1:Aerospike Query Language

[root@localhost ~]#aql OPTIONS

-h <host> #Default:
-p <port> #Default: 3000
-c <command>
-f <filepath>
-v #Enable verbose output.
-e #Enable echoing of commands.
-T <milliseconds> #Set the timeout (ms) for commands.#Default: 1000
-o (json | table) #Set the output mode.Default: table
-u <path> #Path to User managed UDF modules.
-s <path> #Path to the System managed UDF modules.
--help #Displays the usage information
  • Data Management
  • aql> show namespaces
    aql> show sets
    aql> show bins


  • UDF Management
  • Index Management
  • SHOW INDEXES [<ns>]
    例子:show indexes test CREATE INDEX <index> ON <ns>[.<set>] (<bin>) <type>
    例子:create index idx_ind2 on test.ind('uname') string DROP INDEX <ns> <index>
    例子:drop index test idx_ind2 asinfo -v "sindex-repair:ns=test;indexname=ind_name;set=set_name;"
    | state | sync_state |
    | "RW" | "need_sync" |
    例子:asinfo -v "sindex-repair:ns=test;indexname=idx_ind;set=ind;"


  • Query and Scan Management
  • Record Operations
  • Querying Records
  • Statistics
  • Settings

2:Backup and Restore
Use a node outside the cluster and, in a distributed way, pull out all the cluster's data into a text file. Or, restore the data from one of these files. Source is included, allowing this tool to be modified.

3:Aerospike Monitor

4:Aerospike Admin
实时的监控集群的大小和健康状态。并且提供了管理集群的函数,该工具很快会替换Aerospike Monitor

5:Log Latency Tool
Aerospike contains a number of settings that allow latency issues in a server to be diagnosed. This tool analyzes a logfile and displays the different components of a transaction.

6:Aerospike Command Line

7:Aerospike Info
This low-level tool can make requests to an individual server over Aerospike's command language. Useful for gathering statistics, and also setting a variety of tuning parameters. Often used by higher level scripts.

8:Command Line Utility
This simple tools allows setting and getting individual values from the cluster. Good for basic validation.


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