Falsy VS Truthy Value and == VS ===

  • Falsy values: undefined, null, 0, '', NaN
  • Truthy values: Not falsy values
var height;

    if (height) {
console.log('Variable is defined');
} else {
console.log('Variable has NOT been defined');

In this code above, the result is: Variable has NOT been defined, because height is undefined -- falsy value

So, if we insert height = 23 before if, height will become a truthy value. The result will be Variable is defined

	var height;
height = 23;
if (height) {
console.log('Variable is defined');
} else {
console.log('Variable has NOT been defined');

But again, if height = 0; , it will return Variable has NOT been defined

    var height;
height = 0;
if (height) {
console.log('Variable is defined');
} else {
console.log('Variable has NOT been defined');

Next I will talke about the ||, == and ===.

   var height;
height = 0;
if (height || height === 0) { // height == 0)
console.log('Variable is defined');
} else {
console.log('Variable has NOT been defined');

"||" means "or". Therefore, if will check the two conditions, if one of the condition is met, it will console.log 'Variable is defined'. Here, height === 0, so it returns Variable is defined.

Operation == is called "lenient" or "normal" equality. == only compares the value, it does not compair the type of value.

Operation === is called “strict” or “identical” equality. === compares the value and type. if var a=0, and int b=0, a=b returns false, because the type is different.

    console.log(23 == '23')  //--- ture
console.log(23 === '23') // ---false


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