,watch Trump brings supporter on stage,,cnn
,SpaceX aborts flight due to rocket issues,"SpaceX delayed its launch Saturday morning ""out of an abundance of caution."" The private space firm will try again Sunday morning.",cnn
,Bullish,"Bullish​ is TechCrunch's premiere talk show about tech, startups and diversity. Airing Wednesdays 10 AM ET / 7 AM PT.",techcrunch
,Trump brings supporter on stage during rally - CNN Video,"President Trump had a supporter in the crowd join him on stage to deliver remarks during his rally in Melbourne, Florida.",cnn
,Jeremy Corbyn 'determined to finish job',"Party leader accepts 'share of responsibility' for by-election loss but is ""determined"" to stay on.",bbc-news
,President Trump to skip White House correspondents' dinner,The US president has traditionally attended and it will still go ahead in Mr Trump's absence.,bbc-news
,Mo Farah's coach Alberto Salazar may have breached drug rules - leaked Usada report,"The American coach of Olympic champion Mo Farah may have broken anti-doping rules to boost the performance of some of his athletes, says a leaked report.",bbc-news
,UK terror threat 'at highest since 1970s IRA plots',"A UK watchdog says so-called Islamic State plans ""indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians"".",bbc-news
,Caroline Wyatt: MS 'brain fog' lifted after stem cell treatment,"Caroline Wyatt said the ""brain fog began to lift"" after she paid for treatment in Mexico.",bbc-news
,David Harewood: Next Doctor Who should be black or female,"Actor David Harewood says Doctor Who ""needs to do something different"" - and he'd be up for it.",bbc-news
,Vehicle hits crowd at New Orleans parade,"Twenty-eight people are injured, some seriously, but police say terrorism is not suspected.",bbc-news
,Oscars: Moonlight warms up with Independent Spirit Awards win,Low-budget drama Moonlight warms up for Sunday's Oscars by winning six Independent Spirit Awards.,bbc-news
,Brexit: Heseltine vows to rebel in Lords bill debate,Senior Tory Lord Heseltine says he will rebel against ministers when peers debate the Brexit bill.,bbc-news
,Kim Jong-nam killing: Malaysia airport terminal declared safe,North Korean leader's half brother was killed by a nerve agent in the airport two weeks ago.,bbc-news
, Watch Match of the Day,Watch BBC One live on BBC iPlayer.,bbc-sport
,Manny Pacquiao and Amir Khan to fight in April,WBO world welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao and Great Britain's Amir Khan agree to fight on 23 April.,bbc-sport
,GB in men's skeleton,"Watch live BBC Sport coverage of the men's skeleton followed by the four-man bobsleigh at the World Championships in Konigssee, Germany.",bbc-sport
,Claudio Ranieri: Jamie Vardy says speculation over manager's sacking 'untrue',"Leicester City striker Jamie Vardy says speculation he was involved in Claudio Ranieri's dismissal is ""untrue and extremely hurtful"".",bbc-sport
,Six Nations : Vern Cotter hails Scotland's second-half show against Wales,"Head coach Vern Cotter lauds Scotland's second-half display against Wales, as they rack up unanswered points to win.",bbc-sport
,Chelsea - Swansea City,Chelsea stretch their lead at the top of the Premier League table to points after victory over Swansea City at Stamford Bridge.,bbc-sport
,"Six Nations 2017: 'I wanted three points, kickers said no' - Wales captain Jones","Captain Alun Wyn Jones wanted to kick for goal at a crucial point against Scotland, but says his kickers said ""no"".",bbc-sport
,Gavin McDonnell loses on points to Rey Vargas in WBC world title fight,Gavin McDonnell fails in his bid to join his twin brother Jamie as a world champion with a majority-decision loss to Rey Vargas.,bbc-sport
,Six Nations : Ireland - France,Ireland beat France - in Dublin to keep alive their hopes of winning a third Six Nations Championship in four years.,bbc-sport
,Buffett Says $ Billion Wasted Trying to Beat the Market,Billionaire investor Warren Buffett devoted a substantial portion of his annual letter to deepen his long-running critique of investment fees.,bloomberg
,"Millions May Lose Coverage in Obamacare Repeal, Governors Told","Policies supported by Republican congressional leaders to repeal and replace Obamacare could lead millions of people to lose their health coverage, according to a presentation given to state governors meeting Saturday in Washington.",bloomberg
,Trump Seeks Credit for America's Debt Reduction,President Donald Trump asked on Twitter why the media hasn’t reported that the national debt has dropped since his inauguration.,bloomberg
,Facebook's Clones Attack Snapchat,"Facebook's approach to Snapchat has been: if you can't buy it, copy it.",bloomberg
,Trump Says He Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner,"President Donald Trump said he won’t attend this year’s White House Correspondents Association Dinner on April 29, following weeks of attacks on news organizations that included calling them “the enemy of the American people.”",bloomberg
,The Oscars Are Looking More Diverse This Year,This year’s Oscar nominees include seven people of color in the best and supporting acting categories.,bloomberg
,The Next Financial Crisis Might Be in Your Driveway,"With late payments on the rise, a dealership upsell begins to look dangerous.",bloomberg
,"White House Denies Briefing Access to New York Times, Politico, CNN","White House press secretary Sean Spicer excluded several major news outlets, including the New York Times and CNN, from an untelevised media briefing on Friday, hours after President Donald Trump assailed coverage of his administration.",bloomberg
,Perez Elected Democratic Chair as Party Seeks New Direction,"Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, as the party struggles to set a new direction after Hillary Clinton’s November loss to Donald Trump.",bloomberg
,Trump declines to attend White House correspondents' dinner,"President Donald Trump has announced that he will not attend this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner, a move that comes amid increasingly hostile relations between the media and the White House.",cnn
,"Jen Psaki: Without free press, democracy dies",The former Obama White House communications director says the Trump administration's combative approach to the press risks following the model of Russia.,cnn
,President Trump starts rally attacking media - CNN Video,"At a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida, President Trump started out by attacking the media saying he wanted to speak to the crowd without the filter of the ""fake news.""",cnn
,Republican lawmaker: Russia investigation needs special prosecutor,"A Republican lawmaker who supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election said a special prosecutor should investigate reported communications between the Trump campaign and Russians known to US intelligence, not Attorney General Jeff Sessions.",cnn
,National security adviser: Term 'radical Islamic terrorism' isn't helpful,"New national security adviser H.R. McMaster is already setting a strikingly different tone than his ousted predecessor, Michael Flynn, and President Donald Trump, saying the term ""radical Islamic terrorism"" isn't helpful for US goals.",cnn
,Trump's call for US nuclear supremacy raises questions,"President Donald Trump would like the US to be ""at the top of the pack"" when it comes to having nuclear weapons",cnn
,Trump: US will be top of the pack with nukes - CNN Video,President Donald Trump told Reuters that the US should be leading the world in nuclear weapons. The statement left non-proliferation experts puzzled and concerned.,cnn
,Trump is costing the US friends,"While President Donald Trump was busy ignoring the reality of his low approval ratings by bathing in the embrace of an adoring crowd last weekend, his foreign policy challenges were stacking up.",cnn
,Truck rams crowd during Mardi Gras parade,"One man is in custody after a pickup truck rammed a crowd at a New Orleans Mardi Gras parade, police said. At least 21 people were hurt.",cnn
,Perez wins DNC chairmanship,Democrats chose a new chair to lead their battered party as it tries to channel its base's anti-Donald Trump energy into an electoral rebound.,cnn
,This baby monitor uses radar to detect infant breathing patterns,"I’ll be honest, hearing about what Raybaby does made me happy I don’t have kids. The mere thought of needing a device to monitor a child’s breathing..",techcrunch
,Uber employees are chatting with each other about Uber’s leadership on anonymous workplace app Blind,Uber employees have flocked to an anonymous workplace app called Blind as a sort of catharsis since ex-Uber engineer Susan Fowler Rigetti posted about being..,techcrunch
,Elon Musk addresses working condition claims in Tesla staff-wide email,"Tesla CEO Elon Musk has shared the results of his own investigation into factory working conditions at the carmaker, following accusations by employee and..",techcrunch
,"Weekly Roundup: Uber responds to sexual harassment claim, NASA discovers Earth-like planets","Tech news was heavy this week. Uber is facing a sexual harassment claim as well as a lawsuit from Google, NASA discovered planets with what could prove to be..",techcrunch
,"While tech giants hire, startups fret — Has Brexit Britain become La La Land?","If you’ve read the latest headlines about Britain’s tech industry, you’d think the country hadn’t been rocked by the greatest political and economic..",techcrunch
,"Don't give up, Jeremy Corbyn urges Labour","Leader says the party must ""remain united"" following its by-election loss to the Conservatives.",bbc-news
,"Bill Paxton, actor known for Aliens and Titanic, dies aged 61","Actor Bill Paxton, known for roles in Aliens and Titanic, has died aged 61, his family tell US media",bbc-news
,Germany hate crime: Nearly attacks a day on migrants in ,"More than 3,500 attacks were carried out on migrants and asylum shelters in Germany last year.",bbc-news
,"Girl, five, died of asthma attack after GP turned her away","Five-year-old Ellie-May Clark, who was minutes late for an appointment, died of an asthma attack.",bbc-news
,Nokia mobile phone resurrected at MWC ,An iconic Nokia phone is revamped with added battery life and new features alongside several Nokia-branded Android models.,bbc-news
,Six Nations : England - Italy,England overcome a stern challenge from Italy to remain unbeaten in this year's Six Nations and stretch their winning run to 17 matches.,bbc-news
,Disability benefits: PIPs should be for 'really disabled',A key Theresa May aide is being criticised over his comments defending changes to the PIPs system.,bbc-news
,Former Ernie building demolished in Blackpool,"The former home of the original Ernie machine, which generated winning Premium Bond numbers, is demolished.",bbc-news
,Man critical after car hits five people in Bellingham,One man is critical and four others injured after a Mercedes crashes into them in south-east London.,bbc-news
,EFL Cup final: Man Utd - Saints - Gabbiadini leads Saints comeback,Listen to BBC Radio live commentary and follow updates of the EFL Cup final at Wembley.,bbc-sport
,Tottenham Hotspur - Stoke City,Harry Kane scores his third hat-trick in nine games as Tottenham react to their European exit by hammering Stoke to go second in the league.,bbc-sport
,FA People’s Cup: First round - Day three,"Follow live text commentary, match action and the best from social media on day three of the 2017 FA People’s Cup first round.",bbc-sport
, Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Champs highlights,Watch BBC Two live on BBC iPlayer.,bbc-sport
,Formula : Red Bull launches new RB13 car for ,Red Bull unveils the car many expect to be the closest challenger to world champions Mercedes in - the RB13,bbc-sport
,Welsh rugby international Elli Norkett dies in A4109 crash - BBC News,A woman who died in a crash in Neath Port Talbot is named as Wales rugby international Elli Norkett.,bbc-sport
