

const Mat& sum                积分图片

const Mat& mask_sum

vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints   关键点

int nOctaves                  金字塔的阶数

int nOctaveLayers             每阶金字塔的中间层数

float hessianThreshold        Hessian阀值


static void fastHessianDetector( const Mat& sum, const Mat& mask_sum, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, float hessianThreshold )
const int SAMPLE_STEP0 = 1; int nTotalLayers = (nOctaveLayers+2)*nOctaves;//全部层的数目
int nMiddleLayers = nOctaveLayers*nOctaves;//全部中间层的数目 vector<Mat> dets(nTotalLayers);//全部层dets
vector<Mat> traces(nTotalLayers);//全部层tra
vector<int> sizes(nTotalLayers);//全部层滤波器尺寸
vector<int> sampleSteps(nTotalLayers);//全部层採样比例
vector<int> middleIndices(nMiddleLayers);//全部中间层的索引 keypoints.clear(); // Allocate space and calculate properties of each layer
int index = 0, middleIndex = 0, step = SAMPLE_STEP0;//第一阶梯的採样比例设置为1 for( int octave = 0; octave < nOctaves; octave++ )//阶梯循环
for( int layer = 0; layer < nOctaveLayers+2; layer++ )//层循环
dets[index].create( (sum.rows-1)/step, (sum.cols-1)/step, CV_32F );
traces[index].create( (sum.rows-1)/step, (sum.cols-1)/step, CV_32F );
sizes[index] = (SURF_HAAR_SIZE0 + SURF_HAAR_SIZE_INC*layer) << octave;//滤波器大小
sampleSteps[index] = step;//图片比例尺寸 if( 0 < layer && layer <= nOctaveLayers )//记录中间层索引
middleIndices[middleIndex++] = index;
step *= 2;//进入下一阶梯时。比例放大两倍
} //生成全部层数据。SURFBuildInvoker函数在第(3)点分析
parallel_for( BlockedRange(0, nTotalLayers),
SURFBuildInvoker(sum, sizes, sampleSteps, dets, traces) ); // Find maxima in the determinant of the hessian
parallel_for( BlockedRange(0, nMiddleLayers),
SURFFindInvoker(sum, mask_sum, dets, traces, sizes,
sampleSteps, middleIndices, keypoints,
nOctaveLayers, hessianThreshold) ); std::sort(keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end(), KeypointGreater());



struct SURFBuildInvoker
SURFBuildInvoker( const Mat& _sum, const vector<int>& _sizes,
const vector<int>& _sampleSteps,
vector<Mat>& _dets, vector<Mat>& _traces )
sum = &_sum;
sizes = &_sizes;
sampleSteps = &_sampleSteps;
dets = &_dets;
traces = &_traces;
} void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
for( int i=range.begin(); i<range.end(); i++ )
calcLayerDetAndTrace( *sum, (*sizes)[i], (*sampleSteps)[i], (*dets)[i], (*traces)[i] );
} const Mat *sum;
const vector<int> *sizes;
const vector<int> *sampleSteps;
vector<Mat>* dets;
vector<Mat>* traces;




