
Chenjb is the task author of the 71-st Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest. He created an NP-Hard problem on a graph with n vertices, the intended solution of which is DFS with branching and pruning. Chenjb is an experienced task author, he knows that the constraints can't be too tight, so he will set the time limit t to be 3x, where x is the running time of the intended solution on the slowest test case.

Chenjb heard that the contest would be unfortunately held on Potato OJ, whose hardware is not so good. To protect Potato OJ from being overloaded and the contest being a failure, Chenjb plans to cut down the input size of his task. He has tested the running time of the intended solution and the brute-force solution for various values of n. Note that for simplicity, we assume the running time of the solutions on a test case only depends on the value of n.

Please help Chenjb find the smallest value of n such that 1≤nm, and the brute-force solution won't pass the problem. Note that if the time limit is t, we assume that a solution will pass if and only if its running time on each test case is smaller than or equal to t.


The input contains multiple cases. The first line of the input contains a single integer T (1≤T≤50), the number of cases.

For each case, the first line of the input contains a single integer m (1≤m≤50), denoting the upper bound of n.

The second line contains m integers a1,a2,…,a**m (1≤a**i≤100,a**ia**i+1), the i-th of which denotes the running time of the intended solution when n=i.

The third line contains m integers b1,b2,…,b**m (1≤b**i≤100,b**ib**i+1), the i-th of which denotes the running time of the brute-force solution when n=i.


For each case, print a single line containing a single integer denoting the minimum possible value of n. If there is no solution, print −1 instead.

Sample Input:

1 2 7 20
2 5 30 40
2 3 3
5 7 8

Sample Output:







for i in range(T):
intend=[int(i) for i in intend]
brute=[int(i) for i in brute]
for i in range(len(intend)):
if intend[i]*3 < brute[i]:


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