,Atletico Madrid - Barcelona,Lionel Messi scores a late winner as Barcelona beat Atletico Madrid to move top of La Liga.,bbc-sport
,Trump's Great Chance to Tell Us What He Really Wants,There's a lot of confusion to clear up when the president addresses Congress Tuesday night.,bloomberg
,Google Assistant Goes Beyond the Pixel to Take on Apple's Siri,"Google is bringing its voice assistant to the latest Android phones, starting with a closer partnership with LG Electronics.",bloomberg
,"For Warren Buffett, America’s Best Days Always Lie Ahead","Every new generation of babies is the “luckiest crop,” and things are never as bad as they seem.",bloomberg
,"Trump's Budget Won’t Touch Entitlement Programs, Mnuchin Says","Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said President Donald Trump’s upcoming budget won’t touch entitlement programs such as Social Security or Medicare, and will instead focus on ways to produce long-term economic growth by slashing taxes.",bloomberg
,Goldman Sachs Warns U.S. Stocks Are Now Reaching Peak Optimism,Peak optimism is fast approaching.,bloomberg
,Why La La Land Worked Better Than Anyone Dreamed,"How value investing, mixed with a contrarian streak, helped Lions Gate beat the blockbuster model.",bloomberg
,"Deutsche Bank Cuts 2016 Bonus Pool by Almost 80%, FAS Reports","Deutsche Bank AG cut its bonus pool for 2016 by almost 80 percent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported, a figure unmatched in the bank’s recent history as it tries to counteract the impact of low interest rates and legal expenses.",bloomberg
,These Are All the Ways a Saudi Aramco IPO Could Impact Markets,"The exact dollar value of Saudi Aramco may be up for debate, but the listing of the world’s biggest company will be priceless for the kingdom’s markets.",bloomberg
,"Bill Paxton, actor in 'Twister' and 'Aliens,' dies at 61","Actor Bill Paxton, whose extensive career included films such as ""Twister,"" ""Aliens"" and ""Titanic,"" has died, a representative for his family said in a statement. He was 61.",cnn
,Bill Paxton's most memorable roles - CNN Video,"Actor Bill Paxton, whose extensive career included films such as ""The Terminator,"" ""Aliens"" and ""Titanic,"" has died at age 61, a representative for his family said in a statement.",cnn
,People we've lost in 2017,A look back at notable people who have died in 2017.,cnn
,Perez: Need to investigate whether presidential election was 'rigged',New Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is joining calls for an independent investigation into reported contacts between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russians known to US intelligence.,cnn
,Christie to lawmakers avoiding town halls: Go do your job,New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says Republican lawmakers should hold town halls even if that means confronting hundreds of angry progressive constituents.,cnn
,-year-old fatally shot after crash - CNN Video,Police are searching for the people who shot and killed -year-old De'Maree Adkins who was traveling with her mother in Houston.,cnn
,Sanders: Not 'impressed' with DNC election process,"Bernie Sanders said on ""State of the Union"" Sunday that he doesn't believe his candidate for Democratic National Committee chairman, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, was defeated Saturday because the election was rigged, but the system could use some retooling.",cnn
,Perez: Trump worst president in US history - CNN Video,"The Democratic National Committee elected Tom Perez as its new chairman, voting for the former labor secretary over Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison in a 235-200 vote.",cnn
,"LG unveils the G6, swapping modularity for new screen dimensions and waterproofing","The modular G5 was a novel device, but novelty alone doesn’t sell phones. So LG went back to the drawing board for its followup, and the result is, on a..",techcrunch
,Live from Samsung’s MWC press conference,"A very happy Mobile World Congress to you and yours. The world’s largest smartphone show is still a couple of days from its official kick off, but..",techcrunch
,Huawei’s shiny P10 flagships come in (almost) all the colors of the rainbow,"If you're bored of the same old monotone/metallic smartphone color choices, Chinese mobile maker Huawei has been thinking a little differently for its just..",techcrunch
,LG proves that taller screens are the future of smartphones,"Bigger screens don’t cut it anymore. Now, we need taller screens. I’ve been playing with the LG G6 for the past 24 hours. In many ways, it is just another..",techcrunch
,The Age of the Giant Battery Is Almost Upon Us,The idea that giant batteries may someday revolutionize electrical grids has long enthralled clean-power advocates and environmentalists. Now it’s attracting bankers with the money to make it happen.,bloomberg
,Bill Paxton: Filmmaking always my dream () - CNN Video,Actor Bill Paxton tells Larry King that being a filmmaker was always his dream,cnn
,Ben Stein: Media doing to Trump what it did to Nixon - CNN Video,"While defending President Trump's decision to skip the White House Correspondence Dinner, Ben Stein said that the media is ""trying to do to Trump what they did to Nixon"" during the Watergate scandal.",cnn
,Oscars mistake: Moonlight wins best picture after announcement mix-up,Moonlight wins best picture at the Oscars - after Faye Dunaway initially says La La Land won.,bbc-news
,The moment producers realised they hadn't won,The moment when La La Land producer realised Moonlight had won the Oscar for best picture,bbc-news
,In pictures: Oscars glitz and glamour on the red carpet,"Stars including Emma Stone, Viola Davis and Dev Patel walk the red carpet at the 89th Academy Awards.",bbc-news
,Oscars winners : The full list,All the winners at this year's Academy Awards.,bbc-news
,"Oscar speech highlights: Moonlight, La La Land and more","Winners of the 89th Academy Awards, including Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Mahershala Ali and Casey Affleck.",bbc-news
,Nine epic fails from awards ceremonies and TV contests,"La La Land is wrongly given the best picture Oscars, but it is not the first jaw-dropping award fail.",bbc-news
,Woman deported to Singapore despite -year marriage,"Irene Clennell has been sent back to Singapore, leaving behind her husband and sons in Britain.",bbc-news
,Labour MP Gerald Kaufman dies at ,Sir Gerald had been an MP since and became the oldest serving member of the Commons in .,bbc-news
,Child sex abuse inquiry public hearings to start,The first public sessions will focus on British children sent to Australia between and .,bbc-news
,Energy bills: customer switching hits six-year high,"Consumers are now more likely to seek out better deals, but the regulator warns many still lose out.",bbc-news
,EFL Cup final: Does Manchester United win make season a success?,"Jose Mourinho and Zlatan Ibrahimovic's partnership hints at more success for Manchester United, writes Phil McNulty.",bbc-sport
,Six Nations : Italy's tactics test England - and Eddie Jones' patience - to the limit,"Italy's tactics at Twickenham tested England - and Eddie Jones' patience - to the limit, writes Tom Fordyce.",bbc-sport
,F1 testing : Day one,"Follow live text commentary, images, social media and analysis from the first day of testing at Circuit de Catalunya.",bbc-sport
,"Garth Crooks' team of the week: Ibrahimovic, Gabbiadini, Kane, Fabregas, Kante",Who is the next nearest thing to N'Golo Kante? Whose presence at Old Trafford is like that of Roy Keane? Find out in Garth's team of the week.,bbc-sport
,Anthony McGill wins one-frame Coral Shoot Out tournament,Anthony McGill wins the Shoot Out title in Watford in the first year that the one-frame format has been counted as a ranking event.,bbc-sport
,FA People's Cup 2017 kicks off even bigger and better than ever!,"More than 6,000 teams joined battle in the first stage of the FA People's Cup - here's our round-up of the weekend's action, and more...",bbc-sport
,Six Nations Remix: England don't know the rules,"An alternative look back at the third round of the Six Nations, as England don't know the rules, Eddie Jones is angry and Rhys Webb is impish.",bbc-sport
,Andy Murray says he is 'ready to go' for Dubai Tennis Championships,"World number one Andy Murray says he is ""ready to go"" at the Dubai Tennis Championships after a bout of shingles.",bbc-sport
,"Proposed Trump Budget to Hike Defense Spending, Cut EPA","President Donald Trump is proposing major defense spending increases and big cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency, State Department and other federal agencies in a proposed budget to be presented soon to Congress, said a person familiar with the plan.",bloomberg
,Fed Turns to Job Hoppers as 1950s Inflation Guide Shows Its Age,"Adrienne Heintz, an Atlanta marketing professional, has discovered a reliable way to earn higher wages, and Federal Reserve economists are taking note.",bloomberg
,China's Spat With Kim Jong Un Shows Difficulty Stopping Him,The rare public spat between China and North Korea illustrates the dilemma facing Beijing’s leaders as they try to coax Kim Jong Un back to the negotiating table.,bloomberg
,Last-Minute `Moonlight' Oscar Win Marks Black Film Milestone,"In an upset made all the more shocking by the way it was announced, “Moonlight” won the Oscar for best picture, a crowning achievement for African-American filmmakers after two years of controversy over institutional racism in Hollywood.",bloomberg
,Pound Drops as May Reported to Brace for New Scottish Referendum,The pound fell against all its major peers after The Times reported that U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s team is preparing for Scotland to potentially call for an independence referendum in March.,bloomberg
,Buffett Stings Hedge Funds Anew Over Their `Misbegotten' Rewards,Warren Buffett’s sweeping endorsement of index investing is sure to sting the hedge-fund industry and encourage the stampede into assets that passively track the market.,bloomberg
,Age of Populism Shakes Pedestal of Central Bank Independence,"As populism grips Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere, there are few targets as ripe for political assault as the institutions stuffed with unelected technocrats wielding the power to affect the economic fate of millions.",bloomberg
,Chao Warns Governors: Paying for Big Transport Plans to Be Hard,"The White House is working on plans for improving U.S. transportation and other key structures, but agreeing on how to pay for expensive new projects won’t be easy, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao told the nation’s governors.",bloomberg
,"Samsung Teases Release of Galaxy S8, Shows New Tablets",​Samsung Electronics Co. teased its coming Galaxy S8 smartphone and released new tablets targeting video-gamers and professionals as the company seeks to regain ground lost after pulling its Note from shelves last year.,bloomberg
,Past CIA Director Brennan Says Russia Probe Must Be Bipartisan,Former CIA Director John Brennan called for congressional committees looking into the possibility of Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election to “pursue this investigation with vigor and with the appropriate amount of bipartisan support.”,bloomberg
,Oscars : 'Moonlight' wins Best Picture after some confusion,,cnn
,'Moonlight' wins best picture Oscar after baffling on-stage flub,It's an Oscar moment that will go down in history.,cnn
,Watch: Best Picture mix-up on stage - CNN Video,"Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty presented ""La La Land"" as the winner of the best picture award, and the celebration began on stage but was quickly ended when one of the ""La La Land"" winners pointed out that in fact ""Moonlight"" had won the award.",cnn
,"Oscars mix politics, silliness and shocking twist ending","academy awards review Jimmy Kimmel brings silliness to Oscars punctuated by politics, silliness and a shocking twist ending",cnn