const Mat& sum    积分图像

int size                    滤波器大小

sampleStep            图像採样比例

Mat& det                det数据

Mat& trace            trace数据


static void calcLayerDetAndTrace( const Mat& sum, int size, int sampleStep,
Mat& det, Mat& trace )
const int NX=3, NY=3, NXY=4;//3个滤波器的各个子块
const int dx_s[NX][5] = { {0, 2, 3, 7, 1}, {3, 2, 6, 7, -2}, {6, 2, 9, 7, 1} };
const int dy_s[NY][5] = { {2, 0, 7, 3, 1}, {2, 3, 7, 6, -2}, {2, 6, 7, 9, 1} };
const int dxy_s[NXY][5] = { {1, 1, 4, 4, 1}, {5, 1, 8, 4, -1}, {1, 5, 4, 8, -1}, {5, 5, 8, 8, 1} }; /*
struct SurfHF
int p0, p1, p2, p3;
float w; SurfHF(): p0(0), p1(0), p2(0), p3(0), w(0) {}
SurfHF Dx[NX], Dy[NY], Dxy[NXY]; if( size > sum.rows-1 || size > sum.cols-1 )
return; //计算出每一层滤波器各个子块在原积分图像中的起始坐标,在第(5)点分析
resizeHaarPattern( dx_s , Dx , NX , 9, size, sum.cols );
resizeHaarPattern( dy_s , Dy , NY , 9, size, sum.cols );
resizeHaarPattern( dxy_s, Dxy, NXY, 9, size, sum.cols ); /* The integral image 'sum' is one pixel bigger than the source image */
int samples_i = 1+(sum.rows-1-size)/sampleStep;
int samples_j = 1+(sum.cols-1-size)/sampleStep; /* Ignore pixels where some of the kernel is outside the image */
int margin = (size/2)/sampleStep; for( int i = 0; i < samples_i; i++ )
const int* sum_ptr = sum.ptr<int>(i*sampleStep);
float* det_ptr = &det.at<float>(i+margin, margin);
float* trace_ptr = &trace.at<float>(i+margin, margin);
for( int j = 0; j < samples_j; j++ )
float dx = calcHaarPattern( sum_ptr, Dx , 3 );
float dy = calcHaarPattern( sum_ptr, Dy , 3 );
float dxy = calcHaarPattern( sum_ptr, Dxy, 4 );
sum_ptr += sampleStep;
det_ptr[j] = dx*dy - 0.81f*dxy*dxy;
trace_ptr[j] = dx + dy;




const int src[][5]

SurfHF* dst

int n                      滤波器子块数目

int oldSize              旧滤波器大小

int newSize            新滤波器大小

int widthStep         原图像宽度


static void
resizeHaarPattern( const int src[][5], SurfHF* dst, int n, int oldSize, int newSize, int widthStep )
float ratio = (float)newSize/oldSize;
for( int k = 0; k < n; k++ )
int dx1 = cvRound( ratio*src[k][0] );//四舍五入
int dy1 = cvRound( ratio*src[k][1] );
int dx2 = cvRound( ratio*src[k][2] );
int dy2 = cvRound( ratio*src[k][3] );
dst[k].p0 = dy1*widthStep + dx1;
dst[k].p1 = dy2*widthStep + dx1;
dst[k].p2 = dy1*widthStep + dx2;
dst[k].p3 = dy2*widthStep + dx2;
//src[k][4]为加权数,1.0 /((float)(dx2-dx1)*(dy2-dy1))求此子块的均值
dst[k].w = src[k][4]/((float)(dx2-dx1)*(dy2-dy1));




const int* origin  原积分图像要计算的坐标点指针

const SurfHF* f    resizeHaarPattern中计算出的坐标定位点。或者说滤波器子块的相对于中心点的坐标关系

int n                     子块数目


inline float calcHaarPattern( const int* origin, const SurfHF* f, int n )
double d = 0;
for( int k = 0; k < n; k++ )
d += (origin[f[k].p0] + origin[f[k].p3] - origin[f[k].p1] - origin[f[k].p2])*f[k].w;
return (float)d;






