c++ web framework很少,

随着c++ 热度升温,c++ 在人工智能 自然语言处理 加快应用。

最近一款国产 c++ web framework 问世


  1. 自带json内置支持

  2. 支持多域名网站

  3. 支持多域名ssl 服务端

  4. 支持http1.1、http2协议

  5. 支持websocket服务端,

  6. 框架自带websocket推送,支持定时推送到webscoket客户端

  7. 支持同步httpclient get post

  8. 框架自带ORM,使用链接池方式,目前支持mysql

  9. 框架自带线程池,和用户代码运行的线程池

  10. 框架使用asio自带的协程

  11. 框架特色是I/O 使用协程池 运行使用线程池

  12. 框架支持普通文件gzip br

  13. 框架解析URL和POST,解析结果类似PHP GET POST方式获取内容

  14. 集成sendmail

  15. 生成二维码(qrcode),需要gd、qrencode库

目前支持mac linux



主要是写业务代码优雅,方便 CURD例子

#include "orm.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include "md5.h"
#include "func.h"
#include "httppeer.h"
#include "testcurd.h"
namespace http
{ std::string articlelogin(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
// step1 show login page
return "";
std::string articleloginpost(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
// step2
// get login/login post field
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
std::string username = client.post["username"].to_string();
std::string password = client.post["password"].to_string(); auto users = orm::cms::User();
std::string md5string; try
md5string = md5(password);
users.where("name=", username).whereAnd("password=", md5string).limit(1).fetch();
// view orm create sql
// client<<"<p>"<<users.sqlstring<<"</p>";
if (users.getUserid() > 0)
// save session,other page get int userid= client.session["userid"].to_int();
client.session["userid"] = users.getUserid();
return "";
return "";
catch (std::exception &e)
client << "<p>" << e.what() << "</p>";
return "";
} return "";
std::string articlelist(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
// step3 content list
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
int userid = client.session["userid"].to_int();
if (userid == 0)
// client.goto_url("/cms/login");
client.val["msg"] = "<a href=\"/cms/login\">Please login </a>";
} auto articles = orm::cms::Article(); int page = client.get["page"].to_int();
if (page < 0)
page = 0;
page = page * 20;
articles.where("isopen=1").order(" aid desc ").limit(page, 20).fetch();
// 也可以直接返回OBJ_VALUE 对象; 不过正常业务会要处理下结果集
// You can also return the OBJ_VALUE object directly; but normal business process will need to process the result set
if (articles.size() > 0)
for (auto &bb : articles)
{ OBJ_ARRAY item;
item["aid"] = bb.aid;
item["title"] = bb.title;
item["createtime"] = bb.createtime;
item["summary"] = bb.summary;
// client<<"<p><a href=\"/cms/show?id="<<bb.aid<<"\">"<<bb.title<<"</a> "<<bb.createtime<<" </p>";
} peer->view("cms/list");
return "";
std::string articleshow(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
// step4
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
auto articles = orm::cms::Article();
int aid = client.get["id"].to_int(); articles.where("isopen=1").where(" aid=", aid).limit(1).fetch(); client.val["title"] = articles.getTitle();
client.val["content"] = articles.getContent(); peer->view("cms/show");
return "";
std::string articleedit(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
// same the show content
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
auto articles = orm::cms::Article();
int aid = client.get["id"].to_int(); articles.where("isopen=1").where(" aid=", aid).limit(1).fetch(); client.val["title"] = articles.getTitle();
client.val["content"] = html_encode(articles.getRefContent());
client.val["aid"] = articles.getAid();
return "";
} std::string articleeditpost(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
std::string title = client.post["title"].to_string();
std::string content = client.post["content"].to_string();
unsigned int aid = client.post["aid"].to_int(); auto articles = orm::cms::Article();
// articles.where("isopen=1").where(" aid=",aid).limit(1).fetch();
// articles.data.aid=aid;
// articles.data.title=title;
// articles.setAid(aid);
// articles.setTitle("直接标题");
articles.setContent(content); articles.where(" aid=", aid);
int effectnum = 0;
effectnum = articles.update("title,content");
catch (std::exception &e)
client << "<p>" << articles.sqlstring << "</p>";
client << "<p>" << e.what() << "</p>";
return "";
if (effectnum > 0)
{ client.goto_url("/cms/list", 3, "内容已经更新");
return "";
client.goto_url("/cms/list", 3, "更新出错(error)");
return "";
} return "";
} std::string articleadd(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
return "";
std::string articleaddpost(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
std::string title = client.post["title"].to_string();
std::string content = client.post["content"].to_string();
unsigned int aid = 0; auto articles = orm::cms::Article(); // articles.data.aid=aid;
// articles.data.title=title;
// articles.setAid(aid);
articles.setCreatetime(date("%Y-%m-%d %X")); // Y-m-d H:i:s
articles.setAddtime(timeid()); // unix timestamp
articles.setAddip(client.client_ip); // client ip
// articles.setTitle("直接标题");
articles.setContent(content); int effectnum = 0;
effectnum = articles.save();
aid = articles.getAid();
client << "<p>新(new)id " << aid << " 或 新(new)id " << effectnum << "</p>";
catch (std::exception &e)
client << "<p>" << articles.sqlstring << "</p>";
client << "<p>" << e.what() << "</p>";
return "";
if (effectnum > 0)
{ client.goto_url("/cms/list", 3, "内容已经添加");
return "";
client.goto_url("/cms/list", 3, "添加出错(error)");
return "";
} return "";
std::string articledelete(std::shared_ptr<httppeer> peer)
httppeer &client = peer->getpeer();
unsigned int aid = client.get["id"].to_int(); auto articles = orm::cms::Article();
//  可以先查询是否存在或有权限之类
// articles.where("isopen=1").where(" aid=",aid).limit(1).fetch(); int effectnum = 0;
effectnum = articles.remove(aid);
catch (std::exception &e)
client << "<p>" << articles.sqlstring << "</p>";
client << "<p>" << e.what() << "</p>";
return "";
if (effectnum > 0)
{ client.goto_url("/cms/list", 3, "内容已经删除");
return "";
client.goto_url("/cms/list", 3, "删除出错(error)");
return "";
} return "";



