The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.


I will be satisfied if I can be superior to the previous self.

I firmly believe that if I can overcome yesterday's own, feel a little bit progress, then I will experience the joy of hard work and continue the passion for life.

The only thing that separates you from others is your quirks, or even flaws.


Your quirks or your flaws may give others deeper impressions than your advantages.

If you want to make your advantages more visible, you must put more efforts on them.


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  4. ServletConfig与ServletContext
  5. Python获取目录、文件的注意事项
  6. plupload文件上传插件
  7. gcd&&lcm
  8. 第八十四节,css布局小技巧及font-awesome图标使用
  9. Fiddler捕获localhost的网站
  10. .NET平台下使用Redis
  11. centos 7 默认图形界面(或者字符界面)启动
  12. Python-collections模块-57
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  14. android studio样式文件汇总
  15. webrtc学习: 部署stun和turn服务器
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  17. 本地缓存之GUAVA
  18. #2009. 「SCOI2015」小凸玩密室
  19. Python IDLE快捷键【转载合集】
  20. WebLogic发布S2SH应用时提示ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlToken异常


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  3. C++实现顺序查找,折半查找,插值查找
  4. Python(3):文件读写与异常
  5. SQL Server 两个时间段的差and时间截取到时分
  6. flask中的数据操作
  7. [PHP] 试题系统研究
  8. JAVA基础之——方法直接用类名.的理解
  9. Java8实战Lambda和Stram API学习
  10. python(九):迭代器与生成器