const Mat& _sum          原积分图数据

const Mat& _mask_sum,

const vector<Mat>& _dets

const vector<Mat>& _traces

const vector<int>& _sizes        滤波器大小

const vector<int>& _sampleSteps      图片比例尺寸

const vector<int>& _middleIndices  中间层索引

vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints    关键点

int _nOctaveLayers          每一阶中间层数目

float _hessianThreshold             hessian阀值


struct SURFFindInvoker
SURFFindInvoker( const Mat& _sum, const Mat& _mask_sum,
const vector<Mat>& _dets, const vector<Mat>& _traces,
const vector<int>& _sizes, const vector<int>& _sampleSteps,
const vector<int>& _middleIndices, vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints,
int _nOctaveLayers, float _hessianThreshold )
sum = &_sum;
mask_sum = &_mask_sum;
dets = &_dets;
traces = &_traces;
sizes = &_sizes;
sampleSteps = &_sampleSteps;
middleIndices = &_middleIndices;
keypoints = &_keypoints;
nOctaveLayers = _nOctaveLayers;
hessianThreshold = _hessianThreshold;
static void findMaximaInLayer( const Mat& sum, const Mat& mask_sum,
const vector<Mat>& dets, const vector<Mat>& traces,
const vector<int>& sizes, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
int octave, int layer, float hessianThreshold, int sampleStep ); void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
for( int i=range.begin(); i<range.end(); i++ )
int layer = (*middleIndices)[i];
int octave = i / nOctaveLayers;
findMaximaInLayer( *sum, *mask_sum, *dets, *traces, *sizes,
*keypoints, octave, layer, hessianThreshold,
(*sampleSteps)[layer] );
} const Mat *sum;
const Mat *mask_sum;
const vector<Mat>* dets;
const vector<Mat>* traces;
const vector<int>* sizes;
const vector<int>* sampleSteps;
const vector<int>* middleIndices;
vector<KeyPoint>* keypoints;
int nOctaveLayers;
float hessianThreshold; #ifdef HAVE_TBB
static tbb::mutex findMaximaInLayer_m;