,Oscars: The winners list,Oscar winners list,cnn
,Oscars : On the red carpet,See photos from the red carpet at the Academy Awards.,cnn
,Netflix's 'The White Helmets' wins Oscar,"""The White Helmets,"" a documentary about volunteer rescue workers in Syria, took home the Oscar for Best Documentary Short Sunday. It was the first Academy Award win for Netflix, which distributed the film.",cnn
,Fallen SEAL's dad slams Trump,"Bill Owens, the father of the Navy SEAL killed in a late-January raid in Yemen, leveled biting criticism at the White House and called for an investigation into his son's death in a news story published Sunday.",cnn
,"DHS's Kelly promises softer stance on immigration, travel ban",Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said immigration enforcement would be limited to criminals and the travel ban won't target Muslims.,cnn
,Navy secretary nominee Philip Bilden withdraws,"President Trump's nominee for secretary of the Navy, Philip Bilden, has withdrawn his name from consideration, Bilden and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said Sunday in statements.",cnn
,Sportsday - Reaction to Man Utd's cup win,"Latest football news including fallout from the EFL Cup final, plus gossip and the best of social media.",bbc-sport
,Manchester United: Jose Mourinho believes Zlatan Ibrahimovic will stay at club,"Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho believes striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic will stay - but will not ""beg"" him to do so.",bbc-sport
,Insurance premiums 'set to soar' after compensation changes,"Insurers say changes to the calculation of compensation payments for accident victims are ""crazy"".",bbc-news
,IICSA child sex abuse inquiry public hearings under way,A former child migrant breaks down while talking about British children abused overseas.,bbc-news
,Trump lays out hike in military spending,Donald Trump proposes a $54bn (£43bn) military spending increase - a rise of about % on .,bbc-news
,Oscars : Moonlight wins best picture after announcement mix-up,Barry Jenkins' Moonlight wins best picture at the Oscars after an error involving wrong envelopes.,bbc-news
,France election: Why people are voting for Marine Le Pen,We go behind the scenes at a National Front rally in Nantes.,bbc-news
,Sir John Major attacks 'unreal' Brexit vision,"The former Tory prime minister also says the costs of leaving the EU will be ""unpalatable"".",bbc-news
,Game of Thrones actor Neil Fingleton dies,"Neil Fingleton, who at 7ft 7in was Britain's tallest man, was a basketball player before he became an actor.",bbc-news
,John McDonnell says 'soft coup' launched against Corbyn,"Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell says plotters are using ""dark arts"" to destabilise Labour's leader.",bbc-news
,Simon Cowell burglary: Man guilty of stealing £1m of gems,Simon Cowell had been asleep in the house with his family when it was broken into.,bbc-news
,Leicester v Liverpool: Foxes' first game since Ranieri sacking,"Text and radio coverage as Leicester, without the sacked Claudio Ranieri, take on Liverpool, who can go third with a win.",bbc-sport
,England v Italy: World Rugby says it is 'too early to speculate on law changes',"It is ""too early to speculate"" on rule changes after Italy used controversial tactics against England, says the sport's governing body.",bbc-sport
,Lewis Hamilton fastest for Mercedes on first pre-season testing day,Mercedes and Ferrari enjoy impressive starts to pre-season testing as Red Bull and McLaren hit trouble.,bbc-sport
,Craig Shakespeare: Leicester caretaker boss in frame to get job on permanent basis,Caretaker boss Craig Shakespeare is firmly in contention for the Leicester manager's job on a longer-term basis after Claudio Ranieri's sacking.,bbc-sport
,David Wagner and Garry Monk banned by FA after touchline altercation,"Huddersfield boss David Wagner is given a two-match touchline ban and a £6,000 fine after his altercation with Leeds counterpart Garry Monk.",bbc-sport
,"Italy, Ruck-gate and 'The Chaos Theory', 5 live’s Rugby Union Weekly - BBC Radio 5 live",Ugo and Chris on Italy frustrating England with their innovative tactics at the ruck.,bbc-sport
,Rowing: Triple Olympic champion Andrew Triggs-Hodge retires,Britain's triple Olympic champion Andrew Triggs-Hodge announces his retirement from rowing.,bbc-sport
,Roger Federer beats Benoit Paire on return to action at Dubai Championships,Roger Federer wins his Dubai Tennis Championships opener against France's Benoit Paire in just 54 minutes.,bbc-sport
,England Lions: Liam Livingstone matches feat achieved by Kevin Pietersen,"England Lions lose their second four-day match with Sri Lanka A, but Liam Livingstone matches a feat achieved by Kevin Pietersen.",bbc-sport
,"Alex Young: Former Hearts, Everton & Scotland forward dies, aged 80","Former Hearts, Everton and Scotland forward Alex Young has died at the age of 80.",bbc-sport
,Trump Tells Large Health Insurers to Expect ‘Something Special’,"President Donald Trump told major U.S. health insurers at a White House meeting Monday to expect “something special” to replace Obamacare, as the administration gets more involved in Republican efforts to repeal the health-care law.",bloomberg
,Mexico Warns U.S. It'll Cut Off Nafta Talks If Tariffs Added,,bloomberg
,"As Wall Street Thrives, America's Little Guy Chokes on Paperwork","If some American banks are too big to fail, others have begun to feel they’re too small to succeed.",bloomberg
,Tesla Tanks After Goldman Downgrades to Sell,Tesla Inc. fell percent after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. turned negative on the stock and cast doubt on Chairman Elon Musk’s ability to deliver the company’s new vehicle on time.,bloomberg
,Warren Buffett Sees Republicans Needing to Dial Back Their Tax Plan Ambitions,"Warren Buffett cast doubt on a controversial centerpiece of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s tax overhaul plan, saying the measure would lead to higher prices for consumers and likely be scaled back because it’s too politically contentious.",bloomberg
,Earth’s Orbiting Junkyard Threatens the Space Economy,Rocket and satellite litter is endangering private space commerce. Enter the cosmic debris tracking industry.,bloomberg
,Infrastructure Stocks Climb as Trump Pledges to Spend 'Big',"President Donald Trump breathed some life back into beaten-down stocks that have been seen as benefiting from higher spending on highways and bridges, promising to spend",bloomberg
,Let the Red Carpet Knockoff War Begin,"The Oscars are over, but the legal battle to protect those stunning dresses is just starting.",bloomberg
,"After Google Grounds Its Drone Project, Facebook Ramps Up Flights","While Google shuttered its Titan drone project, Facebook Inc. is planning to ramp up test flights for its own experimental solar-powered glider.",bloomberg
,Seoul Says North Korea Executed Senior Security Officials,"Seoul, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea executed five senior security officials with anti-aircraft guns because they made false reports that",bloomberg
,Trump to propose $ billion in cuts to 'most federal agencies',"President Donald Trump's first budget proposal will look to increase defense and security spending by $54 billion and cut roughly the same amount from non-defense programs, the White House said Monday.",cnn
,CNNgo -,"CNNgo is a revolutionary news-watching experience that offers the live CNN broadcast with unprecedented features. You can catch-up on the stories you‘ve missed, go deeper and learn more about the stories that interest you with related coverage, and enjoy the most popular On Demand Shows",cnn
,How Paul Ryan is getting Trump's team ready for battles in Congress,It's hard to overstate how much is on House Speaker Paul Ryan's plate right now. He presides over a restive group of Republicans who deposed his predecessor. He's dealing with a new president who -- even on his best days -- refuses to stick to the script and has no trouble throwing party orthodoxy out the window. Many of the top staffers he has to work with in the new administration have no idea how Congress works.,cnn
,Trump unites GOP as Democrats bicker,"If Hillary Clinton had won the presidency last year, Tom Perez, the freshly elected Democratic National Committee chair, might well be entering his second month running her Justice Department.",cnn
,Why Trump's Tuesday speech isn't a State of the Union address,President Donald Trump is set to give an address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday -- but it technically won't be his first State of the Union address.,cnn
,Trump: 'Nobody knew health care could be so complicated',"President Donald Trump noted with some exasperation Monday the complexity of the nation's health laws, which he's vowed to reform as part of a bid to scrap Obamacare.",cnn
,LIVE: Dem. leaders' prebuttal to Trump joint session,,cnn
,Pentagon sends ISIS options to White House,"The Pentagon has sent President Donald Trump what it calls a ""preliminary framework"" for options to ramp up the US battle against ISIS, in a plan he requested in order to make good on his campaign vow to crush the extremist group.",cnn
,George W. Bush: Power is addictive - CNN Video,"Former President George W. Bush was asked about the media during an interview on NBC's ""Today,"" he responded that media is essential to democracy and that power is addictive.",cnn
,Oscars mistake: A timeline of a historic blunder,"The big moment for ""Moonlight"" came after presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway accidentally announced the wrong winner. Here's how it happened.",cnn
,Why Nokia’s feature phone nostalgia stole the thunder from this year’s flagships,"Mobile World Congress kicked off over the weekend with press conferences from Samsung, Sony, LG and Motorola. But all anyone seems to care about is a..",techcrunch
,This is probably the Samsung Galaxy S8,"Samsung is set to announce the Galaxy S8 smartphone in late March, but the two videos and a couple of images embedded here appear to show working units. The..",techcrunch
,We don’t need more Surface clones,"When Microsoft launched the Surface line back in 2012, its combination of a tablet and keyboard cover (married with a smart kickstand), was innovative. With..",techcrunch
,SoftBank is in talks to invest up to $ billion in WeWork,SoftBank is being linked with an investment that could value WeWork at more than $ billion. CNBC reported that the Japanese telco giant is gearing up to..,techcrunch
,Alex Hales is to join England on their West Indies tour,England opener Alex Hales will join his side on their tour of the West Indies after recovering from a hand fracture.,bbc-sport
,Top Soviet Olympic gymnast Olga Korbut sells off medals - BBC News,"The former gymnast, a darling of the 1972 Munich Olympics, auctions off her medals to pay the bills.",bbc-sport
,Nobel winner: Attack on experts 'undermines science',"One of UK's top scientists, Sir Paul Nurse, says experts are being ""derided and pushed back"".",bbc-news
,Leicester - Liverpool: Foxes' first game since Ranieri sacking,"Text and radio coverage as Leicester, without the sacked Claudio Ranieri, take on Liverpool, who can go third with a win.",bbc-sport
,Republicans set to move on their agenda after a rough week off,Congressional Republicans return to Washington Monday prepared to plow ahead with their agenda after a long week back in their districts where high-octane town halls featuring contentious run-ins with constituents dominated headlines.,cnn
,"GOP returns to daunting task of dismantling Obamacare, selling its plan to Trump",Republicans return to Washington on Monday to what is becoming an increasingly daunting undertaking: Dismantling Obamacare.,cnn
,David Haye & Tony Bellew kept apart at Liverpool news conference,David Haye and Tony Bellew are kept apart by security guards but exchange insults at a heated Liverpool news conference.,bbc-sport