  1. tp5 model 中的软删除
  2. 配置apache和nginx的tomcat负载均衡
  3. 【requireJS源码学习01】了解整个requireJS的结构
  4. HTML5新特性之移动设备API
  5. opengl画圆
  6. Web 研发模式演变
  7. PHP去除空白字符
  8. ajax+json数据传输
  9. Chapter 18_0 数学库
  10. 利用python的爬虫技术爬去糗事百科的段子
  11. Windows 2008服务器环境PHP连接SQL Server数据库的配置及连接方法
  12. eclipse(Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)) groovy plugin install process.
  13. MySQL Err(1024):Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
  14. yafu安装使用方法以及mismatched parens解决方法
  15. [Golang] 从零開始写Socket Server(4):将执行參数放入配置文件(XML/YAML)
  16. python中 将你的名字转化成为二进制并输出
  17. CentOS Docker环境搭建教程
  18. Linux的文件的打包(tar方法)
  19. Python练习-生成器-一个生成器被坑的体无完肤
  20. 跨平台app开发(引擎)工具的选择【转】


  1. flutter系列之:把box布局用出花来
  2. day49-JDBC和连接池05
  3. C语言------选择结构
  4. 齐博x1头部底部菜单高亮设置
  5. vue3学习记录(新特性)
  6. 虚拟机里网络连接的几种方式说明(桥接,NAT, 仅主机)
  7. 使用jmx exporter采集kafka指标
  8. Go语言核心36讲10
  9. python(牛客)试题解析3 - 困难
  10. Java实现Excel批量导入数据库