const Mat& sum         原积分图像

const Mat& mask_sum

const vector<Mat>& dets

const vector<Mat>& traces

const vector<int>& sizes    滤波器大小数组

vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints

int octave                   中间层所在的阶

int layer                   中间层索引

float hessianThreshold      hessian阀值

int sampleStep               所在中间层的图像比例


void SURFFindInvoker::findMaximaInLayer( const Mat& sum, const Mat& mask_sum,
const vector<Mat>& dets, const vector<Mat>& traces,
const vector<int>& sizes, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
int octave, int layer, float hessianThreshold, int sampleStep )
// Wavelet Data
const int NM=1;
const int dm[NM][5] = { {0, 0, 9, 9, 1} };
SurfHF Dm; int size = sizes[layer];//获取所在层的滤波器大小 // The integral image 'sum' is one pixel bigger than the source image
int layer_rows = (sum.rows-1)/sampleStep;
int layer_cols = (sum.cols-1)/sampleStep; // Ignore pixels without a 3x3x3 neighbourhood in the layer above
int margin = (sizes[layer+1]/2)/sampleStep+1; if( !mask_sum.empty() )
resizeHaarPattern( dm, &Dm, NM, 9, size, mask_sum.cols ); int step = (int)(dets[layer].step/dets[layer].elemSize());//获取所在层的像素宽 for( int i = margin; i < layer_rows - margin; i++ )
const float* det_ptr = dets[layer].ptr<float>(i);
const float* trace_ptr = traces[layer].ptr<float>(i);
for( int j = margin; j < layer_cols-margin; j++ )
float val0 = det_ptr[j];
if( val0 > hessianThreshold )//剔除对照度低的点
/* Coordinates for the start of the wavelet in the sum image. There
is some integer division involved, so don't try to simplify this
(cancel out sampleStep) without checking the result is the same */
int sum_i = sampleStep*(i-(size/2)/sampleStep);
int sum_j = sampleStep*(j-(size/2)/sampleStep); /* The 3x3x3 neighbouring samples around the maxima.
The maxima is included at N9[1][4] */ const float *det1 = &dets[layer-1].at<float>(i, j);//比較的最底层
const float *det2 = &dets[layer].at<float>(i, j);//比較的中间层
const float *det3 = &dets[layer+1].at<float>(i, j);//比較的最顶层
float N9[3][9] = { { det1[-step-1], det1[-step], det1[-step+1],
det1[-1] , det1[0] , det1[1],
det1[step-1] , det1[step] , det1[step+1] },
{ det2[-step-1], det2[-step], det2[-step+1],
det2[-1] , det2[0] , det2[1],
det2[step-1] , det2[step] , det2[step+1] },
{ det3[-step-1], det3[-step], det3[-step+1],
det3[-1] , det3[0] , det3[1],
det3[step-1] , det3[step] , det3[step+1] } }; /* Check the mask - why not just check the mask at the center of the wavelet? */
if( !mask_sum.empty() )
const int* mask_ptr = &mask_sum.at<int>(sum_i, sum_j);
float mval = calcHaarPattern( mask_ptr, &Dm, 1 );
if( mval < 0.5 )
}//!mask_sum.empty() /* Non-maxima suppression. val0 is at N9[1][4]*/
if( val0 > N9[0][0] && val0 > N9[0][1] && val0 > N9[0][2] &&
val0 > N9[0][3] && val0 > N9[0][4] && val0 > N9[0][5] &&
val0 > N9[0][6] && val0 > N9[0][7] && val0 > N9[0][8] &&
val0 > N9[1][0] && val0 > N9[1][1] && val0 > N9[1][2] &&
val0 > N9[1][3] && val0 > N9[1][5] &&
val0 > N9[1][6] && val0 > N9[1][7] && val0 > N9[1][8] &&
val0 > N9[2][0] && val0 > N9[2][1] && val0 > N9[2][2] &&
val0 > N9[2][3] && val0 > N9[2][4] && val0 > N9[2][5] &&
val0 > N9[2][6] && val0 > N9[2][7] && val0 > N9[2][8] )
/* Calculate the wavelet center coordinates for the maxima */
float center_i = sum_i + (size-1)*0.5f;//y
float center_j = sum_j + (size-1)*0.5f;//x /*
kpt.pt.x = center_j;//关键点在原图像中的坐标
kpt.pt.y = center_i;
kpt.size = (float)sizes[layer]//获取所在层的滤波器大小
kpt.angle = -1;//方向未定
kpt.response = val0;//海參响应值
kpt.class_id = CV_SIGN(trace_ptr[j]);//CV_SIGN(trace_ptr[j])推断dx+dy是否大于0,是为1,不是为-1
KeyPoint kpt( center_j, center_i, (float)sizes[layer],
-1, val0, octave, CV_SIGN(trace_ptr[j]) ); /* Interpolate maxima location within the 3x3x3 neighbourhood */
int ds = size - sizes[layer-1];//中间层与底层的滤波器尺寸差
int interp_ok = interpolateKeypoint( N9, sampleStep, sampleStep, ds, kpt ); /* Sometimes the interpolation step gives a negative size etc. */
if( interp_ok )
/*printf( "KeyPoint %f %f %d\n", point.pt.x, point.pt.y, point.size );*/
//#ifdef HAVE_TBB
// tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(findMaximaInLayer_m);
}//Non-maxima suppression
}//val0 > hessianThreshold