,LIVE: Senator Sanders at J Street Conference,,cnn
,Leicester - Liverpool - dominant Foxes score first league goals of ,"Text and radio coverage as Leicester, without the sacked Claudio Ranieri, take on Liverpool, who can go third with a win.",bbc-sport
,Uber's Engineering Head Departs After Harassment Claims Surface,Uber Technologies Inc. executive Amit Singhal resigned after the ride-hailing company learned of sexual harassment allegations from his previous job at Google.,bloomberg
,Trump Promises ‘Something Special’ on Health Care Before Speech,"President Donald Trump said his address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday will offer “something special” on his health-care overhaul efforts, as his administration gets increasingly involved with Republican plans to repeal and replace Obamacare.",bloomberg
,Judge convicts Leeds 'cash for crash' killers,Trial jury at Leeds Crown Court discharged after attempts were made to bribe jurors.,bbc-news
,SpaceX to fly two tourists around Moon in ,The US rocket company says the customers have already paid for the flight planned for late .,bbc-news
,'Hundreds' of US Jewish graves attacked in Philadelphia,The incident marks the second major attack against a Jewish cemetery in the past week.,bbc-news
,El Salvador's much-loved hippo Gustavito killed at zoo,"While murder has long lost the capacity to shock in El Salvador, Gustavito's death has hit a nerve.",bbc-news
, Watch: Match of the Day ,Watch BBC One live on BBC iPlayer.,bbc-sport
,Leicester City - Liverpool,Leicester produce a superb display to beat Liverpool and move out of the bottom three in their first game since the sacking of Claudio Ranieri.,bbc-sport
,"Hungry Like The Fox, Flintoff, Savage and the Ping Pong Guy - BBC Radio 5 live","Andrew Flintoff, Robbie Savage & Matthew Syed talk sport, life and everything in-between.",bbc-sport
,Musk’s SpaceX Plans Flight Circling Moon With Civilians,Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. plans to send two private citizens on a trip around the moon late next year as it continues to work with NASA for a crewed mission to the International Space Station.,bloomberg
,Generals to White House: Don't cut State Department,More than 120 retired generals and admirals signed a letter Monday pushing back on the White House's proposal to make major cuts to diplomacy and development.,cnn
,Schiff: No conclusion on Trump-Russia probe - CNN Video,"Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, says that without an independent analysis, it's too early to draw conclusions about Trump advisers' involvement with Russian officials. Schiff's statement differs from the opinion of the committee's chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes. CNN's Jim Sciutto breaks it down.",cnn
,Trump admin looks to hire more border agents,The Department of Homeland Security is exploring ways to make it easier to hire agents to help fulfill President Donald Trump's ambitious border security plans,cnn
,SpaceX to fly two space tourists around the moon in ,Elon Musk said two tourists will travel around the moon in with SpaceX.,cnn
,Uber’s SVP Amit Singhal leaves company because he didn’t disclose a sexual harassment allegation at Google,"Uber's SVP of engineering, Amit Singhal, left the company earlier today after Uber CEO Travis Kalanick asked him to step down, Recode reports. According to..",techcrunch
,SpaceX will send people on a trip around the moon next year,"Elon Musk promised some SpaceX news today, and it looks like it just made its way out: The company is going to send two people on a trip around the moon. But..",techcrunch
,Boston Dynamics’ Handle robot dominates parkour on wheels in new footage,Boston Dynamics' wheeled Handle robot received much fanfare earlier this month when DFJ partner Steve Jurvetson slipped us an early video from a company..,techcrunch
,Samsung jumps the shark with fake news,Samsung just released a press statement declaring its Galaxy S7 edge as winning the best smartphone award at Mobile World Congress . That didn't happen...,techcrunch
,Trump's EPA Budget Cuts May Unleash a Backlash as Risks Remain,President Donald Trump’s plan to slash the Environmental Protection Agency’s $8.3 billion budget would almost certainly mean making deep cuts to programs that protect the air and water and invoke fierce protests from environmentalists.,bloomberg
,Morgan Stanley Takes $ Million Charge for Tax-Reporting Error,Morgan Stanley said it took a $ million charge tied to tax-reporting errors by its brokerage business from to .,bloomberg
,ESPN's 'SportsCenter' Gives Way to Serious Films and an Oscar Win,"On stage in front of the biggest movie stars in the world, documentary filmmaker Ezra Edelman clutched his first Oscar and thanked a fellow newcomer to the Hollywood awards circuit: ESPN.",bloomberg
,Leicester - Liverpool: Foxes made right decision - Dietmar Hamann,"Match of the Day 2 pundit Dietmar Hamann says Leicester's 3-1 victory over Liverpool shows that the club made the ""right decision"" to sack manager Claudio Ranieri.",bbc-sport
,Sources: Trump signed off on checking White House staffers' phones,"President Donald Trump signed off on press secretary Sean Spicer's decision to check aides' cell phones to make certain they weren't communicating with reporters by text message or through encrypted apps, multiple sources confirmed to CNN on Monday.",cnn
,Tunisia terror attack: Inquest into death of Britons to finish,The coroner examined whether the UK government and travel firms failed to protect British tourists.,bbc-news
,Blood tests spot ovarian cancer early,"There is no screening programme for the disease, so patients say it would be of ""enormous benefit"".",bbc-news
,UK 'must insulate 25 million homes',"Huge numbers of draughty homes could stop it meeting emissions targets by 2050, a report says.",bbc-news
,Prosecutions 'rare' for abuse by home carers,"There were 23,000 allegations of abuse by care workers in people's homes between 2013 and 2016.",bbc-news
,Free range eggs temporarily lose status after bird flu measures,Hens have been kept in barns for weeks under emergency measures to limit the spread of bird flu.,bbc-news
,Prison officers to withdraw from riot duty in pay dispute,The move is part of a fresh wave of industrial action announced by officers in England and Wales.,bbc-news
,Firms urged to publish ethnic breakdown,A government-backed review says greater openness on race and pay could help stamp out inequality.,bbc-news
,GOP Obamacare Plan Suffers Blow With Rejection by Key Republican,The leader of the largest group of House conservatives said Monday he couldn’t support the party’s existing Obamacare replacement strategy.,bloomberg
,Exxon's Post-Tillerson Fortunes Closer to Home as New CEO Pivots,Exxon Mobil Corp. is pinning its fortunes closer to home as new CEO Darren Woods veers from the oil titan’s longtime focus on Asian and African riches.,bloomberg
,Vietnam Wants Its Gamblers Staking Their $ Million at Home,"Communist leaders are looking to casinos, horse betting and modern lottery-ticket machines to raise money for schools and hospitals.",bloomberg
,Tech Startup Market Sinks to Lowest Point in Three Years,Concerned venture capitalists sit out the stock market’s Trump bump.,bloomberg
,Senate Confirms Wilbur Ross as Trump's Commerce Secretary,"Billionaire Wilbur Ross was confirmed as U.S. Commerce secretary by the Senate, clearing the way for one of President Donald Trump’s key trade officials to take office.",bloomberg
,U.S. Shale Surge Threatens OPEC Strategy,"OPEC’s output agreement may have put a floor under prices, but it has also prompted the return of U.S. shale.",bloomberg
,Sessions Says He'll Recuse Himself on Russia Probe If Needed,U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said for the first time that he’ll recuse himself if necessary from investigations into contacts that associates of President Donald Trump may have had with Russian government officials.,bloomberg
,Hindenburg Memories Cloud Shell's Vision of Hydrogen Future,"Taxi driver Theo Ellis, the first person in Europe to drive Toyota Motor Corp.’s hydrogen-powered Mirai sedan for business, loves telling passengers about the technology that emits nothing but water.",bloomberg
,Trump says Obama behind leaks,"President Donald Trump said he believes former President Barack Obama has been behind the leaks within his administration and the sizable, angry town hall crowds Republicans have faced across the country.",cnn
,House intel committee agrees to scope of Trump-Russia probe,Members of the House Intelligence Committee agreed Monday evening on the boundaries of their investigation into Russia's alleged interference in the US elections.,cnn
,Sanders mocks Trump saying nobody knew health care is 'complicated',"Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders described health care as ""very, very complicated,"" hours after President Donald Trump said, ""Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.""",cnn
,Trump budget plan shows how he would reshape nation,An early glimpse at President Donald Trump's first budget proposal offers the clearest blueprint yet of how he plans to remake the nation.,cnn
,Here's what we know about Trump's budget math,President Donald Trump outlined some very broad strokes of his budget proposal during remarks in Washington Monday.,cnn
,Trump on budget: We're doing more with less - CNN Video,President Trump will be under pressure to explain his deep budget cuts and plans to replace Obamacare when he addresses Congress tomorrow,cnn
,Trump promises 'renewal of American spirit' in speech to Congress,"The president promises a ""new chapter of American greatness"" in a speech to Congress.",bbc-news
,Kim Jong-nam death: Two women to face murder charges,They could face the death penalty if convicted of murdering the North Korean leader's brother.,bbc-news
,How far does school dinner chicken travel?,"School children are being served chicken produced 6,000 miles away in Thailand, a BBC investigation has found.",bbc-news
,The US poverty challenge facing Donald Trump,"Ian Pannell reports from the city of Baltimore, where 25% of the population lives in poverty.",bbc-news
,Brighton & Hove Albion - Newcastle United,Newcastle score twice in the final minutes to come from behind to beat Championship promotion rivals Brighton.,bbc-sport
,Hamilton Academical - Aberdeen,Mikey Devlin scores the winner as Hamilton climb to ninth in the Premiership with victory over Aberdeen.,bbc-sport
,Liverpool's 2022 Commonwealth Games offer after Durban admits uncertainty - BBC News,Liverpool offers to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games after hosts Durban admit funding concerns.,bbc-sport
,McLaren struggle as Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen tops day two of Barcelona test,"McLaren's dire start to pre-season testing continues with a second day of problems with Honda's new engine, as Ferrari set the pace.",bbc-sport
,Jess Varnish: British cyclist wants to resume career after Shane Sutton controversy,"Cyclist Jess Varnish has not given up hope of resuming her career after being dropped from British Cycling's elite programme, says her lawyer.",bbc-sport
,Why former England cricketer James Taylor still can't trust his heart,James Taylor says he learning to trust his heart again after having an internal defibrillator surgically fitted last year to help deal with an irregular heartbeat.,bbc-sport
,Ayr United - Raith Rovers,"Farid El Alagui's header is enough for Ayr United to beat Raith Rovers, who bizarrely had to play midfielder Ryan Stevenson as goalkeeper.",bbc-sport
,"Andy Murray beats Malek Jaziri at Dubai Championships, Dan Evans beats Dustin Brown",World number one Andy Murray beats Tunisia's Malek Jaziri at the Dubai Championships in his first match for six weeks.,bbc-sport
