



Percona XtraDB includes all of InnoDB ‘s robust, reliable ACID-compliant design and advanced MVCC architecture, and builds on that solid foundation with more features, more tunability, more metrics, and more scalability. In particular, it is designed to scale better on many cores, to use memory more efficiently, and to be more convenient and useful. The new features are especially designed to alleviate some of InnoDB ‘s limitations. We choose features and fixes based on customer requests and on our best judgment of real-world needs as a high-performance consulting company.

Percona XtraDB包括所有InnoDB强大,可靠的ACID兼容设计和先进的MVCC架构,并在此基础上构建,具有更多功能,更多可调性,更多指标和更多可扩展性。特别是,它可以在许多内核上更好地扩展,更有效地使用内存,并且更方便和有用。新功能专门用于缓解InnoDB的一些局限性。我们根据客户要求选择功能和修复,并根据我们对高性能咨询公司的实际需求做出最佳判断。


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