练习 3.1: 如果f函数返回的是无限制的float64值,那么SVG文件可能输出无效的多边形元素(虽然许多SVG渲染器会妥善处理这类问题)。修改程序跳过无效的多边形。

练习 3.2: 试验math包中其他函数的渲染图形。你是否能输出一个egg box、moguls或a saddle图案?

练习 3.3: 根据高度给每个多边形上色,那样峰值部将是红色(#ff0000),谷部将是蓝色(#0000ff)。

练习 3.4: 参考1.7节Lissajous例子的函数,构造一个web服务器,用于计算函数曲面然后返回SVG数据给客户端。服务器必须设置Content-Type头部:

w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml")

// Surface computes an SVG rendering of a 3-D surface function.
package main import (
) var height,width float64 = 300 , 600
var cells float64= 100 // number of grid cells
var xyrange float64= 30.0 // axis ranges (-xyrange..+xyrange)
var xyscale float64= width / 2 / xyrange // pixels per x or y unit
var zscale float64= height * 0.4 // pixels per z unit
var angle float64= math.Pi / 6 // angle of x, y axes (=30°) var sin30, cos30 = math.Sin(angle), math.Cos(angle) // sin(30°), cos(30°) func main() { //http服务
func handle(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request){
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml")
if err := r.ParseForm();err != nil{
//var height int
//var width int
for k,v := range r.Form{
if k == "height"{
h, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v[0],64)
if h>0 {height = h}
if k == "width"{
w, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v[0],64)
if w>0 {width = w}
xyscale = width / 2 / xyrange
zscale = height * 0.4
fmt.Fprintf(w,"<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' "+
"style='stroke: #ff0000; fill: #0000ff; stroke-width: 0.7' "+
"width='%d' height='%d'>", width, height)
for i := 0; i < int(cells); i++ {
for j := 0; j < int(cells); j++ {
ax, ay := corner(i+1, j)
bx, by := corner(i, j)
cx, cy := corner(i, j+1)
dx, dy := corner(i+1, j+1)
fmt.Fprintf(w,"<polygon points='%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g %g,%g'/>\n",
ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy)
fmt.Fprintf(w,"</svg>") }
func corner(i, j int) (float64, float64) {
// Find point (x,y) at corner of cell (i,j).
x := xyrange * (float64(i)/cells - 0.5)
y := xyrange * (float64(j)/cells - 0.5) // Compute surface height z.
z := f(x, y) // Project (x,y,z) isometrically onto 2-D SVG canvas (sx,sy).
sx := width/2 + (x-y)*cos30*xyscale
sy := height/2 + (x+y)*sin30*xyscale - z*zscale
return sx, sy
} func f(x, y float64) float64 {
r := math.Hypot(x, y) // distance from (0,0)
return math.Sin(r) / r



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