,Six Nations: Jonathan Joseph included in England squad after Italy exclusion,Jonathan Joseph is recalled to the England squad for their training camp ahead of next weekend's Six Nations meeting with Scotland.,bbc-sport
,Blackburn Rovers - Derby County,Blackburn Rovers boost their Championship survival chances with a gutsy victory over Derby County at Ewood Park.,bbc-sport
,Justice Ginsburg Opts to Skip Trump’s Speech to Congress,U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg always hugged President Barack Obama before his speeches to Congress. She doesn’t even plan to attend President Donald Trump’s first one.,bloomberg
,A Delivery Man Just Became One of the Richest People in China,Chinese parcel billionaires have amassed a total net worth of about $ billion.,bloomberg
,"In Video, Uber's CEO Argues With a Driver Over Falling Fares",Travis Kalanick tells a driver to take responsibility for his problems and boasts about a tough culture.,bloomberg
,"S&P 500 Could Top 4,000 in 8 Years And It's Not Because of Trump","Donald Trump’s first five weeks on the job have been pretty good for the stock market. By one measure, investors haven’t seen anything yet.",bloomberg
,Losses Mount for Obamacare Startup Oscar as Repeal Looms,"Oscar Insurance Corp., the startup trying to reinvent medical insurance with its Obamacare-focused plans, lost more than $200 million on the products in 2016 as it heads into a year that may see the undoing of the health law.",bloomberg
,Ryan and Bannon Forge Unexpected Alliance on Border Tax,House Speaker Paul Ryan has won over an unlikely ally to salvage his controversial tax plan: Steve Bannon.,bloomberg
,Snap's Investors Could Disappear After the IPO,There are plenty of reasons to buy into Snap Inc.’s initial public offering. The larger question is whether investors will want to stick around.,bloomberg
,Time Inc. Asks Suitors to Submit Offers by Next Week,"Time Inc. asked potential suitors to submit acquisition offers by next week, according to people familiar with the matter.",bloomberg
,Entire Democratic response to Trump's address - CNN Video,"Former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear responds to the President's address to Congress, questioning Trump's plan for the Affordable Care Act and urging him to unify American citizens.",cnn
,Van Jones: The moment Trump became President - CNN Video,"CNN political commentator Van Jones said that the moment when President Donald Trump addressed Carryn Owens, the widow of slain US Navy SEAL William ""Ryan"" Owens, was a crucial moment.",cnn
,Trump honors a fallen Navy SEAL - CNN Video,"President Trump praises the American military and honors Carryn Owens, the widow of William ""Ryan"" Owens who was a Navy SEAL killed in a late-January raid in Yemen.",cnn
,"In video, Uber CEO speaks openly about impact of competitors on pricing",A newly published video clip of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick may offer the world's first glimpse into his thinking about businesses that compete with his..,techcrunch
,"Google quietly launches Meet, an enterprise-friendly version of Hangouts","Google has quietly launched a new video conferencing application called Meet by Google Hangouts, which is designed for HD video meetings. The web and mobile..",techcrunch
,"YouTube unveils YouTube TV, its live TV streaming service","After a year of rumors, YouTube is finally drawing back the curtain on its latest play for entertainment industry domination -- a live TV service. At the..",techcrunch
,Amazon AWS S3 outage is breaking things for a lot of websites and apps,"Amazon's S3 web-based storage service is experiencing widespread issues, leading to service that's either partially or fully broken on websites, apps and..",techcrunch
,Coptic Christian mother sees husband and son killed,Hundreds of Coptic Christians have fled Egypt’s northern Sinai region after a spate of so-called Islamic State attacks with seven people killed within two weeks.,bbc-news
,"‘Hodgson can only be a benefit for Leicester', In Short - BBC Radio 5 live","Phil Brown says a man of Roy Hodgson's stature ""can only be a benefit to Leicester City.""",bbc-sport
,Chinese Super League outspends Premier League as winter transfer window closes,The Chinese winter transfer window ends as Super League sides surpass the spending of their Premier League counterparts.,bbc-sport
,"Dow Passes 21,000, Dollar Jumps as Rate Hike Looms: Markets Wrap","The Dow Jones Industrial Average topped 21,000 for the first time, the dollar advanced and Treasuries fell as investors grew increasingly confident global economic growth is accelerating, clearing the path for higher interest rates in America.",bloomberg
,Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions under fire over Russia meetings,Democrats call on Jeff Sessions to quit as he insists he did not mislead his confirmation hearing.,bbc-news
,Limos and lifts among Saudi king's travel essentials,Saudi Arabia's king is visiting Indonesia and he's not travelling lightly.,bbc-news
,"In Kim Jong-nam Killing, a Common Migration Tale Takes a Dark Turn","Before being accused in the death of Kim Jong-un’s half brother, Doan Thi Huong was one of millions of Southeast Asians living abroad in search of work.",the-new-york-times
,US Attorney General Jeff Sessions quits Russia probe,"America's top prosecutor Jeff Sessions insists his confirmation testimony was ""honest and correct"".",bbc-news
,West Indies v England: Ben Stokes says he has grown up before ODI series,England all-rounder Ben Stokes says he has grown up as his side prepare for a three-match ODI series against West Indies.,bbc-sport
,"Alexis Sanchez protest: 14,000 signed up, fewer than 10 went","A protest in Chile to encourage forward Alexis Sanchez to leave Arsenal, which was supposed to attract 14,000, was only attended by a handful of people.",bbc-sport
,Lewis Hamilton on F1 testing: 'The fastest I have ever been',"The drivers love the new cars, and the first week of testing in Barcelona has given us a picture of who is fast and who is not, writes Andrew Benson.",bbc-sport
,Sessions Removes Himself From Campaign Investigations,"Attorney General Jeff Sessions removed himself from investigations into Russian interference in American politics and contacts with associates of President Donald Trump, after the Justice Department acknowledged he had contacts with the Russian ambassador during the 2016 campaign.",bloomberg
,Pimco's New Bond Chief Is Red Hot and Luring Billions in Cash,"After star money manager Bill Gross left in 2014, Pacific Investment Management Co. seemed destined to fade from prominence and become just one of many firms that dot the U.S. bond-industry landscape. But then Dan Ivascyn, the man tapped to replace Gross, got hot.",bloomberg
,Snap's Two Co-Founders Are Now Worth $5.3 Billion Each After IPO,Investor appetite for the first tech listing of the year boosted the fortunes of Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy.,bloomberg
,Spotify Surpasses Million Paid Subscribers,"Spotify has surpassed 50 million subscribers, extending its lead over rivals Apple Music, SoundCloud and Google as the world’s largest paid music streaming service.",bloomberg
,Lockheed's Satellite Boost System Is Under U.S. Air Force Review,"The U.S. Air Force has opened a review of the propulsion systems used for Lockheed Martin Corp.’s military satellites after an undisclosed problem during a recent attempt to boost one into orbit, according to the service.",bloomberg
,Goldman Bankers are Grumbling About Changes to Mobile Perks,Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s dealmakers endured job cuts and a tough bonus season. Then the penny pinchers turned to their beloved phones.,bloomberg
,Five Things We Learned This Week,"It’s been a great year for the rich, a terrible year for Uber, and did you know you can lease a dog?",bloomberg
,China Provides Calm for Markets Ahead of Potential Fed Rate Hike,"While the world’s attention has been gripped by politics in the U.S. and Europe in recent weeks, China has been quietly cementing its newfound influence on financial markets.",bloomberg
,Here’s How Samsung Can Restore Its Reputation,It’s not easy to win back customers’ trust after your product bursts into flames. But it can be done.,bloomberg
,Has Trump Already Sidelined His Secretary of State?,Rex Tillerson’s effectiveness depends on his shedding some of the instincts that led to his hire.,bloomberg
,Trump: Sessions 'did not say anything wrong',Top Democrats have called for US Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign after it emerged he failed to disclose meetings with a Russian diplomat,cnn
,More Trump advisers disclose meetings with Russia's ambassador,President Donald Trump's senior aide Jared Kushner and ousted adviser Michael Flynn met with the Russian ambassador to the United States at a time when the Trump administration's relationship with the Russians was under close scrutiny.,cnn
,Here are the Hill members calling for Sessions to resign or recuse,"Capitol Hill has been dominated Thursday by a disagreement over what, if any, steps Attorney General Jeff Sessions should take after it surfaced that he spoke with the Russian ambassador to the US during last year's campaign.",cnn
,It's time for a Watergate-style select committee on Russiagate,"With every new revelation about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians, it becomes clearer that it's time for Congress to set up a bipartisan select committee to investigate, Julian Zelizer says.",cnn
,Russia's reaction to spy claims,,cnn
,Sessions cited Lynch-Clinton meeting in calling for special prosecutor in email investigation,"During the 2016 campaign, Jeff Sessions called on then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch to recuse herself from the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and to appoint a special prosecutor in the case.",cnn
,Report: Pence used private email account - CNN Video,"Vice President Mike Pence routinely used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, according to reports from Indystar. CNN's John Berman reports.",cnn
,Paul demands to see the House GOP's Obamacare repeal bill,"Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul marched to the House side of the Capitol Thursday morning, knocked on a locked door and demanded to see a copy of the House's bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, which he believed was being kept under lock and key.",cnn
,Trump administration: We may ignore World Trade Organization,"In a paper released Wednesday night, the Trump administration hinted that it may not abide by rulings from the World Trade Organization, which would be a major shift from previous presidents.",cnn
,US tries to ID hundreds of al Qaeda contacts after Yemen raid,"Several US officials told CNN Thursday that the US is now taking action to locate and monitor hundreds of people or ""contacts"" found as part the intelligence retrieved during the deadly raid last month in Yemen targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.",cnn
,Will Ferrell to Speak at USC Commencement,The actor has been named the official guest speaker for the University of Southern California’s 134th graduation ceremony on May .,entertainment-weekly
,"‘Riverdale’ recap: ‘Episode Six: Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!’",Archie steals a Pussycat,entertainment-weekly
,‘Nashville’ recap: ‘I’ll Fly Away’,"Tears, tributes, and too much Teddy",entertainment-weekly
,‘Supernatural’ recap: ‘The Raid’,The Alpha Vampire returns to take on the British Men of Letters,entertainment-weekly
,‘The Voice’ recap: ‘The Blind Auditions: Episode ’,"Five new team members join the ranks of Team Adam, Team Blake, Team Alicia, and Team Gwen, but only one of them forces a judge to walk off the stage",entertainment-weekly
,Watch the 'Beauty and the Beast' Hollywood Premiere Live,"Beauty and the Beast doesn’t hit theaters until March 17, but right now, you can catch a glimpse of Beauty, the Beast, Gaston, and the whole fantastical crew. Below, courtesy of the film&#821…",entertainment-weekly
