
  1. 列表
  2. 元组



 7 class SqList:
8 def __init__(self,maxsize = 10):
9 self.curlen = 5#顺序表的初始化长度
10 self.maxsize = maxsize#顺序表的最大长度
11 self.listitem = [1,2,3,4,5]#顺序表存储空间
12 def clear(self):
13 """将顺序表置为空表"""
14 self.curlen = 0
15 def empty(self):
16 """判断顺序表是否为空"""
17 return delf.curlen == 0
18 def length(self):
19 return self.curlen
20 def get(self,i):
21 if i < 0 or i > self.curlen - 1:
22 raise Exception("第i个元素不存在")
23 return self.listitem[i]
24 def insert1(self,i,x):
25 """插入的x作为第i个元素"""
26 if i < 0 or i > self.curlen - 1:
27 raise Exception("插入位置非法")
28 if self.curlen == self.maxsize:
29 raise Exception("列表已满")
30 """
31 for j in range(self.curlen,i - 1,-1):
32 self.listitem[j] = self.listitem[j - 1]
32 self.listitem[j] = self.listitem[j - 1]
33 """
34 self.listitem.insert(i,x)
35 self.curlen += 1
36 def remove(self,i):
37 if i < 0 or i > self.curlen - 1:
38 raise Exception("删除位置非法")
39 """
40 for j in range(i,self.curlen):
41 self.listitem[j] = self.listitem[j + 1]
42 """
43 del self.listitem[i]
44 self.curlen -= 1
45 def index(self,x):
46 for i in range(self.curlen):
47 if self.listitem[i] == x:
48 return i
49 return -1
50 def display(self):
51 for i in range(self.curlen):
52 print(self.listitem[i],end = "")
53 print()
55 list1 = SqList()
56 print(list1.listitem[0])
57 print(list1.get(1))
58 list1.insert1(1,9)
59 list1.display()
60 list1.remove(1)
61 list1.display()






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