

[root@stu100 ~]# cat test

boy took bat home

boy took bat home

girl took bat home

dog brought hat home

dog brought hat home

dog brought hat home 


[root@stu100 ~]# uniq test
boy took bat home
girl took bat home
dog brought hat home


[root@stu100 ~]# uniq -c test 

 boy took bat home 

 girl took bat home 

 dog brought hat home  

-c 参数显示文件中每行连续出现的次数。

[root@stu100 ~]# uniq -d test  

boy took bat home  

dog brought hat home  


[root@stu100 ~]# uniq -u test  

girl took bat home


[root@stu100 ~]# uniq -f  -s  test  

boy took bat home

-f(跳过的字段)和-s(跳过的字符数)选项忽略每行的前2个字段,忽略第二个空白字符和第三个字段的首字符(从跳过的字段数开始算起,与-f选项配合使用),结果at home

[root@stu100 ~]# uniq -f  test  

boy took bat home  

dog brought hat home

-f选项忽略每行的第一个字段,这样boy ,girl开头的行看起来是连续重复的行。

lxy@lxy-e440:~$ uniq -w  test.txt 

boy took bat home

girl took bat home

dog brought hat home

lxy@lxy-e440:~$ uniq -w  -u test.txt 

girl took bat home

lxy@lxy-e440:~$ uniq -w  -d test.txt 

boy took bat home

dog brought hat home

-w选项对每行第N 个字符以后的内容不作对照


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