





# 在不使用SQL过程化编程的情况下,实现一个条件结构:
# 请你筛选表中的数据,当有任意一个0级用户未完成试卷数大于2时,输出每个0级用户的试卷未完成数和未完成率(保留3位小数);若不存在这样的用户,则输出所有有作答记录的用户的这两个指标。结果按未完成率升序排序。 with total_info as( # 先建立一张大宽表
select ui.*,er.exam_id,er.start_time,er.submit_time,er.score
from user_info ui
join exam_record er
on ui.uid=er.uid
total_ans as # 包含答案的全部信息
select ui.uid,ui.level,
(case when t1.incomplete_cnt is null then 0 else t1.incomplete_cnt end) as incomplete_cnt,
(case when t1.exam_record_cnt is null then 0 else t1.exam_record_cnt end) as exam_record_cnt,
(case when t1.incomplete_rate is null then 0.000 else t1.incomplete_rate end) as incomplete_rate # 未完成率默认填0,保留3位小数后是0.000
from user_info ui left join
(select uid,
count((case when submit_time is null then 1 else null end)) as incomplete_cnt,
count(*) as exam_record_cnt,
ROUND(count((case when submit_time is null then 1 else null end))/count(*),3) as incomplete_rate
from total_info
group by uid,level) t1
on t1.uid=ui.uid
ans_flaged as (
select *,
(case when level=0 then 1 else 0 end) as out1_flag, #如果走条件1,输出out1_flag为1的那些行。
(case when exam_record_cnt>0 then 1 else 0 end) as out2_flag #如果走条件2,输出out2_flag为1的那些行。
count(case when level=0 and incomplete_cnt>2 then 1 else null end) over() as if_flag # 每一行的if_flag都是相同的值,如果if_flag>0走条件1,如果if_flag=0走条件2
from total_ans
ans_to_be_refined as ( # 需要进一步提纯,得到最终结果
(case when if_flag>0 and out1_flag=1 then uid
when if_flag=0 and out2_flag=1 then uid
else null
end) as for_null_filter, # 为了之后where过滤使用
uid, incomplete_cnt, incomplete_rate
from ans_flaged
select uid, incomplete_cnt, incomplete_rate
from ans_to_be_refined
where for_null_filter is not null
order by incomplete_rate asc


### 等价的EXISTS代码,别人写的
# select ui.uid,count(*)-count(submit_time) incomplete_cnt,round(1-count(submit_time)/count(*),3) incomplete_rate
# from exam_record er
# left join user_info ui using(uid)
# where level = 0
# group by uid
# order by incomplete_rate -- 第一步 做出所有人的两个指标
with t as
select t.uid,level,sum(start_time is not null and submit_time is null) as incomplete_cnt,
round(sum(start_time is not null and submit_time is null)/count(1),3) as incomplete_rate,
count(exam_id) as num
from user_info t
left join exam_record t1 on t.uid = t1.uid
group by t.uid
-- 第二步 冲
select uid,incomplete_cnt,incomplete_rate
from t
where EXISTS (
select uid from t where level=0 and incomplete_cnt>2
) and level=0
union ALL
select uid,incomplete_cnt,incomplete_rate
from t
where not EXISTS (
select uid from t where level=0 and incomplete_cnt>2
) and num>0
order by incomplete_rate


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