float N9[3][9] 3X3X3个数据

int dx         X方向上的图像比例

int dy

int ds         与邻近层的滤波器尺寸差

KeyPoint& kpt  关键点


static int
interpolateKeypoint( float N9[3][9], int dx, int dy, int ds, KeyPoint& kpt )
// 像素在x。y,s三个方向的偏导数
Vec3f b(-(N9[1][5]-N9[1][3])/2, // Negative 1st deriv with respect to x
-(N9[1][7]-N9[1][1])/2, // Negative 1st deriv with respect to y
-(N9[2][4]-N9[0][4])/2); // Negative 1st deriv with respect to s // 像素的Hessian矩阵
Matx33f A(
N9[1][3]-2*N9[1][4]+N9[1][5], // 2nd deriv x, x
(N9[1][8]-N9[1][6]-N9[1][2]+N9[1][0])/4, // 2nd deriv x, y
(N9[2][5]-N9[2][3]-N9[0][5]+N9[0][3])/4, // 2nd deriv x, s
(N9[1][8]-N9[1][6]-N9[1][2]+N9[1][0])/4, // 2nd deriv x, y
N9[1][1]-2*N9[1][4]+N9[1][7], // 2nd deriv y, y
(N9[2][7]-N9[2][1]-N9[0][7]+N9[0][1])/4, // 2nd deriv y, s
(N9[2][5]-N9[2][3]-N9[0][5]+N9[0][3])/4, // 2nd deriv x, s
(N9[2][7]-N9[2][1]-N9[0][7]+N9[0][1])/4, // 2nd deriv y, s
N9[0][4]-2*N9[1][4]+N9[2][4]); // 2nd deriv s, s Vec3f x = A.solve(b, DECOMP_LU); bool ok = (x[0] != 0 || x[1] != 0 || x[2] != 0) &&
std::abs(x[0]) <= 1 && std::abs(x[1]) <= 1 && std::abs(x[2]) <= 1; if( ok )
kpt.pt.x += x[0]*dx;
kpt.pt.y += x[1]*dy;
kpt.size = (float)cvRound( kpt.size + x[2]*ds );
return ok;