,Jason Statham's Giant Shark Movie 'Meg' Pushed to Summer 2018,Moviegoers will have to wait five extra months to see Jason Statham battle a massive prehistoric shark. Warner Bros. announced Thursday that its underwater thriller Meg has been delayed until Aug. …,entertainment-weekly
,"'Fate of the Furious': Lil Uzi Vert, Quavo, Travis Scott 'Go Off' in Video From Soundtrack","2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa, Pitbull, and Camilia Cabello will also be on film’s album",entertainment-weekly
,Twitter Casts a Literary Spell with #PotterABook,"How do you improve on classic books? Put a Harry Potter spin on them, of course! That’s exactly what Twitter users did Thursday with the hashtag #PotterABook. Fans of literature and J.K. Rowl…",entertainment-weekly
,"Warriors vs. Bulls - Game Summary - March 2, 2017 - ESPN",Get a summary of the Golden State Warriors vs. Chicago Bulls basketball game,espn
,Draymond Green: Kevin Durant's absence doesn't alter Warriors' motivation,"In an interview with ESPN, Warriors big man Draymond Green insists the team remains focused despite the loss of Kevin Durant for an extended period.",espn
,Bracketology with Joe Lunardi,Get the latest NCAA college basketball bracketology breakdown from ESPN's Joe Lunardi,espn
,Championship Week: NCAA tournament bids up for grabs,Stay up to speed during Championship Week as conference tourneys determine which teams earn automatic bids to the women's NCAA tournament.,espn
,Kiper and McShay's 2017 NFL combine preview,"With four days of workouts about to get underway at the NFL combine, Mel Kiper and Todd McShay give out some players to watch and a few predictions.",espn
, biggest freak athletes at NFL combine,"Myles Garrett, Leonard Fournette and David Njoku are just a few of the NFL prospects expected to showcase their athleticism in Indianapolis.",espn
,How an Iditarod competitor who lost everything found solace in Alaska's wilderness,Katherine Keith has had to deal with more tragedy than anyone should. How she's kept going -- with Ironman competitions and elite dog-mushing races -- shows the extreme lengths she's gone to to handle the pain.,espn
,Save that money: Baseball's best contracts,"Players like Brandon Crawford have leverage and can command top dollar at the bargaining table, but teams still score big values on these deals paying seven or eight figures.",espn
,Is it time to panic over David Price?,Pitchers don't visit Dr. James Andrews for the magazines in his waiting room. Are the Red Sox about to lose their $217 million man?,espn
,No Man's Sky Developer Announces Funding Initiative Hello Labs - IGN,Hello Labs will provide support and funding to smaller developers creating experimental projects.,ign
,Transformers Spinoff Bumblebee Hires Kubo and the Two Strings Director - IGN,"Paramount has hired Kubo and the Two Strings director Travis Knight to helm the Transformers spinoff movie, Bumblebee.",ign
,Nintendo Switch How-To Guides - Nintendo Switch Wiki Guide - IGN,"Nintendo Switch How-To Guides - Nintendo Switch: Below is a list of tips and guides to help you get more out of your Nintendo Switch -- and solve annoying problems (for more on that, check out Prob...",ign
,Nickelodeon Announces Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2D Animated Series - IGN,Nickelodeon has announced a new 2D animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series that will feature a more mystical New York City setting.,ign
,Amiibo Functionality - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wiki Guide - IGN,Amiibo Functionality - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Nintendo has confirmed that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be compatible with Amiibo and support Amiibo Functionality on both the Wii U...,ign
,Zelda: Breath of the Wild Final Graphics Comparison - Wii U vs. Nintendo Switch - IGN Video,A final look at both retail versions of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.,ign
,Just Dance Review - IGN,"Just Dance 2017 is a fun dancing game, but it doesn't really teach you anything, and has an annoying paywall.",ign
,Donnie Yen to Star in Sleeping Dogs Video Game Adaptation - IGN,The Rogue One and Ip Man star has been tapped to star in an adaptation of Square Enix's Sleeping Dogs.,ign
,Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales - Domestic Trailer - IGN Video,Jack Sparrow's chased by a new foe from beyond a watery grave.,ign
,Bolivia Files Formal Complaint to France Over Ghost Recon Wildlands - IGN,The Bolivian government is officially unhappy with the country's depiction in the game.,ign
,Snapchat is already more valuable than these companies,"Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, had a stellar first day in its public debut on the New York Stock Exchange, popping 44%. The..",techcrunch
,Snapchat stock finishes up % on first day,"Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, had a great day in its debut on the New York Stock Exchange. After pricing the IPO at $17 per share yesterday, the..",techcrunch
,One bitcoin is now worth more than one ounce of gold,"For the first time ever, the price of one bitcoin has surpassed the price of one ounce of gold. While today's swap can be attributed to a good day for..",techcrunch
,AWS cloudsplains what happened during S3 storage outage,"AWS took a lot of heat when its S3 storage component went down for several hours on Tuesday, and rightly so, but today they published a..",techcrunch
,Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Inquiry,The announcement came after a day of rapid-fire developments that intensified pressure for a full investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the election.,the-new-york-times
,"Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says","The president’s son-in-law and incoming national security adviser met with the ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, for 20 minutes at Trump Tower in December.",the-new-york-times
,Jeff Sessions Needs to Go,"What he did was as bad, if not worse, than Richard Kleindienst, Nixon’s attorney general.",the-new-york-times
,Melania Trump Wears Black to the President’s Speech (and Twitter Reacts),Was the first lady’s outfit on Tuesday night a slyly mischievous response to the Democratic women who came clad in all white?,the-new-york-times
,Jeff Sessions to Recuse Himself From Trump Campaign Probes,"Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday he will recuse himself from involvement in any probe related to the Trump campaign, after lawmakers called for him to recuse himself from an investigation into alleged Russian interference in the election.",the-wall-street-journal
,Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses,"Campaign-finance records show attorney general used campaign account, not official funds, for expenses to Cleveland, where he met Russia’s ambassador at an event.",the-wall-street-journal
,"Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria","President Donald Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. was likely paid at least $50,000 for an appearance late last year before a French think tank whose founder and wife are allies of the Russian government in efforts to end the war in Syria.",the-wall-street-journal
,"Was Aubrey McClendon a Billionaire, or Broke?","A year after oil magnate Aubrey McClendon died in an auto crash, lawyers in Oklahoma City are sifting through the tangle of obligations and assets he left behind, trying to determine if he died a wealthy man—or swamped by debt.",the-wall-street-journal
,Islamic State Hid Training Camp in Rail Tunnel Near Mosul,"The Iraqi military has found an obstacle course Islamic State built in an old railway tunnel near Mosul, where raw recruits crawled under barbed wire and scaled walls to begin their reshaping into seasoned fighters.",the-wall-street-journal
,Snapchat Shares Surge % in Market Debut,Snap shares surged % on their first day of trading Thursday as investors sought a piece of the biggest technology initial public offering in the U.S. since Alibaba made its debut in .,the-wall-street-journal
,The German Right Believes It’s Time to Discard the Country’s Historical Guilt,The Alternative for Germany party is making headway with a message that an overemphasis on guilt over the Nazi era prevents national pride and hamstrings government policy.,the-wall-street-journal
,Federal Agents Search Caterpillar Locations,Federal agents on Thursday raided three Caterpillar facilities in Illinois in search of any evidence that the machinery giant may have released false or misleading information about its financial documents and exports.,the-wall-street-journal
,EU Parliament Calls to End Visa-Free Travel for U.S. Citizens,The European Union’s parliament on Thursday asked for the bloc to scrap visa-free travel for U.S. citizens within two months in retaliation for the U.S. continuing to exclude five EU countries from its no-visa regime.,the-wall-street-journal
,"Costco to Raise Membership Fees, Higher Costs Take Toll on Profit",Costco Wholesale Corp. is raising membership fees—the retailer’s main profit driver—after higher costs in the latest period offset strong sales during the holiday quarter.,the-wall-street-journal
,Attorney General Jeff Sessions will recuse himself from any probe related to presidential campaign,"Sessions had been facing mounting pressure to step away from any investigations, after it was revealed he had talked to the Russian ambassador twice and not disclosed those contacts.",the-washington-post
,Analysis | Could Sessions face perjury charges? Former federal prosecutors think not.,At least not with the evidence at hand.,the-washington-post
,The nearly indestructible bond between Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump,"Trump said he has ‘total’ faith in his attorney general, who has quickly begun implementing the president’s vision in his first weeks on the job.",the-washington-post
,Analysis | Jeff Sessions’s puzzling press conference,Sessions answers one big question — and raises a bunch more.,the-washington-post
,The Trump presidency can’t seem to escape Russia’s shadow,The controversy is exacerbated by Trump’s tendency to treat to personalize issues with broader implications.,the-washington-post
,Hackers accessed a private email account Pence used for official business as Indiana governor,Pence's private AOL account was hacked in 2016.,the-washington-post
,Analysis | Nancy Pelosi’s claim that Bill Clinton was impeached for ‘something so far less’ than Jeff Sessions,"It's too early for Pelosi to make such a sweeping statement, as the Sessions case is still unfolding.",the-washington-post
,New EPA head told Congress he never used personal email for government business. But it turns out he did.,,the-washington-post
,ISIS dumped bodies in a desert sinkhole. It may be years before we know the full scale of the killings.,The mass grave near the city of Mosul could be among the militants’ largest.,the-washington-post
,Your child’s been sent to jail. And then comes the bill.,Family advocates say state and local laws requiring reimbursement for incarceration only add to children’s struggles.,the-washington-post
,Sessions: I gave honest answers about Russia - CNN Video,Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador during Trump's campaign last year. Sessions recused himself from any investigation related to the presidential campaign.,cnn
,Stephen Colbert Sneaks a Peek at Jeff Sessions' Day Planner,Attorney General Jeff Sessions had a chaotic day at the office Thursday as he faced a barrage of criticism over newly revealed contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. and eventually rec…,entertainment-weekly
,Jimmy Fallon Gives Jeff Sessions Some Suggestions For New Jobs,The host joked that the politician could be ‘The World’s Oldest Living Boy’ at a traveling carnival,entertainment-weekly
