
Alexey Palazhchenko edited this page on 9 Jul · 89 revisions

Welcome to the Go wiki, a collection of information about the Go Programming LanguageAwesome Go is another great resource for Go programmers, curated by the Go community.


  • This wiki is open to editing by any member of the Go community with a GitHub account.
  • If you would like to add a new page, please first open an issue in the Go issue tracker with the prefix 'wiki' to propose the addition. Clearly state why the content does not fit into any of the existing pages.
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Table of Contents

Getting started with Go

Working with Go

Ready to write some Go code of your own? Here are a few links to help you get started.

Learning more about Go

Once you have an overview of the language, here are resources you can use to learn more.

The Go Community

Here are some of the places where you can find Gophers online. To get a sense of what it means to be a member of the Go community, read Damian Gryski's keynote from the GolankUK 2015 conference or watch Andrew Gerrand's closing keynote from GopherCon 2015.

Using the go toolchain

Additional Go Programming Wikis

Online Services that work with Go

If you're looking for services that support Go, here's a list to get you started.

Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production

Contributing to the Go Project

Platform Specific Information

Release Specific Information


  • Please refrain from changing the title of the wiki pages, as some of them might be linked to from golang.org or other websites.


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