const Mat& _img

const Mat& _sum

vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints 关键点

Mat& _descriptors            描写叙述符

bool _extended               是否把64维描写叙述符拓展到128维

bool _upright                是否考虑旋转,false表示要考虑,upright为垂直的意思


struct SURFInvoker
enum { ORI_RADIUS = 6, ORI_WIN = 60, PATCH_SZ = 20 }; SURFInvoker( const Mat& _img, const Mat& _sum,
vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints, Mat& _descriptors,
bool _extended, bool _upright )
keypoints = &_keypoints;
descriptors = &_descriptors;
img = &_img;
sum = &_sum;
extended = _extended;
upright = _upright; // Simple bound for number of grid points in circle of radius ORI_RADIUS
const int nOriSampleBound = (2*ORI_RADIUS+1)*(2*ORI_RADIUS+1); // Allocate arrays
apt.resize(nOriSampleBound);// 特征点周围用于描写叙述方向的邻域的点
aptw.resize(nOriSampleBound);// 描写叙述方向时的高斯权
DW.resize(PATCH_SZ*PATCH_SZ); //特征描写叙述子的高斯加权。PATHC_SZ为特征描写叙述子的区域大小 20s(s这里初始为1了) /* Coordinates and weights of samples used to calculate orientation */
//(s=1.2∗L/9为特征点的尺度)这里把s近似为1 ORI_DADIUS = 6s
//nOriSampleBound为 矩形框内点的个数
Mat G_ori = getGaussianKernel( 2*ORI_RADIUS+1, SURF_ORI_SIGMA, CV_32F );
nOriSamples = 0;
for( int i = -ORI_RADIUS; i <= ORI_RADIUS; i++ )
for( int j = -ORI_RADIUS; j <= ORI_RADIUS; j++ )
if( i*i + j*j <= ORI_RADIUS*ORI_RADIUS )
apt[nOriSamples] = cvPoint(i,j);
aptw[nOriSamples++] = G_ori.at<float>(i+ORI_RADIUS,0) * G_ori.at<float>(j+ORI_RADIUS,0);
CV_Assert( nOriSamples <= nOriSampleBound ); /* Gaussian used to weight descriptor samples */
//用于生成特征描写叙述子的 高斯加权 sigma = 3.3s(s初取1)
Mat G_desc = getGaussianKernel( PATCH_SZ, SURF_DESC_SIGMA, CV_32F );
for( int i = 0; i < PATCH_SZ; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < PATCH_SZ; j++ )
DW[i*PATCH_SZ+j] = G_desc.at<float>(i,0) * G_desc.at<float>(j,0);
} void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
/* X and Y gradient wavelet data */
/* x与y方向上的 Harr小波,參数为4s */
const int NX=2, NY=2;
const int dx_s[NX][5] = {{0, 0, 2, 4, -1}, {2, 0, 4, 4, 1}};
const int dy_s[NY][5] = {{0, 0, 4, 2, 1}, {0, 2, 4, 4, -1}}; // Optimisation is better using nOriSampleBound than nOriSamples for
// array lengths. Maybe because it is a constant known at compile time
const int nOriSampleBound =(2*ORI_RADIUS+1)*(2*ORI_RADIUS+1); //用于计算HarrX响应、HarrY响应、特征点主方向
float X[nOriSampleBound], Y[nOriSampleBound], angle[nOriSampleBound];
// 20s * 20s区域的 梯度值
float DX[PATCH_SZ][PATCH_SZ], DY[PATCH_SZ][PATCH_SZ]; CvMat matX = cvMat(1, nOriSampleBound, CV_32F, X);
CvMat matY = cvMat(1, nOriSampleBound, CV_32F, Y);
CvMat _angle = cvMat(1, nOriSampleBound, CV_32F, angle);
Mat _patch(PATCH_SZ+1, PATCH_SZ+1, CV_8U, PATCH); int dsize = extended ? 128 : 64;//是否把64维描写叙述符拓展到128维 int k, k1 = range.begin(), k2 = range.end();//keypoints数目
float maxSize = 0;
for( k = k1; k < k2; k++ )
maxSize = std::max(maxSize, (*keypoints)[k].size);
} // maxSize*1.2/9 表示最大的尺度 s
int imaxSize = std::max(cvCeil((PATCH_SZ+1)*maxSize*1.2f/9.0f), 1);
Ptr<CvMat> winbuf = cvCreateMat( 1, imaxSize*imaxSize, CV_8U ); for( k = k1; k < k2; k++ )
int i, j, kk, nangle;
float* vec;
SurfHF dx_t[NX], dy_t[NY];
KeyPoint& kp = (*keypoints)[k];
float size = kp.size;//此关键点的Harr小波模板尺寸
Point2f center = kp.pt;//获取关键点坐标,座位模板中心点
/* The sampling intervals and wavelet sized for selecting an orientation
and building the keypoint descriptor are defined relative to 's' */
float s = size*1.2f/9.0f;
/* To find the dominant orientation, the gradients in x and y are