,"Sessions breaks with intelligence agencies, says he doesn’t know if Russia wanted Trump to win",The intelligence community believes Russian hacking was meant to benefit Trump's campaign. The attorney general is not so sure.,the-washington-post
,Sleep problems mounting in children,Hospital attendances for sleep disorders in under-14s in England triple in years.,bbc-news
,Sinn Féin close the gap on DUP in NI Assembly,The Democratic Unionist Party is narrowly returned as the biggest party but Sinn Féin is the biggest winner in the NI Assembly election.,bbc-news
,Brexit: UK 'not obliged' to pay divorce bill say peers,"The UK could walk away without paying - but this might imperil a trade deal, peers say.",bbc-news
,"Daimler recalls 75,000 Mercedes-Benz cars in UK",Daimler is recalling around one million vehicles worldwide because of the risk of fire.,bbc-news
,Kim Jong-nam death: North Korean says arrest was 'conspiracy',A man suspected of involvement in Kim Jong-nam's death says he is the victim of a conspiracy.,bbc-news
,BBC investigates how intruders gained access to studio,The studio was being used by the BBC News channel but the intruders were not seen on air.,bbc-news
,Lowering of legal drink-drive limit 'to save lives' urged,Councils and fire authorities are calling for the limit to be lowered in line with Scotland.,bbc-news
,London loses out in business rates revamp,Councils in the capital will hand over hundreds of millions more to top up other local authorities.,bbc-news
,Average English council tax bill to rise % - survey,"Households face largest rise in a decade on back of social care costs, say public finance experts.",bbc-news
,"Banksy hotel, The Walled Off, opens in Bethlehem","It has the ""worst view in the world"", the artist says, as it is next to Israel's controversial wall.",bbc-news
,West Indies v England: Eoin Morgan century sets up win for tourists in first ODI,A century from England captain Eoin Morgan sets up a -run win over West Indies in the first one-day international in Antigua.,bbc-sport
,David Haye v Tony Bellew: Richie Woodhall says Bellew has been underestimated,"Tony Bellew has been ""underestimated"" before his heavyweight fight with David Haye, says ex-world champion Richie Woodhall.",bbc-sport
,World Golf Championships: Rory McIlroy leads by two shots at halfway stage,Rory McIlroy cards a stunning six-under-par to take the lead at the halfway stage of the World Golf Championships event in Mexico.,bbc-sport
,European Indoor Athletics: Andrew Pozzi wins 60m hurdles gold,Briton Andrew Pozzi wins gold in the 60m hurdles at the European Indoor Athletics Championships in Belgrade.,bbc-sport
,Andy Murray beats Lucas Pouille to reach Dubai Championships final,Andy Murray beats France's Lucas Pouille in straight sets to reach the final of the Dubai Championships for the second time.,bbc-sport
,Birmingham City - Leeds United,Chris Wood scores twice as Leeds move to within a point of third place in the Championship after winning at Birmingham.,bbc-sport
,"British Cycling: UK Sport not responsible for standards, says Liz Nicholl",The chief executive of UK Sport says she will apologise to anyone who believes the agency is partly to blame for failings at British Cycling.,bbc-sport
,Man Utd's Jose Mourinho: I'm not the monster you say I am,Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho says he is not the monster he was once portrayed as.,bbc-sport
,Premiership: Leicester Tigers - Exeter Chiefs,Exeter Chiefs move one point behind Premiership leaders Wasps with a hard-fought bonus-point win at Leicester Tigers.,bbc-sport
,European Indoor Athletics: Eilidh Doyle misses out on 400m final,Eilidh Doyle misses out but Laviai Nielsen qualifies for the 400m final at the European Indoor Athletics Championships in Belgrade.,bbc-sport
,U.S. Airport Pat-Downs Are About to Get More Invasive,The TSA reacts to a study that found weapons making it past security.,bloomberg
,"At Tesla, Departures Mount at a Critical Time",Tesla Inc. is losing key personnel as it races to bring the Model -- its most critical electric sedan yet -- to market later this year.,bloomberg
,Yellen Hints at More Aggressive Rate Path Upon Locking in March,"Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen left little doubt on Friday that the central bank will raise interest rates this month. More importantly, she dropped hints that it might end up having to increase them this year more than planned.",bloomberg
,A Major Proponent of H-1B Visa Reform Loses Patience With Trump,The White House says reform of controversial guest worker program 'is an issue we are closely and carefully looking at',bloomberg
,Uber's Greyball Program Is Under Scrutiny for Blocking Government Stings,An Uber Technologies Inc. program used to counteract government officials attempting to conduct “sting” operations is drawing scrutiny amid a flurry of scandals plaguing the ride-hailing company.,bloomberg
,Schwarzenegger on 'Celebrity Apprentice': I Quit,New York (AP) -- Arnold Schwarzenegger said Friday that he's through with,bloomberg
,Jobs Take Center Stage of Climate-Change Debate in Trump Era,"As the Trump administration sets to work gutting environmental regulations, the best weapon for battling climate change in the U.S. may be jobs.",bloomberg
,These Economies Are Getting More Miserable This Year,"Venezuela tops the list once again, but it's the moves in the middle that matter",bloomberg
,"This Year, Invest in a Better Life Story For Yourself",The science is clear: Shared experiences are more valuable than shared consumption. Here are eight enlightening ways to turn your bonus into a trip that lasts a lifetime.,bloomberg
,Snap IPO Shows Investor Appetite to Bet on Young Companies Again,"If there’s one lesson Silicon Valley can learn from Snap Inc.’s trading debut, it’s that investors in initial public offerings are again willing to stomach the uncertainty of betting on hopeful, young companies.",bloomberg
,Can immigrants be deported without a hearing? Yes -- and Trump wants to do it more often,Can an undocumented immigrant get kicked out of the United States without a court hearing? That's a key question at the heart of a controversial case that's become the latest lightning rod in the debate over the Trump administration's crackdown on illegal immigration.,cnn
,ICE arrests undocumented father taking daughter to California school,"Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, was arrested near a Los Angeles school one of his daughters attends. The daughter wept as immigration agents took her handcuffed father away in a black car.",cnn
,DREAMer detained after giving immigration speech - CNN Video,A woman reapplying for legal status is now detained. Her arrest came moments after she gave an immigration speech. CNN's Nick Valencia reports.,cnn
,Graham: Trump is getting bad hombres out - CNN Video,"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said what President Trump is doing with his immigration plan is a good thing because he is getting the ""bad hombres"" out.",cnn
,Grassley denies calls for Sessions to testify on Russian ambassador meetings,Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Friday denied calls by his Democratic colleagues to bring Attorney General Jeff Sessions before the panel in the coming days to testify about his meetings with the Russian ambassador.,cnn
,"Trump tweets Schumer, Putin photo, calls for investigation","President Donald Trump slammed Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in a tweet on Friday, accusing him of having a relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and presenting a photo of the two leaders as evidence.",cnn
,Carter Page on his relationship to Trump camp - CNN Video,"Carter Page, the man once linked to then-candidate Donald Trump's foreign policy team, talks with CNN's Anderson Cooper about his relationship to the campaign.",cnn
,DHS considering proposal to separate children from adults at border,"The Department of Homeland Security is considering a proposal to separate children from adults when they are trying to enter the country illegally at the southern border, a senior DHS official confirmed to CNN on Friday.",cnn
,DHS assessment: Individuals radicalized once in US,"A recent Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment found that most foreign-born violent extremists do not arrive in the US radicalized, but become radicalized after living in the US for several years.",cnn
,Magical Bracket Game! What’s The Best Disney Song Ever?,"Beginning Feb. 17, vote for your favorites each week below and listen to EW Morning Live (8 a.m-10 a.m.) on Sirius XM Radio channel 105 all month to hear the songs — and the heated debate. The winn…",entertainment-weekly
,"As 'When We Rise' Ends, Dustin Lance Black Looks for a Solution","There’s a world in which it’s easily fathomable that Dustin Lance Black could be the most furious person in the country today. Given All That’s Going On In America™, beneath an administration that’…",entertainment-weekly
,‘When We Rise’ finale recap: ‘Part IV’,Now is the time for true equality,entertainment-weekly
,‘The Vampire Diaries’ recap: ‘We’re Planning a June Wedding’,"Caroline and Stefan get married, but there’s more than one surprise guest in Mystic Falls",entertainment-weekly
,Josh Gad 'Very Proud' to Play Disney's First Openly Gay Character,"At the world premiere of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Thursday in Hollywood, Gad opened up about tackling the role of LeFou, whose relationship with the film’s villain Gaston has a new spin i…",entertainment-weekly
,'Modern Family': Sofia Vergara Shares Photos from Last Day of Season ,"This article originally appeared on That’s a wrap! To document the last day of shooting Modern Family‘s season 8, star Sofia Vergara shared some behind-the-scenes cast photos of her “fa…",entertainment-weekly
,Stephen Colbert Mocks Jeff Sessions' Awkward Press Conference,And the ‘Late Show’ host does it with the perfect ‘Star Wars’ analogy,entertainment-weekly
,'Emerald City' EP Shaun Cassidy Thanks Fans After Finale,"Every week, Emerald City executive producers David Schulner and Shaun Cassidy will bring EW behind the scenes and explain the ins-and-outs of the new NBC dark fantasy series inspired by the Land of…",entertainment-weekly
,‘Reign’ recap: ‘Playing With Fire’,"Mary’s putting out fires, literal and otherwise.",entertainment-weekly
,"'Tonight Show' Sums Up Trump, Oscars with 'This Week in Words'","Plus, Kellyanne Conway and Couchgate, and Attorney General Jess Sessions make their way into the musical montage",entertainment-weekly
,"Portland Timbers vs. Minnesota United FC - Football Match Summary - March 3, 2017 - ESPN","Follow live coverage of the Portland Timbers vs Minnesota United FC 2017 USA Major League Soccer, Regular Season football match.",espn
,"Paths to rematch look vastly different for Duke, UNC","Duke's highs have been high, but the lows have been quite low. While North Carolina has been remarkably consistent. Will the Tar Heels split the season series and claim an outright ACC title?",espn
,Champ Week: NCAA tournament bids up for grabs,Stay up to speed during Champ Week as conference tourneys determine which teams will earn automatic bids to the NCAA tournament.,espn
,Todd McShay's guide to every combine drill,"The drills at the NFL combine boil down to two questions: Do the measurables mesh with the film? And which players triggered red flags with their results? From the 40 to the bench press, here are the numbers to know for each drill.",espn
,-yard dash tests more than just speed,"By the time players run the 40-yard dash, they're worn down from the NFL combine gauntlet, which makes the pressure to perform all that much more daunting.",espn
,Minnesota and Atlanta United debut, LA Galaxy reboot vs. new-look Dallas,Jason Davis takes a look around the league at some of the top matchups ahead of the start of the Major League Soccer season in W2W4.
