

  1. 如果强制未开启,返回true(未熔断)。
  2. 如果强制开启,返回false(熔断)。
  3. 判断熔断标识
    1. 如果未熔断则返回true。
    2. 如果half_open,返回false(熔断)。
    3. 如果熔断,判断当前时间是否超过短路窗口期,
      1. 如果没有超过,返回false。
      2. 如果超过则返回true。 并设置熔断状态为half_open。









private Observable<R> applyHystrixSemantics(final AbstractCommand<R> _cmd) {
if (circuitBreaker.allowRequest()) {
return executeCommandAndObserve(_cmd)
} else {
return handleShortCircuitViaFallback();


static class HystrixCircuitBreakerImpl implements HystrixCircuitBreaker {
private final HystrixCommandProperties properties;
private final HystrixCommandMetrics metrics;
/* track whether this circuit is open/closed at any given point in time (default to false==closed) */
private AtomicBoolean circuitOpen = new AtomicBoolean(false);
/* when the circuit was marked open or was last allowed to try a 'singleTest' */
private AtomicLong circuitOpenedOrLastTestedTime = new AtomicLong();
protected HystrixCircuitBreakerImpl(HystrixCommandKey key, HystrixCommandGroupKey commandGroup, HystrixCommandProperties properties, HystrixCommandMetrics metrics) {
this.properties = properties;
this.metrics = metrics;
public void markSuccess() {
if (circuitOpen.get()) {
if (circuitOpen.compareAndSet(true, false)) {
//win the thread race to reset metrics
//Unsubscribe from the current stream to reset the health counts stream. This only affects the health counts view,
//and all other metric consumers are unaffected by the reset
} @Override
public boolean allowRequest() {
if (properties.circuitBreakerForceOpen().get()) {
// properties have asked us to force the circuit open so we will allow NO requests
return false;
if (properties.circuitBreakerForceClosed().get()) {
// we still want to allow isOpen() to perform it's calculations so we simulate normal behavior
// properties have asked us to ignore errors so we will ignore the results of isOpen and just allow all traffic through
return true;
return !isOpen() || allowSingleTest();
} public boolean allowSingleTest() {
long timeCircuitOpenedOrWasLastTested = circuitOpenedOrLastTestedTime.get();
// 1) if the circuit is open
// 2) and it's been longer than 'sleepWindow' since we opened the circuit
if (circuitOpen.get() && System.currentTimeMillis() > timeCircuitOpenedOrWasLastTested + properties.circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds().get()) {
// We push the 'circuitOpenedTime' ahead by 'sleepWindow' since we have allowed one request to try.
// If it succeeds the circuit will be closed, otherwise another singleTest will be allowed at the end of the 'sleepWindow'.
if (circuitOpenedOrLastTestedTime.compareAndSet(timeCircuitOpenedOrWasLastTested, System.currentTimeMillis())) {
// if this returns true that means we set the time so we'll return true to allow the singleTest
// if it returned false it means another thread raced us and allowed the singleTest before we did
return true;
return false;
} @Override
public boolean isOpen() {
if (circuitOpen.get()) {
// if we're open we immediately return true and don't bother attempting to 'close' ourself as that is left to allowSingleTest and a subsequent successful test to close
return true;
// we're closed, so let's see if errors have made us so we should trip the circuit open
HealthCounts health = metrics.getHealthCounts();
// check if we are past the statisticalWindowVolumeThreshold
if (health.getTotalRequests() < properties.circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold().get()) {
// we are not past the minimum volume threshold for the statisticalWindow so we'll return false immediately and not calculate anything
return false;
if (health.getErrorPercentage() < properties.circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage().get()) {
return false;
} else {
// our failure rate is too high, trip the circuit
if (circuitOpen.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// if the previousValue was false then we want to set the currentTime
return true;
} else {
// How could previousValue be true? If another thread was going through this code at the same time a race-condition could have
// caused another thread to set it to true already even though we were in the process of doing the same
// In this case, we know the circuit is open, so let the other thread set the currentTime and report back that the circuit is open
return true;
} }


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