

子函数事件不是很长,可以在子函数中间插入一些 QCoreApplication::processEvents




#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QObject>
#include <QDebug>
#include "worker.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
qDebug()<<"main thread is :"<<QThread::currentThreadId()<<endl; //打印主线程的线程号

QTimer *boss1 = new QTimer();
QThread *t1=new QThread(); //来一个新的线程
t1->start(); //启动线程
Worker w1("Bob"); //创建一个对象
w1.moveToThread(t1); //把这个对象移到线程t1里
QObject::connect(boss1, SIGNAL(timeout()), &w1, SLOT(run())); //通过信号槽机制将boss1和worker1连接起来,每个一段时间查一次看看员工工作没 QTimer *boss2 =new QTimer();
QThread *t2=new QThread(); //来一个新的线程
t2->start(); //启动线程
Worker w2("Stuart"); //创建一个对象
w2.moveToThread(t2); //把这个对象移到线程t2里
QObject::connect(boss2, SIGNAL(timeout()), &w2, SLOT(run())); boss1->start();
boss2->start(); return a.exec();



#ifndef WORKER_H
#define WORKER_H #include <QObject>
#include <iostream>
class Worker : public QObject
explicit Worker(QString name, QObject *parent = nullptr);
long runnum=0;
QString name; signals: public slots:
void run(void);
}; #endif // WORKER_H
#include "worker.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QThread>
Worker::Worker(QString name ,QObject *parent) : name(name),QObject(parent)
qDebug()<<"Hi, I'm worker:"<<name<<" at thread number:"<<QThread::currentThreadId()<<endl;
} void Worker::run()
qDebug()<<"I'm "<<name<<" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........";
qDebug()<<"you have spy me "<<runnum<<" times!"<< "I'm working at thread num :"<<QThread::currentThreadId()<<endl;
long s=1000;
for (long i=0; i<s;i++){ } }


main thread is : 0x6be0

Hi, I'm worker: "Bob"  at thread number: 0x6be0

Hi, I'm worker: "Stuart"  at thread number: 0x6be0

I'm  "Stuart"  don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
you have spy me 1 times! I'm working at thread num : 0x36c0 I'm "Bob" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
you have spy me 1 times! I'm working at thread num : 0x5ff0 I'm "Stuart" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
you have spy me 2 times! I'm working at thread num : 0x36c0 I'm "Stuart" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
you have spy me 3 times! I'm working at thread num : 0x36c0 I'm "Bob" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
I'm "Stuart" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
you have spy me 2 times! I'm working at thread num : 0x5ff0 you have spy me 4 times! I'm working at thread num : 0x36c0 I'm "Bob" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........
I'm "Stuart" don't spy me so frequently boss! I'm busy in my work..........



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