,Everything you need to know about the MLS season,Looking for the skinny on MLS in ? Search no further, ESPN FC has the nuts and bolts of the season that's just around the corner.
,"2017 MLS preview: Teams set to rebound, fall","Which teams are set to rebound from unlucky 2016 campaigns, and which front-runners will fall back to the pack? We dig into the numbers to find out.",espn
,MVP? LeBron's value on full display,"The MVP race has mostly been a two-man battle, but the Cavs think it's time to add LeBron James' name as a third-party candidate.",espn
,Nintendo Switch New Games Revealed and Deadpool Latest - IGN Daily Fix - IGN Video,All you need to know about the latest Nintendo Switch games and Deadpool casting news in this week's stories you may have missed.,ign
,Cauldrons - Horizon: Zero Dawn Wiki Guide - IGN,"Cauldrons - Horizon: Zero Dawn: Cauldrons are special dungeons in Horizon Zero Dawn. They're marked on your map with blue triangles, but are generally not truly revealed until you g...",ign
,"Logan - Easter Eggs, References and Trivia - IGN Video","From a surprise classic mutant to a missing iconic villain, these are the things you need to know about the final Wolverine movie.",ign
,NVC: Let's Talk About Nintendo's Indie Games - IGN Video,"Team Tumbleseed, Team 17, Raw Fury, Vetrex Pop, and Nintendo's Damon Baker join the crew of NVC to talk about games coming to Switch.",ign
,Fireteam Chat Ep. - An Age of Triumph Before A Loss Of Your Gear - IGN's Destiny Show - IGN Video,"While we're cautious, we think that Destiny only bringing your character's forward might be good news for improvements in the sequel.",ign
, Minutes of Flipping Death Gameplay on Nintendo Switch - IGN Video,Solve puzzles and flip the world in Zoink AB's spiritual successory to Stick it To The Man!,ign
,Nier: Automata PC Release Date Announced - IGN,"Players who pre-purchase the game will get access to special items, including a Valve character accessory.",ign
,"Nintendo Switch Reviews Aren't Great, But That's Okay - IGN Video",Keep in mind that the problems a console has at launch (or before that) aren't always permanent.,ign
,--Switch: Ranking the Minigames - IGN Video,"Not all the games in 1-2-Switch are created equally, we ranked them all from worst to best.",ign
,Dual Universe: A Single Shard Space MMO Meets Minecraft - IGN Video,"We caught up with Jean-Christophe Baillie, the creator of Dual Universe at GDC 2017.",ign
,World View’s ‘stratollites’ and new spaceport aim to change the business of space,"At World View's new headquarters in Tucson, Arizona, the paint is barely dry on a gleaming new structure located near the airport, and just down the road from..",techcrunch
,"Weekly Roundup: Snap’s soaring public debut, major AWS outage","Snap debuts as a public company in soaring IPO, AWS suffers major outage and Nokia is reviving Snake. These are the top tech headlines of the week explained.",techcrunch
,Uber uses a software tool to identify and sidestep code enforcement officials,"Uber is using a tool called ""Greyball"" to work identity requests made by certain users and deny them service, according to Mike Isaac reporting for the New..",techcrunch
,Thiel’s chief of staff tapped as White House deputy CTO,"Peter Thiel has been at Donald Trump's side since the Republican National Convention, guiding the then-candidate on technology policy and brokering a meeting..",techcrunch
,Former Uber software engineer alleges sexism from female manager,"Another day, another allegation against Uber. Keala Lusk, a former Uber software engineer, just posted to Medium her story of sexism, disrespect and..",techcrunch
,Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking,Obama administration officials scrambled to ensure intelligence of connections between the Trump campaign and Russian officials was preserved after they left office.,the-new-york-times
,You May Want to Marry My Husband,"After learning she doesn’t have long to live, a woman composes a dating profile for the man she will leave behind.",the-new-york-times
,How Uber Deceives the Authorities Worldwide,"A program uses data Uber collected to evade law enforcement in cities that resist the ride-hailing service, some current and former Uber employees said.",the-new-york-times
,G.O.P. Accused of Playing ‘Hide-and-Seek’ With Obamacare Replacement Bill,"Republicans excoriated Democrats for making “back-room deals” to pass the health law, but now they are being accused of violating vows of transparency.",the-new-york-times
,"Goodbye Spin, Hello Raw Dishonesty",The first casualty of Trump is truth.,the-new-york-times
,Nintendo Switch Reviews: Here’s What the Critics Say,A panoply of opinions take on the latest video game launch.,the-new-york-times
,A Timeline of Jeff Sessions’s Trump Ties and Meetings With Russia,Mr. Sessions’s actions and the surrounding events.,the-new-york-times
,Fed Officials Indicate Rate Increase Is Likely in March,"The Federal Reserve’s two most senior officials signaled the central bank is on course to pick up the pace of short-term interest-rate increases, with the next rise coming as soon as March and with more to come later this year.",the-wall-street-journal
,Democrats Criticize James Comey Over Russian Hacking Probe,"FBI Director James Comey is back in the crosshairs of Democrats, who say he hasn’t been forthcoming with congressional investigators probing alleged Russian interference to help Donald Trump in the U.S. election.",the-wall-street-journal
,Small Investors Run to ETFs,"A total of $124 billion has poured into ETFs in the first two months of 2017, the most aggressive start to a year since the industry was founded 24 years ago.",the-wall-street-journal
,"China Shifts Stance, Letting Dying Firms Go Bankrupt","As China’s National People’s Congress opens, bankruptcies of Chinese business have surged in the last two years, in a sign the state is beginning to take painful steps to trim the bloated industrial sector as it tries to rein in debt.",the-wall-street-journal
,The Hunt for the Mysterious Big Winner at Las Vegas Mogul’s New China Casino,A mysterious gambler whose winning streak was blamed by Las Vegas Sands for denting profit at its newest property in Macau is proving elusive.,the-wall-street-journal
,The Night Zombie Smartphones Took Down ,Call centers were hit in October by the largest-ever assault on the country’s highly vulnerable emergency-response system. It could happen again.,the-wall-street-journal
,Snapchat Investors Found Their Golden Goose in a Field of Turkeys,"The social media sector’s has-beens and never-weres, from Friendster and Myspace to Secret and Bebo, helped make shares in Snap Inc., parent of the messaging app Snapchat, seem so alluring",the-wall-street-journal
,Mike Pence Used Private Email Account to Conduct Indiana State Business,"Vice President Mike Pence used a personal email account to communicate with staff about state business while he was Indiana’s governor, according to emails released by the state’s current governor.",the-wall-street-journal
,Man Arrested in Threats Against Jewish Institutions,A Missouri man accused of making threats against Jewish organizations was arrested in St. Louis and charged in New York with cyberstalking.,the-wall-street-journal
,Disturbing New Facts About American Capitalism,“Let your winners run” is one of the oldest adages in investing. One of the newest ideas is that the winners may be running away with everything.,the-wall-street-journal
,White House proposes steep budget cut to leading climate science agency,The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is in the crosshairs of the White House.,the-washington-post
,"Despite early denials, growing list of Trump camp contacts with Russians haunts White House",Multiple meetings between campaign associates and Russian officials fuel calls for an independent inquiry.,the-washington-post
,Sessions’s recusal does little to quell partisan fervor over Russia,"Democrats called for the attorney general to offer a public, under-oath explanation, while the president tweeted pictures of them with Russian officials.",the-washington-post
,"With Sessions’s recusal, official poised to oversee probe into Russian interference in 2016 race",Rod J. Rosenstein’s confirmation hearing for deputy attorney general is set for Tuesday.,the-washington-post
,Analysis | From old photo to right-wing meme to Trump’s twitter: The journey of one Schumer/Putin pic,An important analysis of a tweet from the president of the United States.,the-washington-post
,"After decades in America, the newly deported return to a Mexico they barely recognize",The returnees signify untapped potential but also face scarce job opportunities and uncertainty.,the-washington-post
,White House split on import tax puts Congress in limbo,Different sides look to the president for a clear position.,the-washington-post
,"Uber used secret tool, extraordinary measures to sidestep government officials",Uber took extraordinary measures to evade government officials in places where the service was restricted or banned.,the-washington-post



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