sampled in a circle of radius 6s using wavelets of size 4s.
We ensure the gradient wavelet size is even to ensure the
wavelet pattern is balanced and symmetric around its center */
int grad_wav_size = 2*cvRound( 2*s );
if( sum->rows < grad_wav_size || sum->cols < grad_wav_size )
/* when grad_wav_size is too big,
* the sampling of gradient will be meaningless
* mark keypoint for deletion. */
kp.size = -1;
} float descriptor_dir = 360.f - 90.f;
if (upright == 0)
resizeHaarPattern( dx_s, dx_t, NX, 4, grad_wav_size, sum->cols );
resizeHaarPattern( dy_s, dy_t, NY, 4, grad_wav_size, sum->cols );
for( kk = 0, nangle = 0; kk < nOriSamples; kk++ )//nOriSamples = 169
int x = cvRound( center.x + apt[kk].x*s - (float)(grad_wav_size-1)/2 );
int y = cvRound( center.y + apt[kk].y*s - (float)(grad_wav_size-1)/2 );
if( y < 0 || y >= sum->rows - grad_wav_size ||
x < 0 || x >= sum->cols - grad_wav_size )
const int* ptr = &sum->at<int>(y, x);//获取原积分图像素值
float vx = calcHaarPattern( ptr, dx_t, 2 );//计算HarrX响应
float vy = calcHaarPattern( ptr, dy_t, 2 );//计算HarrY响应
X[nangle] = vx*aptw[kk];
Y[nangle] = vy*aptw[kk];
if( nangle == 0 )
// No gradient could be sampled because the keypoint is too
// near too one or more of the sides of the image. As we
// therefore cannot find a dominant direction, we skip this
// keypoint and mark it for later deletion from the sequence.
kp.size = -1;
}//nangle == 0
matX.cols = matY.cols = _angle.cols = nangle;
cvCartToPolar( &matX, &matY, 0, &_angle, 1 ); //求出主方向
float bestx = 0, besty = 0, descriptor_mod = 0;
for( i = 0; i < 360; i += SURF_ORI_SEARCH_INC )
float sumx = 0, sumy = 0, temp_mod;
for( j = 0; j < nangle; j++ )
int d = std::abs(cvRound(angle[j]) - i);
if( d < ORI_WIN/2 || d > 360-ORI_WIN/2 )
sumx += X[j];
sumy += Y[j];
temp_mod = sumx*sumx + sumy*sumy;
if( temp_mod > descriptor_mod )
descriptor_mod = temp_mod;
bestx = sumx;
besty = sumy;
}//temp_mod > descriptor_mod
descriptor_dir = fastAtan2( -besty, bestx );
}//upright == 0 kp.angle = descriptor_dir;
if( !descriptors || !descriptors->data )
continue; /* Extract a window of pixels around the keypoint of size 20s */
/* 用特征点周围20*s为边长的邻域 计算特征描写叙述子 */
int win_size = (int)((PATCH_SZ+1)*s);//20*s邻域窗体大小
CV_Assert( winbuf->cols >= win_size*win_size );
Mat win(win_size, win_size, CV_8U, winbuf->data.ptr); if( !upright )//考虑旋转
descriptor_dir *= (float)(CV_PI/180);//转为弧度
float sin_dir = -std::sin(descriptor_dir);
float cos_dir = std::cos(descriptor_dir); /* Subpixel interpolation version (slower). Subpixel not required since
the pixels will all get averaged when we scale down to 20 pixels */
float w[] = { cos_dir, sin_dir, center.x,
-sin_dir, cos_dir , center.y };
CvMat W = cvMat(2, 3, CV_32F, w);
cvGetQuadrangleSubPix( img, &win, &W );
*/ //旋转到主方向
float win_offset = -(float)(win_size-1)/2;
float start_x = center.x + win_offset*cos_dir + win_offset*sin_dir;
float start_y = center.y - win_offset*sin_dir + win_offset*cos_dir;
uchar* WIN = win.data;
//#if 0
// // Nearest neighbour version (faster)
// for( i = 0; i < win_size; i++, start_x += sin_dir, start_y += cos_dir )
// {
// float pixel_x = start_x;
// float pixel_y = start_y;
// for( j = 0; j < win_size; j++, pixel_x += cos_dir, pixel_y -= sin_dir )
// {
// int x = std::min(std::max(cvRound(pixel_x), 0), img->cols-1);
// int y = std::min(std::max(cvRound(pixel_y), 0), img->rows-1);
// WIN[i*win_size + j] = img->at<uchar>(y, x);
// }
// }
int ncols1 = img->cols-1, nrows1 = img->rows-1;
