
public class HKAddvisitor1
    public string code { set; get; }
    public string msg { set; get; }
    public string data { set; get; }


HKAddvisitor1 hKAddvisitor1 = new HKAddvisitor1()
    code = "1",
    data = "2",
    msg = "搞定",



Dictionary<string, string> GetFields<T>(T t)
    Dictionary<string, string> fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    var type = t.GetType().GetProperties();
    foreach (PropertyInfo item in type)
        var typeName = item.PropertyType.Name;
        if (typeName == "Nullable`1")
            typeName = item.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.FirstOrDefault().Name;
        Console.WriteLine("{0}-->{1}", item.Name, item.GetValue(t));
    return fields;


public class HKAddvisitor1
    public string sucode { set; get; }
    public string sumsg { set; get; }
    public string sudata { set; get; }

public class HKAddvisitor
    public string code { set; get; }
    public string msg { set; get; }
    public HKAddvisitor1 data { set; get; }


HKAddvisitor hKAddvisitor = new HKAddvisitor()
    code = "1",
    msg = "搞定",
    data = new HKAddvisitor1
        sucode = "2",
        sumsg = "heheh",
        sudata = "dsa"

Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
 GetInfoPropertys(hKAddvisitor, keyValuePairs);
foreach (var item in keyValuePairs)
    Console.WriteLine("属性名:{0},属性值:{1}", item.Key, item.Value);


void GetInfoPropertys(object objInfo, Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs)
    StringBuilder strB = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    if (objInfo == null) return;
    Type tInfo = objInfo.GetType();
    PropertyInfo[] pInfos = tInfo.GetProperties();
    if (tInfo.IsGenericType)
        System.Collections.ICollection Ilist = objInfo as System.Collections.ICollection;
        if (Ilist != null)
            strB.AppendFormat("集合⼦属性{0}<br/>", Ilist.Count);
            foreach (object obj in Ilist)
                GetInfoPropertys(obj, keyValuePairs);
    foreach (PropertyInfo pTemp in pInfos)
        string Pname = pTemp.Name;
        string pTypeName = pTemp.PropertyType.Name;
        object Pvalue = pTemp.GetValue(objInfo, null);
        if (pTemp.PropertyType.IsValueType || pTemp.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("String"))
            string value = (Pvalue == null ? "" : Pvalue.ToString());
            keyValuePairs.Add(Pname, value);
            Console.WriteLine("属性名:{0},属性类型:{1},属性值:{2}<br/>", Pname, pTypeName, value);
            strB.AppendFormat("属性名:{0},属性类型:{1},属性值:{2}<br/>", Pname, pTypeName, value);
            //string value = Pvalue == null ? "" : Pvalue.ToString();
            //Console.WriteLine("<br/><b>⼦类</b>,属性名:{0},属性类型:{1},属性值:{2}<br/>", Pname, pTypeName, value);
            //strB.AppendFormat("<br/><b>⼦类</b>,属性名:{0},属性类型:{1},属性值:{2}<br/>", Pname, pTypeName, value);
            //keyValuePairs.Add(Pname, value);
            GetInfoPropertys(Pvalue, keyValuePairs);


https://www.cnblogs.com/bmyblogs/p/9346843.html   (判断属性类型)

https://wenku.baidu.com/view/6b904c485bfafab069dc5022aaea998fcc2240e4.html   (递归)


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