
A nested class has these properties:

  1. A nested class is a proper class. That is, it could contain constructors, member variables and member methods. You can create an instance of a nested class via the new operator and constructor.
  2. A nested class is a member of the outer class, just like any member variables and methods defined inside a class.
  3. Most importantly, a nested class can access the private members (variables/methods) of the enclosing outer class, as it is at the same level as these private members. This is the property that makes inner class useful.
  4. A nested class can have private, public, protected, or the default access, just like any member variables and methods defined inside a class. A private inner class is only accessible by the enclosing outer class, and is not accessible by any other classes. [An top-level outer class cannot be declared private, as no one can use a private outer class.]
  5. A nested class can also be declared static, final or abstract, just like any ordinary class.
  6. A nested class is NOT a subclass of the outer class. That is, the nested class does not inherit the variables and methods of the outer class. It is an ordinary self-contained class. [Nonetheless, you could declare it as a subclass of the outer class, via keyword "extends OuterClassName", in the nested class's definition.]

The usages of nested class are:

  1. To control visibilities (of the member variables and methods) between inner/outer class. The nested class, being defined inside an outer class, can access private members of the outer class.
  2. To place a piece of class definition codes closer to where it is going to be used, to make the program clearer and easier to understand.
  3. For namespace management.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*; // An AWT GUI program inherits from the top-level container java.awt.Frame
public class AWTCounterNamedInnerClass extends Frame {
// This class is NOT a ActionListener, hence, it does not implement ActionListener // The event-handler actionPerformed() needs to access these "private" variables
private TextField tfCount;
private int count = 0; /** Constructor to setup the GUI */
public AWTCounterNamedInnerClass () {
setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // "super" Frame sets to FlowLayout
add(new Label("Counter")); // anonymous instance of Label
tfCount = new TextField("0", 10);
tfCount.setEditable(false); // read-only
add(tfCount); // "super" Frame adds tfCount Button btnCount = new Button("Count");
add(btnCount); // "super" Frame adds btnCount // Construct an anonymous instance of BtnCountListener (a named inner class).
// btnCount adds this instance as a ActionListener.
btnCount.addActionListener(new BtnCountListener()); setTitle("AWT Counter");
setSize(250, 100);
} /** The entry main method */
public static void main(String[] args) {
new AWTCounterNamedInnerClass(); // Let the constructor do the job
} /**
* BtnCountListener is a "named inner class" used as ActionListener.
* This inner class can access private variables of the outer class.
private class BtnCountListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
tfCount.setText(count + "");
} 2. import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*; // An AWT GUI program inherits from the top-level container java.awt.Frame
public class AWTCounterAnonymousInnerClass extends Frame {
// This class is NOT a ActionListener, hence, it does not implement ActionListener // The event-handler actionPerformed() needs to access these private variables
private TextField tfCount;
private int count = 0; /** Constructor to setup the GUI */
public AWTCounterAnonymousInnerClass () {
setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // "super" Frame sets to FlowLayout
add(new Label("Counter")); // an anonymous instance of Label
tfCount = new TextField("0", 10);
tfCount.setEditable(false); // read-only
add(tfCount); // "super" Frame adds tfCount Button btnCount = new Button("Count");
add(btnCount); // "super" Frame adds btnCount // Construct an anonymous instance of an anonymous class.
// btnCount adds this instance as a ActionListener.
btnCount.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
tfCount.setText(count + "");
}); setTitle("AWT Counter");
setSize(250, 100);
} /** The entry main method */
public static void main(String[] args) {
new AWTCounterAnonymousInnerClass(); // Let the constructor do the job


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