size_t imgstep = img->step;
for( i = 0; i < win_size; i++, start_x += sin_dir, start_y += cos_dir )
double pixel_x = start_x;
double pixel_y = start_y;
for( j = 0; j < win_size; j++, pixel_x += cos_dir, pixel_y -= sin_dir )
int ix = cvFloor(pixel_x), iy = cvFloor(pixel_y);
if( (unsigned)ix < (unsigned)ncols1 &&
(unsigned)iy < (unsigned)nrows1 )
float a = (float)(pixel_x - ix), b = (float)(pixel_y - iy);
const uchar* imgptr = &img->at<uchar>(iy, ix);
WIN[i*win_size + j] = (uchar)
cvRound(imgptr[0]*(1.f - a)*(1.f - b) +
imgptr[1]*a*(1.f - b) +
imgptr[imgstep]*(1.f - a)*b +
int x = std::min(std::max(cvRound(pixel_x), 0), ncols1);
int y = std::min(std::max(cvRound(pixel_y), 0), nrows1);
WIN[i*win_size + j] = img->at<uchar>(y, x);
// extract rect - slightly optimized version of the code above
// TODO: find faster code, as this is simply an extract rect operation,
// e.g. by using cvGetSubRect, problem is the border processing
// descriptor_dir == 90 grad
// sin_dir == 1
// cos_dir == 0 float win_offset = -(float)(win_size-1)/2;
int start_x = cvRound(center.x + win_offset);
int start_y = cvRound(center.y - win_offset);
uchar* WIN = win.data;
for( i = 0; i < win_size; i++, start_x++ )
int pixel_x = start_x;
int pixel_y = start_y;
for( j = 0; j < win_size; j++, pixel_y-- )
int x = MAX( pixel_x, 0 );
int y = MAX( pixel_y, 0 );
x = MIN( x, img->cols-1 );
y = MIN( y, img->rows-1 );
WIN[i*win_size + j] = img->at<uchar>(y, x);
// Scale the window to size PATCH_SZ so each pixel's size is s. This
// makes calculating the gradients with wavelets of size 2s easy
resize(win, _patch, _patch.size(), 0, 0, INTER_AREA); // Calculate gradients in x and y with wavelets of size 2s
for( i = 0; i < PATCH_SZ; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < PATCH_SZ; j++ )
float dw = DW[i*PATCH_SZ + j];
float vx = (PATCH[i][j+1] - PATCH[i][j] + PATCH[i+1][j+1] - PATCH[i+1][j])*dw;
float vy = (PATCH[i+1][j] - PATCH[i][j] + PATCH[i+1][j+1] - PATCH[i][j+1])*dw;
DX[i][j] = vx;
DY[i][j] = vy;
} // Construct the descriptor
vec = descriptors->ptr<float>(k);
for( kk = 0; kk < dsize; kk++ )
vec[kk] = 0;
double square_mag = 0;
if( extended )// 128-bin descriptor
// 128-bin descriptor
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for(int y = i*5; y < i*5+5; y++ )
for(int x = j*5; x < j*5+5; x++ )
float tx = DX[y][x], ty = DY[y][x];
if( ty >= 0 )
vec[0] += tx;
vec[1] += (float)fabs(tx);
} else {
vec[2] += tx;
vec[3] += (float)fabs(tx);
if ( tx >= 0 )
vec[4] += ty;
vec[5] += (float)fabs(ty);
} else {
vec[6] += ty;
vec[7] += (float)fabs(ty);
for( kk = 0; kk < 8; kk++ )
square_mag += vec[kk]*vec[kk];
vec += 8;
else// 64-bin descriptor
// 64-bin descriptor
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for(int y = i*5; y < i*5+5; y++ )
for(int x = j*5; x < j*5+5; x++ )
float tx = DX[y][x], ty = DY[y][x];
vec[0] += tx; vec[1] += ty;
vec[2] += (float)fabs(tx); vec[3] += (float)fabs(ty);
for( kk = 0; kk < 4; kk++ )
square_mag += vec[kk]*vec[kk];
} // unit vector is essential for contrast invariance
// 归一化描写叙述子以满足光照不变性
vec = descriptors->ptr<float>(k);
float scale = (float)(1./(sqrt(square_mag) + DBL_EPSILON));
for( kk = 0; kk < dsize; kk++ )
vec[kk] *= scale;
} // Parameters
const Mat* img;
const Mat* sum;
vector<KeyPoint>* keypoints;
Mat* descriptors;
bool extended;
bool upright; // Pre-calculated values
int nOriSamples;
vector<Point> apt;
vector<float> aptw;
vector<float> DW;


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