1,triplet_head.h 文件

 #define TRUE        1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVER_FLOW -2 typedef int Status;
typedef int ElemType;
typedef ElemType *Triplet; Status init_triplet(Triplet &t, ElemType v1, ElemType v2, ElemType v3);
//构造 Triplet t,并赋予3个元素的值为 v1,v2,v3
Status destroy_triplet(Triplet &t);
//销毁 Triplet t
Status get(Triplet t, int i, ElemType &e);
Status put(Triplet &t, int i, ElemType e); Status isAscending(Triplet t); Status isDescending(Triplet t); Status max(Triplet t, ElemType &e); Status min(Triplet t, ElemType &e);

2,triplet_impl.cpp 文件(首先,需要include "stdafx.h"(stdafx.hinclude了stdio.h);其次,引入stdlib.h和string.h; 再次,引入triplet_head.h)

 #include "stdafx.h"
#include "triplet_head.h" #include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> Status init_triplet(Triplet &t, ElemType v1, ElemType v2, ElemType v3)
t = (ElemType *)malloc(*sizeof(ElemType));
if(!t) return OVER_FLOW;
t[]=v1; t[]=v2; t[]=v3;
return OK;
} Status destroy_triplet(Triplet &t)
return OK;
} Status get(Triplet t, int i, ElemType &e)
if(i<||i>) return ERROR; e=t[i-];
return OK;
} Status put(Triplet &t, int i, ElemType e)
if(i<||i>) return ERROR; t[i-]=e;
return OK;
} Status isAscending(Triplet t)
return t[]<=t[] && t[]<=t[];
} Status max(Triplet t, ElemType &e)
e= (t[]>=t[])?(t[]>=t[]?t[]:t[]) : (t[]>=t[]?t[]:t[]);
return OK;

3,main函数(首先,还是需要include "stdafx.h",其次,引入实现triplet_impl.cpp)

 // Triplet.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// #include "stdafx.h"
#include "triplet_impl.cpp" int main()
Triplet t;
init_triplet(t, ,,);
ElemType e;
//判断是否 升序
printf("isAscending=%d\n", isAscending(t));
printf("isAscending=%d\n", isAscending(t));
return ;


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