1、cannot determine the location of the vs common tools folder

打开"VS2013开发人员命令提示后",上面提示"cannot determine the location of the vs common tools folder",于是打开VC/bin目录下的vcvars32.bat,发现没有找到环境变量VS120COMNTOOLS。但是,我明明添加了VS120COMNTOOLS这个环境变量。为什么VS识别不出VS120COMNTOOLS?


原文:he problem is that the bat uses de reg command and it searches that in the PATH system variable. Somehow you have managed to get "C:\Windows\System32" out of the PATH variable, so just go to the system variables (right click "My Computer"
> "Properties" > advanced config > "Environment Variables", search the PATH variable and add at the end separated by ";" :


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